Friday, September 1, 2017

Petition To Declare George Soros a Terrorist....

Sent in by Leigh:

George Soros, the infamous billionaire behind Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and most of the other radical liberal groups in this country, has recently been unmasked. An official petition, started on a .gov website, has already gotten nearly 50,000 signatures to declare him a terrorist.

If the petition receives 100,000 signatures by September 19th it will be submitted to the White House for an official response within 60 days. It’s high time that this criminal gets thrown in jail, and now with President Trump in office, it’s the perfect opportunity for us to take action.
The petition, which thousands have already signed, asks for George Soros to be declared a terrorist…but that’s not all. It also asks for the government to seize all of his organizations and their assets under RICO and NDAA laws, which will put a stop to the mayhem he’s causing on a global scale.


Thursday, August 31, 2017

Deliverance meets AC/DC*... Grab Your Moonshine....

Sent in by Boilerdoc....

*I borrowed this comment by Richard Boyd from the youtube site

This.... Is Full Of Win......

Meanwhile.. In One Of The Local ASSachusetts Towns...

 This was an email that parents received:

Dear Parents and Families,
It seems like just yesterday that I was writing to wish you all a safe and relaxing summer. Now, with only one week until summer vacation ends, I hope that your summer was enjoyable.
All teachers officially returned today from the summer break, so the halls are again buzzing with excitement and anticipation of your child(ren)’s return. We started with our opening convocation this morning, focusing on the conditions we set to maximize student success. I'll have more to share in the coming months in that regard, but for now wanted to focus on opening day for students. Everyone is eager for next Tuesday, September 5th, when we open the doors and welcome your child(ren) back for the 2017/2018 school year.
As we return this year, we’re doing so in a very tense climate in our country. In light of the events of the past several weeks, I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to affirm the District’s commitment throughout all our schools to tolerance, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Throughout the course of last year, and through my conversations with parents, teachers, and students, our core values of Respect, Integrity, and Excellence for All were reaffirmed time and time again. If we truly believe and hold these as core values, then all must truly mean all, and “all” knows no race, gender, cognitive ability, or background. Words or actions that are racist, homophobic, xenophobic or discriminatory towards any individual or group cannot be accepted, as these behaviors are the complete opposite of what we’ve affirmed as our core values. We look forward to our continued partnership with you as we strive to be examples and model tolerance, acceptance, and the ability to respectfully and articulately engage with those we disagree with.
Thank you, and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.


Yeah right…..
Lets see what kind of tolerance, acceptance & respect the first kid that shows up with an American flag or MAGA logo on a lunchbox or shirt or jacket gets……

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Way to go Matt Wuerker, you are now in the lead for the "2017 Idiot of the Year" Award

In light of what is probably going to go down as one of the most expensive and disruptive disasters in our nation's history, Matt Wuerker had to take a sucker punch with this distasteful cartoon and politicize  the flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey mocking Christians, Southerners, implying secessionist innuendos, etc. Is it any wonder that much of the populace has zero confidence in the MSM with their "fake news" and liberal communist agenda? Here is the vignette that is taking so much flak and rightly so. Too many morons in the media do not understand that if you play with poop long enough, you will eventually get it all over you.

Matt Wuerker/POLITICO

The article can be read Here.

Maddow Tops News....

Sunday, August 27, 2017


A Couple Good Videos Worth Sharing....

 Borrowed from Iowntheworldreport:

UPDATE! The Ten Causes Of The War Between The States By James W. King and LtCol Thomas M. Nelson

Last week I posted a well-written piece pertaining to the causes of the American Civil War which has received over 80,000 views and many comments. Almost all of the comments were of an inquiring nature asking for sources and where  information regarding the causes of the Civil War could be found. I was able to contact Mr. King (the author) and he sent me a listing of some of his sources. He also sent me the information for the post regarding the CSS Hunley that I just put up this morning and agreed he would send me other articles from time to time.  Thanks to all of our readers for stopping by and thank you Mr. King for your contributions. Below is a note of thanks and the sources. Jeffery

Thank you for reading my article 10 Causes and contacting me. I am an honor graduate of the Univ. of Georgia with advanced degrees but not in history. Virtually everything I have learned about The War For Southern Independence (Civil War) was learned after I joined the Sons of Confederate Veterans  (SCV) organization in 1988. 
  I have about 2000 facts, articles, quotes, etc. in "my documents" in my computer. I am planning to write a book. Northern historians have selected what they put in American history books and they have omitted "inconvenient history".There are thousands of sources that verify that which I wrote in my article 10 Causes. Here are a few references:
The South Under Siege 1830 to 2000 by Frank Conner. It has a list of reference books.
Truths of History by Mildred Lewis Rutherford
Red Republicans and Lincoln Marxists by Benson and Kennedy
War For What by Francis Springer
Lincoln Takes Command by Francis Springer
The Gray Book by SCV in the 1930's
The Invasion of the Southern States by Samuel Ashe (last surviving CSA Commissioned Officer) 1935
The Real Lincoln by Thomas DiLorenzo
A New Look at Abraham Lincoln His Agenda and an Unnecessary War by Thomas DiLorenzo
The South Was Right by Ronald & Donald Kennedy
Slavery Was Not The Cause of the War Between The States The Irrefutable Argument by Gene Kizer
Lincoln Uber Alles-Dictatorship Comes To America by John Avery Emison
The Uncivil War- Shattering the Historical Myths by Leonard Scruggs
Is Secession Treason by Albert Bledsoe
The Slave Narratives (one for each southern state 1934-1936)
Civil War Books—a checked price list by Broadfoot (Over 1000 reference books listed)
Confederate Veteran Magazine---Early 1900's to current issues
Southern Partisan magazine ---1990 to mid 2000's
Quotes and summaries from books by Bernhard Thuersam NC Sesq. Chairman posted on SHNV (Southern Heritage News and Views)
Causes of War by CSA Gen. Joseph Wheeler in 1894 speech to U.S. Congress
Causes of War by Gordon
Causes of War by Hunter
Causes of War by Christian
Causes of War by Settle
Causes of War by McCrady
Causes of War by Scruggs
Some Things For Which The South Did Not Fight by Henry Tucker Graham
An Inconvenient History-Causes of War by Republicae Part 1 and Part 2
The Lost Cause by Edward A. Pollard
Southern History of the War by Pollard
Bernhard Thuersam posts a summary or reference from 1 or more books weekly in SHNV
He has a huge library of books from the war era to current. I am going to see if he can send me list. There are so many older books I had never heard of until I began getting his postings. 
   The truth has been documented. It is just not what is taught in America's classrooms. The victor of a war writes the history. What passes as the history of the old South, the war, and reconstruction is at best a highly biased New England perspective and at worst no more than Yankee lies and propaganda. 
   James W. King
SCV Camp Commander
Albany Georgia


Civil War Mystery Solved? Confederate Sub's Torpedo May Have Killed Its Crew

By Charles Q. Choi, Live Science Contributor | August 26, 2017 06:38am ET

Civil War Mystery Solved? Confederate Sub's Torpedo May Have Killed Its Crew

An oil painting by Conrad Wise Chapman, "Submarine Torpedo Boat H.L. Hunley," from Dec. 6, 1863.
Credit: Conrad Wise Chapman
The crew of the Confederate submarine H.L. Hunley, the first combat submarine to sink an enemy ship, may have instantly killed themselves with their own weapon, according to a new study. This finding may have solved a mystery that has endured for more than 150 years about the fate of the sub.
The first and last combat mission of the Hunley took place during the Civil War on the night of Feb. 17, 1864. It attacked a steam-powered Union warship, the USS Housatonic, which was blockading the harbor entrance to Charleston, South Carolina.
The Hunley was a narrow, cigar-shaped submarine that measured 40 feet (12 meters) long and no more than 4 feet (1.2 m) wide. It was built from the wrought-iron boiler of a previous ship in 1863 and carried a crew of eight men and a powerful torpedo. [10 Epic Battles that Changed History]
The Hunley's torpedo delivered a blast from about 135 lbs. (61.2 kilograms) of explosive black powder below the waterline of the Housatonic's stern. The assault sank the Union ship in less than 5 minutes and killed five of its crewmembers. The rest escaped in lifeboats or were rescued by other members of the blockading force.
However, after the successful attack on the Housatonic, the Hunley failed to return to its base. The fate of the sub and its crew remained a mystery for more than 150 years.
Recovery efforts
In 1995, the Hunley was discovered about 985 feet (300 m) away from the watery grave of the Housatonic. The submarine was raised from the depths of Charleston Bay in 2000, and is undergoing study and conservation.
The discovery of the Hunley initially only deepened the mystery of its fate. Except for a hole in one conning tower and a small window that might have been broken, the vessel was remarkably intact, raising questions as to what killed everyone within.
In addition, the skeletal remains of the Hunley's crew were found seated at their respective stations, with no physical injuries or apparent attempts to escape. Moreover, the sub's bilge pumps, designed to pump water out of the sub, had not been used and its air hatch was closed. All the evidence suggested that the crew took absolutely no response to a flood or loss of air, said study lead author Rachel Lance, a biomechanist at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.
A graphic reconstruction of the eight-man submarine H.L. Hunley as it appeared just before its encounter with the Union ship Housatonic, which it sunk. The barrel on the end of the 16-foot spar contains 135 pounds of black powder.
Credit: Michael Crisafulli
Now, researchers suggest that a deadly blast wave from the Hunley's own weapon may have killed its crew.
"Blast injuries are consistent with the way the remains were found inside the boat, as blast waves would not have left marks on the skeletons, and would not have provided the crew with the chance to try to escape," Lance told Live Science. "Blast waves are capable of inflicting lethal injuries on someone without ever physically moving them."
Torpedo tech
The Hunley's torpedo was not an underwater missile, but a copper keg of black powder held ahead of the submarine on a barbed pole, called a spar, that was about 16 feet (4.9 m) long. The sub rammed this spar into its target's hull and the bomb exploded, with the crew, at most, about 42 feet (12.8 m) from the blast. [Civil War Shipwreck: Photos of the USS Monitor]
To figure out how the Hunley's torpedo may have affected its own crew, the scientists conducted a series of experiments over the course of three years. This included repeatedly setting off pressurized-air blasts and black-powder explosions near a 6.5-foot-long (2 m) scale model of the Hunley, nicknamed the Tiny, that was fitted with sensors and floating in water.
The experiments often proved exasperating:"I was often frustrated with pressure gauges that wouldn't work, with black powder that got too wet to explode, or with weather that seemed to oscillate between freezing hurricane and blistering heat," Lance said. "These experiments were very difficult to conduct."
The findings from the experiments suggested that the Hunley's crew died instantly when the blast wave from the torpedo traveled through the soft tissue of their bodies, especially their lungs and brains.
"You have an instant fatality that leaves no marks on the skeletal remains," Lance said in a statement. "Unfortunately, the soft tissues that would show us what happened have decomposed in the past hundred years."
The kind of trauma the Hunley crew may have experienced is linked to a phenomenon that Lance called "the hot chocolate effect." This effect is linked to how vibrations such as shock waves travel at different speeds in water than they do in air — for instance, the shock wave from the Hunley blast would have traveled about 3,355 mph (5,400 km/h) in water but only about 760 mph (1,224 km/h) in the air, the researchers said.
"When you mix these speeds together in a frothy combination like the human lungs, or hot chocolate, it combines and it ends up making the energy go slower than it would in either one," Lance said in the statement.
This slowdown amplifies the tissue damage, Lance said. While a normal blast shock wave traveling in the air should last less than 10 milliseconds, Lance calculated that the Hunley crew's lungs were subjected to 60 milliseconds or more of trauma.
"That creates kind of a worst-case scenario for the lungs," Lance said in the statement. The force of the Hunley shock wave would have ripped apart the delicate structures of the lungs where the blood supply meets the air supply, filling the lungs with blood. This would have had at least an 85 percent chance of killing each member of the crew immediately, Lance calculated. It's also likely that these individuals suffered traumatic brain injuries from the blast, she added.
Blast waves
According to Lance, the way the torpedo's explosion may have killed the Hunley's crew was different from how traumatic blast injuries from modern-day improvised bombs kill soldiers in vehicles.
"In that case, there are shrapnel effects and effects from the damage to the vehicle that cause broken bones and other injuries," Lance said in the statement. "But the crew of the Hunley were protected by the hull. It was just the blast wave itself that propagated into the vessel, so their injuries would have been purely in the soft tissues, in the lungs and in the brain."
Still, it's possible for blast waves to travel through surfaces and still be powerful enough to kill, according to Lance.
"The Hunley is the first proven case study of lethal injuries from blast waves propagating through a solid surface," she said.
The designers of the Civil War-era torpedo may have recognized the dangers of getting too close to a blast in water. Lance's historical research found that the weapon's developers stayed hundreds of feet away from test blasts of explosives significantly smaller than the bomb the Hunley deployed. [Busted: 6 Civil War Myths]
"Blast travels really far underwater," Lance said in the statement. "If you're practicing 200 yards [182 m] away, and then you triple the size of your bomb and put it 16 feet [4.9 m] away, you have to be at least aware that there's a possibility of injury."
Modern warfare
Torpedoes were new technology at the start of the Civil War, Lance said.
"While their utility was immediately obvious, people were constantly concocting new designs and trigger mechanisms to try to improve them as the war progressed," Lance said. "The specific design used against the Housatonic, known as a Singer's torpedo, was one of the designs to emerge as the most successful. The early tests of submarines with torpedoes used smaller charges at a farther distance. The concerns were not that the blast would propagate through the hull; the science at the time was not nearly advanced enough to understand that that was possible. Rather, their concerns were that the torpedoes might damage the submarine itself."
The researchers think that after the attack, the Hunley then drifted out with the tides and slowly took on water before sinking. The sub's design was precarious — during development and testing, the Hunley had sunk twice, drowning 13 crewmen, including its namesake, the privateer Horace L. Hunley.
"I hope that, even though the mystery is now solved, people still visit and appreciate the Hunley for the incredible artifact that it is," Lance said.
Lance and her colleagues detailed their findings online Aug. 23 in the journal PLOS ONE. In addition, Lance is working on a book about the Hunley and the experiments that helped solve the mystery of its crew's fate.
Original article on Live Science.

H/T to James in Georgia

Anyone seen this cocaine guy at the Mayweather McGregor fight?