Thursday, August 20, 2020

I Had A Feeling Donald Was A Fan Of The Feral Irishman

  He visits a lot and spends quite some time...

Either that, OR, we are all on a list.


  1. I can't read what's in that message.

  2. I'm fairly confident I'm already on a list.


    1. if I am not on a list someone should be fired.

  3. Maybe he does, and why wouldn't he? But, we're all definitely on a list. fine w/me. At least they know not to come to my house w/hostility.

  4. Why don't you send it to whitehouse.gov thanking him for his patronship and see if the ip address quits visiting?

    As to being on A list, we're ALL on THE list. Proudly have been for well over a decade. Fookem.


  5. Does that 20 minutes occur of Friday??

  6. It's my firm belief that if you're not on a government list somewhere, you should be ashamed of yourself.

  7. Yep all of us on a list, but then you should have a list as well..

  8. Hey Irish

    We all are on a list....LOL If we ain't we ain't trying, lol

  9. Been on multiple lists for umpteen years. At least since the heady days of the Golden Years of the old Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler. Man, those were some fun flame wars, with REAL trolls who didn't curl up in a fetal position and call for their mommies to make the bad men (and women) stop calling them mean names. *Sniff*

    1. Yeah, I still check in from time to time on Rottweiler, but it is only updated on an occasional basis. The flame wars were fun!!
      Good times, good times. Sorry to see them die slowly. Haven't heard from Emperor Misha for a while.

  10. Back in the day I used to see the Whitehouse, the Sargent of Arms for the U.S. Senate, Treasury Dept(Secret Service), The Justice Department, Military Intelligence and several other government agencies in my visitor logs.
    You damn Skippy I'm on a FEW lists.

    1. And because I peruse both of you fine blogs I am on a watch list, a redneck combat list, and snarky, old curmudgeon list and a BFYTW list, thanks friends! I still love ya!

    2. Hey, if we're here on this blog, you darn betcha we're ALL on a watchlist or six.

  11. Damn, I feel left out.
    Gonna have to work on that.

  12. I only have 1 List. Nixon had 2 and there in lay the problem. With 1 no one is sure if it's a friends list or an enemy list.

  13. Could be his cadre of Watchers, y'know. The Donald really doesn't have the time to peruse the Interwebies much, but I'm sure there are people out there looking and filtering search results and then bringing "the good stuff" to DJT's attention!

  14. Open image in new tab to view and zoom..

    I reckon God and Satan both have lists with my name on it. I'm screwed ��

  15. My longest duration visitors come from Alexandria and Langley, Virginia.

    Three Letter Heaven.

    At least the CIA and NSA are getting a laugh or two.


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