Saturday, March 2, 2019


He Man Woman Hater's Clubhouse, Modern Times....

At That Moment, The Coldest Heart Melted.....................

'MERICA.. Fuck Your Prius.....

Phil Got A New Welcome Mat...

Here's A Link To Some Of The Amazing Pictures Where I Found The Header.

 >>> LINK HERE<<<

Meanwhile, A Member Of The #Resist Movement Takes A Break From Hating Trump....

You Might Be A Redneck If.....

... your beer fridge supports your deck.....

A Couple More German Beers Around The Hobo Fire..

"Irish, where are you getting all those German beers?" you might be asking.

Well, one of the guys at work has a son-in-law that is a pilot in the Air Force and he brought back a half dozen of these really cool Beer Advent Calendars similar to this:

A tasty treat!!

Coming Soon To The Olympics....

 Back then it was funny..... but something tells me it will become the norm.

via twitter

Do You Ever Wonder If The Marketing Teams For Today's Products Believe What They Write?

Stone grinding grains in your village...  cooking on fired stones.....

Hearty men and women living off the land making mountain bread to survive....

Old world recipe...

uh huh.....

Hey, at least wheat is the first ingredient....

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Nice Work With A Front End Loader....

drawkcab gniyalp s'ti wonk I ,seY

Hugh Glass: "The Revenant" Protaganist Was Even More Badass In Real Life

Since I was very young I have read most anything I could get my hands on in regards to "Mountain Men" and that era in American history in which those early explorer-hunter-trapper-trader-Indian fighters, etc. lived. There also have been some good movies made about some of those real life characters. Among those movies are The Revenant (2015) starring Leonardo DiCaprio and The Man in the Wilderness (1971) which starred Richard Harris playing the part of Glass. I am not a fan of DiCaprio, but he played a good part and the movie was good and worth a watch. Without being redundant and going into the history of Hugh Glass, I will let the video tell the tale. The story of Glass is remarkable and nothing short of incredible.

That'll work
