Saturday, August 25, 2018

Arab High School (a town in Alabama) hosts first high school game without Dixie as the football teams fight song

This is just another example of commies chipping away at culture/history/identity a little at at time.

Undocumented Immigrant (don't you just love that term?) held for attempting to abduct a female jogger in a Jasper, AL city park

                       What is it with these people? He'll be lucky to get to see an ICE agent where he is being held.


Read the whole story HERE.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Alternative to the NFL

When the NFL began all the dancing in the end zone and then decided to kneel for the National Anthem, I decided that I was through with watching Pro Football and began looking for another sport to replace my entertainment interest.  I had settled on Beach Vollyball which I found very interesting but the season was so short that something additional was needed to provide for a longer entertainment season.  As luck would have it along came Sand Soccer which I feel will be more that adequate  in fulfilling my entertainment needs.

Why is Australian Sand Soccer so Popular?













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I think it's the uniforms!

H/T to reader Rusty in Lakeshore 

When There Is A Little Toooo Much Baileys and Jamesons In Your Ice Coffee.....

Sunday, August 19, 2018