Friday, September 12, 2014

Hey Boilerdoc, I Found A Super Hero, Just For You!

Friday Femme Fatale......


Only Fourteen More Friday's!!

Let's Get Out Of A Perfectly Good Helicopter.....

Killed By Death....

Click on Death.....


I've Always Been Confused When I Heard The Word Service...

...used in these contexts:

Internal Revenue SERVICE
Telephone SERVICE
State, City, County and Public SERVICE
Customer SERVICE

But today,  I overheard two farmers talking, and one of them said he hired a bull to SERVICE 
a few cows.

BAM!  It all came into focus. Now I understand what all this SERVICE really is!

H/t To JW

You Figure It Out....

Click on the pic...........



Relax, I Got This Shit....

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

♫♫ CDB Saddle Tramp....♫♫

Wednesday Wedgie.....

It's Humpday, Someone Blow The Lunch Whistle...

Click the pic for a little more NSFW...


This Is The Kind Of Shit That Should PISS OFF EVERY Working Person....

/searches desk for BP meds............
/ starts Rant:

I stopped at a gas station in New Hampshire* the other day and this fcuking  sign greats me from across the parking lot.....

(* The "Live Free or Die" state until the libtards from Assachusetts ruined it by moving here)

Really??? Rockstar Energy Drinks are EBT Approved. YHGTBSM. 
What the fuck??  I was going in to pay for a bottle of water and someone is getting my
tax dollars for energy drinks.  IT must be strenuous carrying around that card they need extra energy.

Now I see that you can get POT with EBT cards in some states... When did this world 
turn upside down and backwards?

How will this ever be reversed?  

This is the message I would love to send all the politicians that vote for this crap!!

/ rant off... I'm going back to work so some scumbag can get their energy drink when they
wake up around noon......................

♫♫ From The Ipod During This Mornings Commute....♫♫

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

They’ll be coming for you. Go Read It

So the President can simply say that anything more than (for example) a week’s supply of food (and all the other things listed) is an amount ‘in excess of the reasonable demands of personal consumption’ and then order the Army to impound everything you have in excess of that amount.



What's Under Your Burka?

I'm busy today... have fun and be safe out there...

Monday, September 8, 2014

Seeing Red

Imagine Having These Neighbors....

From the video info:
Huntington Beach, CA. Common weekly occurrence with this insane neighbor. She throws things, beats her boyfriend, drives into stuff. All time day and night. When she backed up the first time in this video she hit my car.

It's Monday, Let's Go.....

Sunday, September 7, 2014