Saturday, January 1, 2022

You Have To Go Enjoy The Comments..... Sent In By Bear Claw....







Friday, December 31, 2021








♫♪♫ 11:58pm 12-31-2021..... ♫♪♫







Tick tock tick tock....






Friday Femme Fatale Farrago Finale ... Happy New Years Eve To All....






♫♪♫ I'd Love To Change The World.... Still Prescient To This Day....♫♪♫







TFIF!!! 34,456,000,000 miles traveled around the sun...


 Today I made it 59 years.  As many have said, it seems to go faster as you get older.

Where did it all go?

  I've seen lots of technology changes, lived with the best music of 

my youth, and won and lost many a hand at the card table of "life". 

 Today, the last day of 2021 is cold and overcast gray skies here at the bunker.

Kind of fitting for the way the past few years have been.

I got my things to do during the day, yes there will be a FFFF coming up,

 and then a small celebration of the New Year. ( If I'm not in bed before midnight :))


 The past is gone other than memories , and the future is unknown.

Some plans come to fruition and others need tweaking as the clock ticks forward.

 This always plays in my head.....

.."And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
And you run, and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death"
Damn, if those lyrics aren't true. 
On a more up beat note, It's time for a nice breakfast, another coffee, and then
 out to get some shit done. 
I'll leave this here:

Enjoy the day... be back later......





Thursday, December 30, 2021

It's Coming.......










Coauthor Jeffery Is Still Dealing With Some Health Issues....


  He is doing good and should be back to putting up some 

posts in the next week.

 If you like, please send along some well wishes in the comments 

or send me an email to pass along.  I'm sure it will

help him know others are thinking of him.


Thanks, Irish