Saturday, July 20, 2024

Thoughts From The Wilderness


What would have happened if the assassination attempt had actually succeeded?

Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago..... Let's Kick This Off!!






I've been busy. Sorry for the light posting.

 I have been in Milwaukee all since Sunday. I saw some great sights, great speakers, some idiots, and met a lot of very interesting people whose concerns, values, and goals are identical to mine and the people I associate with. Considering what happened last Saturday, the "security" was there, but not any worse than when I've seen Trump in the past. The first day, five LEOs shot a man who wouldn't drop a knife, but I think that episode was completely unrelated to Trump, protestors, or the Convention in general. It looked like two men fighting and one pulled the knife. The cops yelled "put it down", drop it, etc. The man didn't drop the knife. When he failed to comply, all five opened up and the man was on the ground and I am assuming killed instantly (there are news clips of this). There was however a greater presence of every kind of lawmen and some assets (i.e. the stationary mothership drone I had not seen). I saw lawmen and few lawwomen from a lot of different places. They seemed to be everywhere I looked, including a lot of patrol boats. Some of those were armed to the the teeth. I saw one with two 240Bs on it (not the one pictured). I did see some protestors, but not a lot. I saw some street preachers too. The crowd at the Convention was great considering. No one was out of the way. Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan even made appearances. Donald Trump seemed shaken somewhat and emotional the first night, but rightly so. I am sure his adrenalin is still pumping from his near death experience and then faced with the prospect of speaking from an open stage before a huge crowd. He grew stronger with each appearance and the passing of time. Love him or hate him, Trump is Lion. I thought of my daddy and how he'd make me and my siblings get right back on a horse if we were ever bucked/thrown off. He'd say, "you got to get right back on and show him whose the boss". I figured Trump was "getting back on" in his own way.

Be Back Later....










Wednesday, July 17, 2024

I'll Toss A Few Of These Out There. So Many Memes , So Little Time....






Alive and Kickin'


 Still here, you can't stop the signal.

 As I noted a while back, things were going to be busy. They still are.

Now, you can add in the fact that many here in the Northeast aren't acclimated to longer periods

of heat and humidititties like we have been experiencing for almost the two weeks.

This afternoon, things are supposed to break.  The front will move through with strong to severe

thunderstorms. Yay.

I have an outing planned for Friday with work then, most likely, will head out to enjoy nature for the 

rest of the weekend.  I'll be around.


Be safe out there.

If you head to Nantucket, watch out, the beaches are closed due to wind turbine blade debris.