Wednesday, December 31, 2014


   Another year passes us by. Thanks to all who stop by and visit this little corner of the webz!

Here's to a good 2015!!





 ( posted in absentia )




Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Gone Golfing.... Be Back Later

    If all goes as planned, you are reading this as I am enjoying a big omelet and coffee somewhere

in Myrtle Beach. One of my customers invited be down to play ( hopefully ) some golf. 

I think we are going to try the TIDEWATER :

Looks nice huh?

Does anyone have suggestions on golf or good restaurants to try?  Leave a comment and I'll check in for any ideas you might have.

 I think the condo is 20 minutes north of the airport.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Been to the mall lately?

Arm yourself, stay alert, be aware of your surroundings, know where exits are if you plan to visit your neighborhood mall (hell, any store, restaurant or public place these days!) any time in the near future.

Click here for an informative article from the American Thinker. 

Also check out this YouTube video.

♫♫ Music To Warm A Grey, Rainy Sunday Morning...... ♫♫