Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday Femme Fatale Farrago...... Let's see if it works...


Memes and Musings

So Much Blues In This Blues Jam










Test Image Load Poast....


 What's his name?

Who was looking for him?












A quick update on the image load issues ....


 First off, when I mentioned my work laptop, I have a chrome account for work. In the past I had added a profile for my personal google account. Anyway, Chrome at work was corrupted and locked down. It was recommended that I change all my passwords so I did.  


Google blogger was working okay during the week for me.


Last night, things changed with having to log in for photos. Many seem to be having issues so I'm happy to know it's not here at TFI or my account.


I tried again this morning and, for what ever reason, I got the old way of loading images. Cool.


Go do a few things, brew coffee, etc. 


Come back to try and post and NOPE, got the new "you have to sign in page". Fuck.


So, I tried turning off some of my ad blockers trackers.  


The first one I tried was Ghostery.  

When I went to post I DID NOT get the sign in page BUT I did get a new upload picture page to 

drag or insert pictures.   I tried it and it seemed to work but not all the pictures showed up.

I closed the post and then went to the preview page and they were all there.

So, long and short of it, there is a  SFFF post for 8pm tonight as a test.

We'll see what happens.

What is the numerical value of "Significant"?

It was probably meant for "click bait". It got me. I haven't heard any more than this small story. Bottom line is a significant number of 1911 CMP pistols are missing from the Anniston Army Depot.

‘Significant number’ of guns missing from Army facility in Anniston; $10,000 reward offered for tips

Friday, July 12, 2024

Sorry Folks......



 For some reason I can only get to this section of the blog.  It won't let me post any pictures.

I am logged in, but it says I need to log in to "access this content" when I go to add pictures.

There was an issue with a virus on my work laptop so I had to go and start changing passwords.

I thought I had the goog all straighened out.

Anyway, fuck it, I'm going to bed.   There's always tomorrow.

Be safe and enjoy the evening.






The crucifixion of the psyche of a POTUS (or what was left of one)

 Psyche is not really the word I am looking for here. It really is not character assassination either. I think Joe sold that to the devil long ago. We are seeing something very odd unfolding. As I started to write briefly about this subject, I began to see how difficult of story this is to "sell" to the American public. We are witnessing allies going after their own and giving us a list of reasons "why". It is confusing since only a few days ago the very same people were telling the world what great shape Joe was in, what a great president we have and how lucky we are to have him, etc.  Joe Biden in the current condition is a very tough sell.  The demokratz have a huge conundrum with few options for a favorable outcome for them in the 2024 election. Yet, they may win. They could invoke the 25th and get stuck with Kamala to finish out Joe's term. She would have little chance of winning the presidential election without cheating (why some people think the current Dims will not cheat this time around befuddles me) IMHO. They could leave Joe in office to finish out his term, but it is too late for that now since the proverbial "cat is out of the bag" pertaining to his mental/physical condition. It is obvious that Joe could not run a middle class household or take care of himself without assistance. I will not attempt to go into the "coverup" and scandal thereof to follow by evil people who have known of Joe's true condition and have kept it from the American people and have also been "running the country" for whose design (we know it isn't Joe's). I suppose TPTB could introduce some "fresh blood" like Gavin Newsome and his stellar performance record of his accomplishments in Kalifornia or "Big Mike" whose claim to fame is "it" hates America and white people. I do know that for the Dims, Joe has to go. They have painted themselves in a corner using Kamala as a political football in the last election (woman/DEI hire).  Get the popcorn and enjoy watching them devour their own.


                                       Above: Biden's handlers feel it is necessary to allow him to make an buffoon out himself before a national and world audience for the purpose of showing all of us how stupid they were to have supported Biden and now we should simply overlook that oversight. Like his overlords, Biden is between a rock and hard spot. I believe these handlers will see Bribem out of the WH one way or another.  In this clip we see Jobama referring to Kamala Harris as Vice President Trump.

People say the darndest things about the latest Clown World shenanigans involving the 'Ol-jo Bribem "awakening". The media and wealthy members of Hollywood put on a great act pretending they didn't know Joe Bribem's mental capabilities had declined to the point we see Joe gaffing today. Now that they have seen it along with most of America, they have dropped Joe Biden like used condom. The so-called elites  did a "bootleggers turn" on Jobama's face. We are watching the assassination of the character of the man known as the POTUS.   TPTB needed him till they no longer do.  The media who has been an accessory to every crime committed by the Bribem crime family and has suddenly declared, "we didn't know he was this bad" or something similar and as Forrest Gump might say, "and just like that, everybody in Hollywood, the media, and a large part of the Demokratik Partei, took a giant shit on Joe Biden's head. These are the same folks who have been his complicit partners in the destruction of this country and aiding Joe in achieving his personal goals. These below are the most common comments I've heard since the debate regarding the presidency:

1. I didn't realize he was this bad.

I don't have words for this one. A person who has been living the last four years and is just now realizing that Joe Biden is an tottering old man in his dotage and who has zero business driving the bus so to speak is going to have a difficult life. People like this will quickly perish without the safety nets of .gov  To all the top demokrats, Clooney's, and other talking heads that tout this line of ignorance, I would say, you must be a complete and total idiot. These people should have killed their credibility in the eyes of normal people, but not liberals. They will get a pass just like the idiots who pretended they were duped.

2. How can people be so cruel to an old man?

For people who think along those lines, don't. Joe may be an older guy who is suffering the affects of Parkinson, dementia, Alzheimer's, etc, but make no mistake. For all of his life, JoBamma has been swilling at the government trough and attempting to turn America into a Communist State where the government can be manipulated and votes attained by handing out money (welfare, incentives, and other "carrot on the stick means") to promote his cause assuring POS like him stay in power, or simply because that is what his handlers told him to do. Joe Biden may be a senile old man, but he will receive no pardon for the treachery he has committed against this nation during his 44 years of fleecing American taxpayers. Like most of his fellow demokratz, he spent his life promoting one group who does nothing but induces "drag" (no pun intended) onto our society (crime, poverty, social ills, etc.,) while punishing the folks who work, own businesses, pay taxes, etc. (racial/social division). I know welfare recipients, and illegals invaders whose comfort levels are through the roof while I know others that work two shifts to buy bologna.
 Come on man!

3. Who will take his place? Kamala? Gavin? "Big Mike"? (same song, different verse). "if not Kamala, how will they bypass her?

I don't know, but I'll be it will be somebody who tows the commie liberal line and keeps the wheels of the industrial military machine supplied and running (a lot of RHINOS too), that is very pro-Sodomite and pro-abortion, anti-gun, anti-God, anti-American, etc. Really anti-anything good and wholesome.

I would be interested in what others are hearing at work, in coffee shops/eateries, school, etc. 
These are interesting times in which we live. Take note. Keep your larder topped off and your powder dry!

You Know It's Coming. Not If But When.....








Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Seems Like The Wind Currents Can Bring California Trash To New Hampshire....

