Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Demoratz Learn Of The Mueller Reports (Q's White Rabbit)

This is one of the funniest spoofs of this type I think I've ever seen. It is funny, but it is also true. Enjoy.

H/T to Rusty at Lakeshore

Thursday, March 28, 2019

This is what happens when demoratz keep mumbling about free shit and finally get their way.

Keith Olbermann Apologizes to Turkey Hunter; Twitter Takes Down Tweet That Called to Make His Life “Living Hell”

I don't know who Keith Olbermann is, but I would assume he is another deranged left-winger who believes plucking a child from it's mother's womb and murdering it is fine, but someone legally harvesting a turkey is an outlaw. This is another fine example of liberal logic. I hope Hunter Waltman's attorney rips this guy a--hole. For the record, I have seen a wild albino gobbler and thought it was a miracle it made it to maturity (no natural camouflage).

Read the whole story HERE

Tomorrow is Friday....

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Subliminal Pizza Message....

They Are Going Full Retard

"Something happened to him"

Gambino Mob Boss Shooting Suspect Was "Radicalized" by QAnon, Far Right, and Even Trump Attorney Says. Read the whole story HERE.

H/T to Scott at Lakeshore

For Those Playing Along At Home... The Media's Love Affair With Avenatti...

It Seems To Come Earlier and Earlier....

Monday, March 25, 2019

One Down, Hundreds To Go

Scary porn lawyer and CNN spokesperson Michael Avnatti indicted after trying to extort $20 million from Nike. Also, there is a high probability that tax fraud charges are headed his way. The moral of the story is, "if you take a swing at the king, you better knock him out cold". Read all about it HERE. 

Deo Vindice

Michael Avenatti

BWAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahhaha........ breath....... AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA........... my sides.....AHAHAHAHAH......

Hat-tip to reader Joe

Now that you cleaned your favorite beverage off your monitor

Here's sobering link for you that shows you just how much Trump has been attacked....

In Case You Weren’t Keeping Track Of The Attempted MSM Attacks On Trump 

It's Monday, At Rachel Maddow's...