Saturday, April 22, 2023

An Award Winning Scary Short Horror Movie For Your Saturday....

 This was captivating....








When Your Dog Is A Far Left Progressive.....



  .... and you tell him, "Trump is gonna be the next President"...




 and , this Trump supporting duck enjoys the meltdown...

Alissa Heinershied Arrives Home After Being Put On Leave....







Welp , There It IS, Something That Says "Irish, That's Enough Internet For The Day"





 More at NOT THE BEE <<<




Not Sure What To Make Of This... Try The James Woods Challenge..


Turn off the volume if you don't want to listen. Just watch without sound. Weird.







The F.I. Inbox Is Like Wading Through A Hoarders House Of MEMES... Here, I Rummaged Through Each Room And Took Some To Share...





Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Lawrence Herr, A Victim Of Crime That Gets Swept Under The Carpet..


  Tactical Hermit asked me to share this so he won't be forgotten.



"For the record I did not know Mr. Herr, but he was a white man brutally murdered in cold blood by two POS Dindu’s so I wanted to take the time to say a few words and post his picture so this gruesome act is NOT forgotten and swept under the rug like so many other black on white crimes are by a corrupt and worthless anti-white media.

Black on White Crime is an Epidemic in this Country and can no longer be ignored.

Stay Armed and Prepare Accordingly." -TH <<

 Story here <<< 

Another here<<


Monday, April 17, 2023

One Day In The Future - A Dystopian Democratic Metropolis.. Just Kidding, This Weekend In Philadelphia...





 Are those all registered?

Are those all insured?

Are all the drivers licensed?

If there are weapons, are they legally owned, and the carrier licensed?

Can you imagine cutting them off or god forbid hitting one of them?

When the shit goes south, it's gonna be bad....




Top O' The Marnin', Happy Monday.... Open Thread



 What's happening in your sector of the USA?

What's happening in your corner of the world?

Any international readers care to chime in? 

Australia, New Zealand, EU countries?

There must be some readers from Ireland? 

Feel free to email if you don't want to comment.

It's on the sidebar >>>


Stay safe out there.



Sunday, April 16, 2023

Welp, That's Enough Internet For Me Tonight.... I Must Be Near The End Of The Webz...









The Real Men of De-fense.. "So Let It Be Ritten, So Let It Be Done"....





 Via RK  Thanks!


They Just Can't Help Themselves... Subliminal


 We have on line safety training on a weekly basis. I usually do them over the weekend so

they don't interfere with my other responsibilities.


Here is a screen-shot of my lesson on first aid. 




We've Lost Another Blogger...



 Dad, over at Dad's Deadpool Blog has passed. 

He had a long run. The first post was on December 12th 2005.

How The Democrats Create "Grassroots Activists" and The GOP Better Get It's Shit Together..


They are using the Gen Z mentality and social media to push their agenda.


This is well worth watching for the 10 minutes.  You will see two names mentioned that 

are household names. David Hogg and Harry Sisson.


 Exploring how the Democrats have used influencers to take control of the narrative on controversial social issues facing the nation and how the GOP can fight back. I discuss David Hogg and Harry Sisson in this video and how they both have suspicious origins as influencers.




 Here's his first video exposing groomers...

MY FIRST VIDEO: My name is Ty and I was sexually abused and groomed as a child. Speaking out is the only way to stop these abuses from happening. Here is a video about my sexual abuse experience and how common these abuses are. There are people hiding behind queer ideology to get close to children and separate them from their familial support structures. Predators always use whatever means they can to get close to their victims. The LGBT community is the perfect cover for these monsters.





RE: The Amazon Delivery Driver and The American Flag


 "Well, it was me being me, showing respect and honor to the American flag," 


Story HERE<<<   

Just A Kitten At Heart.....


 Follow the link to watch on Youtube: <<<<