Friday, August 31, 2012

Molon Labe...Her Clothes That Is.....

I fucked up posting this at the right hour, so here.. Blame the Bailey's motherfucking Irish Creme... I will....

OBUI.... Operating a Blog Under the Influence..

Won't you join me in a  Butterball Shot?

One part Dekuyper's Buttershots layered with one part Baileys motherfucking Irish Cream....

better than you know what...........


President Pantywaist decided to tweet today... I have to wonder if Mooch gave him permission?

thanks to ACE for raising my BP.

Her Name is Rosie Jones.. NSFW

Anon left her name in a comment on the Statistics post from this morning, thanks.

Irish... The College Years..

Good Point...

You will never hear this song on MSNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, ABC, NBC or CBS.

New Header Picture....

The study of the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data

Freshman Year in College.. I Caught Myself Singing Along With This One On The Way to Work...

Cat Morning.....

Thursday, August 30, 2012

All That's Wrong With America...Part whatever

I have never seen this show and NEVER would even bother from the little I've heard about it.

Go  READ if you want.

What Would Wirecutter Name His New Business?

Something A Little Different...

Conservatively, Drakos says over the years he has donated about a quarter of a million toys to more than 50 different charities.


August 2012 Fails

A Scottish Themed Hooters Denied Mass License..

QUINCY, Mass. (AP) -- Quincy has denied a license to a national Scottish-themed sports bar chain whose wait staff wear skimpy tartan skirts and tops following objections from members of the city's religious community.

Dave in PB has the must see  <VIDEO> 


Time to Get Grandma Over to The Urban Dictionary....

NBC is Racist.....


Nope, no agenda over there at NBC.....



Latino Speakers Ignored on NBC Politics Site

Scumbags Shoot Vet In His Yard..

Just for shits and giggles I searched 4-5 news stories and no description of the youths is given in any of the stories.  

PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. (WSVN) -- Police are searching for a pair of ruthless robbers who shot a South Florida man for his gold chain. Nick Dragone was trimming branches in his front yard using tree cutters, when two young men approached him Tuesday morning. "I had the branch cutter in my hand and they didn't see it, and when they got up close, I turned around and faced him and he said, 'I want it,' and he was going for my necklace. I said your not getting it. I put the cutter up and said, I'll cut your hand off first," said Dragone. Dragone, 66, said the men backed off at first, but then, "He pulled the gun out and boom, boom, boom, boom." Police said Dragone was hit by three bullets but the Vietnam Vet was conscious and alert and called 911 himself. Dragone said he kept the men at bay with those cutters. "I just kept spinning around so he couldn't get a solid target," he said.


The Warning...

I moved this down to a post

Borrowed with all due respect from CW at >dailytimewaster<

Starting The Day.....

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ah, Guys...Some of You Might Move To Texas and Get Your CDL...

The Full "Blue Moon" Is Coming Friday, Lets Prepare For It's Rising,,,,,

Dogs, Need Love Too

h/t to Phyllis

Wirecutter Met A Stupid Blonde at The Mall....

HOLY MOOSE!!>....wow...

Moving Closer to Skynet.....

They beat like real heart cells, but the rat cardiomyocytes in a dish at Harvard University are different in one crucial way. Snaking through them are wires and transistors that spy on each cell's electrical impulses. In future, the wires might control their behaviour too.
Versions of this souped-up, "cyborg" tissue have been created for neurons, muscle and blood vessels. They could be used to test drugs or as the basis for more biological versions of existing implants such as pacemakers. If signals can also be sent to the cells, cyborg tissue could be used in prosthetics or to create tiny robots.

Cyborg tissue is half living cells, half electronics

Another Rescue....

I was out on my lunch time walk and happened upon this little guy on the side of the road.

After I picked him up, I had to walk over 100 yards to get him to a stream that I found.

It's amazing how far he was from water. I hope the little guy makes it.......

Just for the record if it was any of the following I would have kicked them further into the street:

Chris Matthews
Ellen Barkin
Samuel L Jackson

Lunch Break....

One is Bacon.....

Great Old Photos Of Warplanes....

60 Degrees Out , Beautiful Bright Sunshine....

..not a cloud in the sky.

I'm waiting for something to fuck it up......

This is the view from The Sooper Sekrit Lair of The Feral Irishman this morning.

Red Dawn......

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

One Way To Tell The Water is Shallow...

...you can see the sandy bottom.

Jeep Grand Cherokee "Moose" Test

In the avoidance maneuver test, also called moose test, the Jeep Grand Cherokee failed big time. Here is the full story behind all performed moose tests with the car that proves that it can be lethal.

Go watch the VIDEO

One thing that caught my eye, other than the issues with the Jeep handling was the driver had no helmet and the passenger had a bicycle helmet.. those crazy swedes!

Corrugated Roll Down Steel Security Doors....

...are ABS-solutely necessary if you want to protect your valubles.

Nice Shootin Iron.....

Next Time You Walk Out To The Pool With Your Umbrella Drink...

....You better check the water first....

"Houston,Tranquility Base Here"............

Cleaning Out Bawney Fwank's Office I See....

Make Your Motorbike Safer....

Revenge Is A Dish Served Warm...

Monday, August 27, 2012

The Deaf Italian Bookkeeper

A Mafia Godfather, Lione, finds out that his bookkeeper, Guido, has cheated him out of $10,000,000.00. 
His bookkeeper is deaf. That was the reason he got the job in the first place.
 It was assumed that Guido would hear nothing so he would not have to testify in court. 
 When the Godfather goes to confront Guido about his missing $10 million, he takes along his lawyer who knows sign language.
 The Godfather tells the lawyer, "Ask him where the money is!
 The lawyer, using sign language, asks Guido, Where's the money? 
 Guido signs back, "I don't know what you are talking about."
 The lawyer tells the Godfather, "He says he doesn't know what you are talking about".
 The Godfather pulls out a pistol, puts it to Guido's head and says, "Ask him again and tell him if he doesn't answer I'll kill him!"
 The lawyer signs to Guido, "He'll kill you if you don't tell him." 
 Guido trembles and signs back, "OK! You win! The money is in a brown briefcase, buried behind the shed at my cousin Anthony's house. 
 The Godfather asks the lawyer, "What did he say?"

 The lawyer replies..... "He says you don't have the balls to pull the trigger."

h/t to Phyllis

Fauxcahontas Elizabeth Warren's Driver Roughs up Cameraman

Budweiser Tap Handler....

Just WHAT?????

Man Leaves Dog On Top Of Mountain.. Others Rescue..

Click the picture of "Missy" for a story with a happy ending....

Irish.... The Failed Landscape Business Venture....

Think About It.....

A Friendly PSA From Irish.. Turn The Key Back ONE CLICK

It was 35 minutes of sheer terror! A 47-year old Iowa mom hurled down the highway, her Kia Sorrento completely out of control and gaining speed - fast- the accelerator jammed. She drove like this for 35 minutes and no one thought to turn the motor off??

Video and 911  HERE 


Typical Obama Democrat....

It's Milfy Monday... I almost Forgot....


Jay G. Wants to Drive A Tank......

From his BLOG
Read that again. You. Can. Drive. A. Freakin'. Tank. How cool is that? Looking at the price list, too, shows that it's eminently reasonable for pricing - the better of the two packages is $550, which is spendy but certainly not outside of what you'd spend on a milestone birthday/bachelor party/etc. And did I mention you get to drive a tank?

Now THIS is what I envision you doing Jay, if you ever get the chance :)


Start Off Monday With An Awwwwww.....

from foxnews


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Night Ship.....

♫♫Blame on Bush... GREAT NEW SONG..check it out

Liberals may control the media, but we are taking BACK the music!! OFFICIAL music video - Blame It On Bush, by The Voters. This is the 1st single from our album Electile Dysfunction. We are a completely independent, grass roots band trying to encourage people to get informed before they vote. Please help us spread the message. You can get more information on the song and the band at www.TheVotersMusic.com If you'd like to support our efforts, please buy the album from www.TheVotersMusic.com (via paypal) or iTunes, Amazon and other retailers. Our album is made of political and patriotic material and other songs are: Pelosi's Jet, Distractions, Leading from Behind, Wife Of A Soldier, America Is Coming Back, Shining City Upon A Hill, Nobody Told Me and America- What Have We Done. Thank you for your support. Let's take America BACK!

  Here is a medley of their songs on the new album.....

That Girl is Gonna Rub Her (double entendre ) Raw With All That Sand.... ....

h/t to Phyllis

Notes From The Road...

Over the past few days I have covered some territory here in Northeast Massachusetts and Southeast New Hampshire. One thing I noticed is the fact that there are ALOT of Romney signs and very few Obama signs in front of houses and on the corners of intersections.

I followed a truck last night that had a large hand made sticker sign that said:


I gave him a smile and a thumbs up at the red light. If I see him again I will get a picture.

Today I passed this one which is about a mile from my business:


Locally in the Mass Senate election there are way more Scott Brown signs than Fauxcahontas ones.

Lets hope this is a sign of a positive nature. 

I found this article over at "Whatbubbaknows":

Story the Media Won't Tell: Obama Is Losing

Eff That... You Can Keep Your $3.50 AND Your Moonshine...

After reading and seeing this you will LOVE your job,  I know can't wait to go to work tomorrow at the bestest job ever!!

If you think your job is the pits then spare a thought for Devi Lal.
The 'sewer diver' from Delhi, India, is paid a measly £3.50 a day to wallow in filth unclogging the city's drains.
Devi, 43, is provided with a bottle of bootleg booze to dull his senses before he begins his odious chore.



Irish... My Twilight Years......