Thursday, May 23, 2019

According to some experts, many young people are blaming one of the greatest hoaxes known to man called "climate change" for their lack of savings

Throw them a crying towel. In the latest display of mental derangement, some young people are blaming climate change for their small 401k balances. Many young people think civilization may not exist by the time they reach retirement age. 

Read the story HERE.

Life, Mon-Fri.......

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Cool Hand Luke was on TCM tonight. I always enjoy the "carwash" scene.


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Reward of $5,000.00 Offered by Hank Williams, Jr. for return of missing shotgun

Hank Williams, Jr. searching for shotgun lost in Alabama

Cullman, Alabama: Hank Williams Jr, is asking for help in locating a family heirloom. More specifically, he is searching for his grandaddy's Remington Model 11/48 16 gauge shotgun with ending serial number of 58111. Read all about it HERE.

Vintage Heat: Norma Ann Sykes: Britain's Answer to Marilyn Monroe

She was born May 19, 1936 and was better known by Sabrina or Sabby. She was a glamour model and film actress. She was probably most famous for her 41"- 19" - 36" hour glass figure. MORE.

Despite her first nude photoshoot not going to plan, she managed to get a regular spot on Before Your Very Eyes in 1955

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Born Norma Ann Sykes in Stockport in 1936, she moved to London aged 16 and would be stopped and stared at in the street