Saturday, August 22, 2020

Irish " Those Harleys Are Damn Loud... Wait A Minute..."

 Those ain't Harleys.

Enjoy Your Weekend....

   During the morning coffee surf I followed Cold Fury's link to this Post regarding the plandemic.

It was dated July 28th and the author posts lots of data , information and links. Peruse it if you like


 I'm off to get shit done... stay safe.

Here's a smattering of road related images because #noreason other than I had them in a folder.


Friday, August 21, 2020

Sometime You Can't Fit Everything Into One FFF Post....

Friday Femme Fatale... Running Tightly.......

 See what I did there?


  Here's some coffee so you don't fall asleep and miss another FFF....

Rioters Being Owned

 It starts out a little slow and there are a couple of blank/white screens, but keep watching it gets better. The guy commentating is pretty funny too.

H/T to Rusty @ Lakeshore

Maine, The Way Life Should Be....

 "Austin Powers" doesn't have many fans on this page<<<

According to new reports......


Mills Administration Updates COVID-19 Prevention Checklists For Businesses

Patty Wight

The Mills Administration has updated prevention checklists for several types of businesses under stage three of the state's reopening plan. Affected businesses include restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, museums and campgrounds.

Most of the updates are just a few additions or clarifications to previously released checklists.
For example, front-of-house staff in restaurants who choose to wear face shields must now wear them upside down so that they are attached at the collar instead of the forehead, so that their breath is directed up, not down.  

In movie theaters, so-called household groups that do not have to adhere to distancing requirements may consist of to up to 10 people.
Campgrounds, which previously were required to limit campsites to a single household, can now allow additional overnight guests at sites if they are from Maine or a state exempted from testing and quarantine requirements.
Fitness centers have an exception to the 14 foot spacing requirement for group activities. If it is a low-intensity workout, such as yoga, participants can be six feet apart, as long as they wear face coverings.
Museums have the most updates. Among them, staff should self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms before reporting to work. Visitors to exhibits, activities and bathrooms should be limited to ensure physical distancing. Staff and visitors alike are expected to wear face masks even while physically distanced because they may be in an enclosed space for a prolonged period. And museums are encouraged to use advanced registration and remote ticketing for admissions.


Thursday, August 20, 2020

I think a lot of folks share the same sentiments in regard to COVID.


Spam Comments That Are Not Tracking... Interesting? Maybe Someone Can Explain...

 So, I have been getting continuously hit with the same type of spam comment. Since I have moderation on I just delete them as they accumulate.

Exhibit 1 4:08am:

As you can see that just came in this morning and I decided to "publish" it to see if it would show up in Statcounter.

For another test I logged in on a separate browser to test the comment tracking.

Exhibit 2 4:13am:

As you can see, whenever a comment is made it will list the visit page with the ending of #comment-form.

Below is the log from this morning around 4:08am

I have been awaiting a spam comment ( since they are plentiful) so I posted my comment then looked at the time stamps around 4:08 when I published the spam from moderation. Nothing noted for #comment-form.

Also the two visitors only show a few "total visits" nothing compare to volume of comments that want me to "click here and check me out I'm getting naked". Don't they realize I publish FFF once a week and have plenty of "naked" without getting a virus ;)

Exhibit 3:

My question is, how do they get around the "blogger" system of comments OR maybe it's coming from inside the house????

I Had A Feeling Donald Was A Fan Of The Feral Irishman

  He visits a lot and spends quite some time...

Either that, OR, we are all on a list.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Irish Scores a Barn Find, Well Actually In Sum Doods Basement Find... How Could I Not Buy This?

 From a serial number search it appears to be a 1971. Remember that when you look at the pictures.

I picked this up last Sunday from a guy that did woodworking. He bought it from the original owner that did woodworking.

Here's the closest manual I could find just to compare.

Now I ask you, how could I not give this a good home? Even if I drill one hole all year, I couldn't pass this up. Nothing built of chinesium can compare to these.

Original work light and Cutler Hammer switch.

Original belt?

Rockwell Motor

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Must Watch Video...

Go watch this 2:20 video at ANODTOTHEGODS<<< 

With some google-fu I found more info here: <<

Shasta County, One Of The Most Republican Counties In California, Had Some Choice Words For Their Board Of Supervisors

Carlos Zapata, a veteran and local business owner, had some of the most moving lines during the 6 hour meeting that took place a week ago in Shasta County (video below).
Please note: the video misidentifies the speaker as “Carlos Piccata” Nationalist Review has reached out to the correct individual, Carlos Zapata and we are awaiting comment.

Interesting.....mASSachusetts Removes Some Covid Data Reporting From The Daily Update... Guest Post By The Furious Frenchman

 The Furious Frenchmen noticed that mASS removed some graphs from their daily reportings... he sends:

It is a beautiful summer day, I sit on my porch in the suburb looking at Old Glory flying.  While I wait for the Mass COVID 19 Dashboard to fire up, I ponder if I will be able to keep this house I busted my rear end to get, or will it be taken for reparations. I also ponder if one of my lefty neighbors will torch my American flag (of the best country that ever existed).  Three times per week I check the beautifully laid out Massachusetts COVID-19 Dashboard to see how we, as a state, are doing.  I have been keeping an eye on this since March.  In particular, The “Deaths by Age” and “Hospitalizations” bar graphs were the most important to me.  As I hear Governor Baker (R)ino scream at us serfs that “There is a major uptick in cases, you need to be more responsible or we go backward”.  I can see from their own data that the cases may go up, but the hospitalizations have gone down in a straight line fashion since June 1.  Why is he so adamant I wonder?  I look at the Death chart which reveals an average age of death to be 82.  In fact, under the age of 60 there were only 450 deaths (out of a state of over 7 million).  Of those deaths, how many had pre-existing conditions or misdiagnosed (have stage 4 cancer, but test positive, etc.)???.  The most interesting demographic was 1-19 age group.  They have 0, I repeat zero deaths.  Interesting.

SO here I am looking for my charts, and something peculiar happened.  They have vanished.  It appears sometime on August 12, these charts were removed from the dashboard.  They had been there since its inception.  Why I wonder, why would this happen?  Then I see the main stream media state that August 14 was the deadline for schools to decide what type of learning they would choose for the school year.  I am getting older and went to school during a time when we were taught mathematics, history, and critical thinking.  I am not a lemming, and do not believe in conspiracy theories.  However, the dots are all lining up.  Yes, I was scared at the beginning of this, no one knew what this was.  But the data is in.  We know who it affects and who it doesn’t.  How could a school tell parents that they are doing remote learning if the data is out there showing it does not affect children.  Furthermore, it is kind of hard to pull the panic button if the data shows no increase of people going to the hospital.  

Here are the Dashboards for August 11, and August 16.  Please refer to page 15-16 on August 11, and try to find it on August 12 and after. 

Just thinking out loud……Why is voting so dangerous, but Home Depot, the grocery store, Walmart, restaurants, the registry, liquor stores and pot shops are not?   Truly scary times.



 Table of contents August 11th

Table of Contents August 12th

Page 14,15,15 From August 11th

Vintage Heat

 Pin on Margaret Nolan

1963 Margaret Nolan | WOmWAm Review Image Catalog