Saturday, July 19, 2014

Either one is for liberty or against it!

From Reader Jeffery:

When I was growing up some very zealous Christians were sometimes referred to as fanatics. I have heard many times since then  when discussing religion that a fanatic is just a Christian who is more devout than others. I suppose by the context of this attached article that the federal powers that be are singling out  people who are more devout libertarians and Constitutionalist. Why they are warning lawmen about these types I cannot say, but I would imagine it is not for some reward in the form of an EBT card, free housing, free medical care, etc. I bet it would more likely entail dog killings, door breaching in the wee hours of the morning, irs audits,  beatings, imprisonment, death or all the above listed.  I do not understand a government that helped teach my generation the pledge of allegiance, the intent of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, about throwing off the shackles of tyranny, and the mechanics of our representative republic. etc., but I know an enemy of liberty by the fruit they bear. The only explanation is that the majority of people who currently occupy the same seats of government. the same government who once embraced all the things that made this nation of states great are now either intentionally or complictyly the enemies of liberty. Those seats are now occupied by persons who  are  indoctrinating law enforcement officers that citizens who espouse the same values and beliefs in liberty are the enemy. I cannot wait for word to get out in my community/county as to who is responsible for sending local law enforcement officers to these communist training sessions and how being in favor of the the Constitution makes a person a "domestic terrorist".  It is sedition.  I would wager this is not a local isolated incident. I also would wager that if one Googled similar buzz phrases contained in the article one will find that the same thing is taking place in their AO. What would make people turn  against their own kind? Is a paycheck, benefits, or retirement really worth being a traitors fate? Either one is for liberty or against it!  Read the article



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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I Want To Fly Like An Eagle... Now You Can... Kinda

At That Moment, All Was Well In The World......

Afternoon Nap on Humpday....

♫♫ Set The Jukebox Back To 1973....♫♫

Sign Of The Times...Walmart

I stopped at the local Walmart this morning on the way to the bunker. This is the sign that greeted me at the entrance way.  

Have we fallen so far that people need to be 'reminded' they have children and they might be in the car?
(rhetorical question, I know)

I also notice that the sign is racist because it is only in English and doesn't have 15 other languages to make sure all parties are warned.
