The Calm Before The Storm...
Having modern technology makes it easy for us to know when storms are coming
and what the potential expectation is going to be.
Hyped by the media, and having cute names, doesn't
change the fact that there is a fore warning.
Our ancestors, with out technology, were much more in tune with nature and
could sense "something" coming. The air is different, the sound is different, there is a
general sense foreboding.
When a big snow storm is forecast you can "feel it".
Walking outside, the overcast sky is leaden, the dark color of wet concrete. Pause, stand still,
and allow oneself to slowly mesh with the surroundings. There is no sound.
You strain to hear a bird in the trees. You listen for a squirrel rustling in the leaves.
There is no sound. It's calm, too calm.
Sure there is the distant sound of vehicles on nearby roads or a train far in the distance,
their sounds, carrying through the deathly still air, can't over power the silence.
You can "feel" when the storm is coming.
As you stand outside in the deafening nothingness you can see a few stray flakes
meandering down from above.
Placing your hand out, with palm up, you may be able to capture one of
these "messengers" of the impending storm. It will rest for a moment, then melt away.
I think we have had many of these "messengers" landing.