Monday, September 16, 2024

From Chiefnosewetter.... Itain'tholywater Nuked by the overlords...




My blog was deleted by Google.
It had to end some day.
Little old me violating community guidelines.

Stay well,

The Chief Nose Wetter



  1. Replies
    1. I second that! Knew something was going on. Bastids!

  2. It really, really sucks! Is Blogger the only game in town? Please find another host that is not run by the enemy of freedom.

    1. Winner winner chicken dinner!!!! Build a parallel world, and when they demand to be made a part of it, tell them to fuck off and go play with their own internet filled with faggots.

  3. That is what I figured.

  4. Dangit! I was just enjoying the crap out of scrolling through the site yesterday!!!! Hope you can bring it back.

  5. I was wondering what happened to ya. Gargoyle doesn’t like it when you post anything against the damn-ocrats’ narratives. Hopefully, you will move to another platform. Live free, watch your six, and stay safe.

  6. Sharing my email to everyone:
    Hello, As you may know, our Community Guidelines (https://blogger.com/go/contentpolicy) describe the boundaries for what we allow-- and don't allow-- on Blogger. Your blog titled "http://itaintholywater.blogspot.com/" was flagged to us for review. We have determined that it violates our guidelines and have made the URL http://itaintholywater.blogspot.com/ unavailable to blog readers. Why was your blog removed? Your content has violated our HATE policy. Please visit our Community Guidelines page linked in this email to learn more. If we feel that a blog's content does not fit within the expectations of our Policy, we no longer allow it to be publicly available. If you believe we made an error, you can request an appeal https://www.blogger.com/go/appeal-blog?blogId=9019539436058017141. You may have the option to pursue your claims in court. If you have legal questions or wish to examine legal options that may be available to you, you may want to consult with your own legal counsel. Sincerely, -The Blogger Team

    1. I have VERY much appreciated your point of view and your communiques over the years!
      I'm here if I can help.
      The Establishment has become Big Brother and it wasn't much of a trip for them.

    2. Sorry to hear this. Truly is BS my friend.

    3. Translation: "Something you said was too close to the truth for our liking."
      Fucking scumbags.

      We'll miss you Chief.

      Whitehall, NY

    4. They hate you for telling the truth.

    5. If only you had been hating on Trump...

    6. Why, in the name of all that's holy, do you guys still use blogger? There are many alternatives. Alternatives that'll take that backup of your site and recreate it in a few minutes. Pay a few shekels and get a better one. Hell, even wordpress.com is better.

      I think you are going to see a lot of this. They'll play fukfuk with any and all pro Trump sites for the next two months, then magically put them back later.

    7. I hate to hear this. I stopped by regularly, but commented rarely. Please let us know when you come up on another platform after you take a well-deserved rest. BMCS

  7. Well you’ve come back before I’ll be waiting

  8. Would you quit hatin' on people trying to kill their political opponent! Geeesh!!!

  9. Thanks for the update Irish. It confirms suspicions.
    Since before wu flew, Chief was a daily read. None could blame you if enough is enough. But, perhaps I am selfish. I hope you return.
    If you know “Bustednuckles”, he may have advice.
    G-d’s blessings, grace and protection to you and yours Sir.


  10. Thanks for the update Irish. It confirms suspicions.
    Since before wu flew, Chief was a daily read. None could blame you if enough is enough. But, perhaps I am selfish. I hope you return.
    If you know “Bustednuckles”, he may have advice.
    G-d’s blessings, grace and protection to you and yours Sir.


  11. You will abide by the laws of the rulers or you will be disappeared.

  12. I hope you can make it back into the blogosphere soon!
    Jeffery in Alabama

  13. Sooner or later, America is going to sort out these cretins that ban accounts at the drop of a hat. Just because they don't like what you have to say or post. I used to have a Facebook account with hundreds of friends, belonged to a FB forum that would meet for lunch or dinner, swap recipes, tell old stories of the town we all grew up in. Then, one day, Covid hit. I thought it was a scam from day one and refused to get vaccinated and told people they were risking their lives on posts on my account. I also was a big Trump fan and and posted things about my conservative views. I never posted anything remotely considered racist or involving nudity. Just Conservative values, Pro Trump, anti biden, and anti covid vaccines.
    One day I tried to log on and my account was terminated. No reason, no recourse. Just you're done, and tough shit.
    One day, I'd like to meet the guy that got my account terminated. Just to buy him a coffee or something. Just want to see him face to face.

  14. Not telling you exactly what the "hate" was is barnyard fowl feces. Censorship by the regime is an existential threat to our republic.

  15. Have the censors no sense of jocularity?? I salute u and hope for a resurrection of holy water chief!!

  16. Noticed that... Commies gotta be commies.

  17. What would it cost for a bunch of bloggers to get together, pool their finances, buy their own equipment, and set up their own host site? I have no idea myself, just throwing the idea out there for pondering.
    Why do all these conservative sites continue to chain themselves to the hosts that enslave them, and cancel them on a whim?
    President Elect B Woodman

  18. How do we contact those a$$ wipes, in order to express what we want vs what is allowed?

  19. Have never commented here before, but have gone to It A'int Holy Water for years and was so glad when he came back. Have been coming to Feral for quite a long time also and enjoy it. Google attacked another site I go to, Eric Peters Autos. Can still access it, but they have made it inconvenient. I encourage everyone to go to his site. Very good reading. Hopefully the Chief will come back.

  20. I believe DiveMedic over at Area Ocho has his own offshore server and hosts others like Big Country Expat, there.


  21. Chief, you're gonna be missed. Wherever you do come back please share its location with Irish. We'll be waiting to reengage.

  22. Free Speech is NOT Free.
    GOOGLE doesn't honor the Bill of Rights when comments/sites do not follow the DNC talking Points or narratives.
    The Chief Nose Wetter Was a Free Speech site, until Marxist/Communists whine and complain.

  23. What is this "community"? Who makes these "guidelines"? Is this another organization that suppresses free speech?

  24. So much for Freedom of Speech, may Musk should set up a Blog site for those who have been silenced. As the saying goes, If you want to piss of a liberal just tell them the truth. Not much truth in the lame stream media these days.

  25. We're probably in the infancy of what censorship is to become. I bet AI can listen in on phone calls and soon they will be able to stop your phone service based on what is said.

  26. You will be missed.
    I urge you to consider a new blog under Wordpress, even though they too are controlled by Google.
    Sometimes one must push the envelope to see the real boundaries.

  27. Thanks for the update, I wondered what happened to the site. That's the problem with using a Google owned site. I don't know where a blog can be safely hosted beyond the reach of the Democracists. I will look for your return as long as I did the last time. You have more numerous fans than you realize Chief.


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