Saturday, November 16, 2024

Can I Get An "Fuck Ya We Did!! "


Then the streetlights came on, so you shot out the bulbs with a BB gun.*

*(So I heard )

Holy 'Man Card' Carrying Dad!!


  Watch this, then watch it again to realize what happened......









Bleg Question..... What is....

The worst slur you know for a woman?

I know the "c" word is a good one.

Blog buddy BC just gave me the arabic of one for a man. Translation is " Son of a whore and pig"

I think that would be a slap a muslim man would have felt for sure.

But I'm looking for something that cuts deep.

Even in another language.

 For the record, this is NOT for my GF.   I have some other fish to fry.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Deus Vult

 Sent in by Charles B.

An Add-On To FFFF.....


   Open this in a new window. ( click watch on Youtube) turn it up, then go back and enjoy FFFF

 I grabbed some Basil Hayden's and I'm sitting in the dark listening to this :







Friday ( I think ) Femme Fatale Farago... You Can't Stop The Signal....


  Plus , I don't need any of you going off the deep end and taking hostages.

Here's your fix....



Wednesday, November 13, 2024

My Plate Is Full...


  Not enough hours in the day for all things called life. Ups, downs, and all arounds.

I'll be back sooner or later. 

If I don't respond to emails please understand it's not personal.



 All the best,
