Saturday, January 25, 2025

Regarding Test Post Last Night


  After searching off and on, I had seen imagebam noted in various places and reviews as

a possible substitute.  I did a dry run post and then checked how it worked.  I did NOT get

any pop ups or links to 'pron sites' using Firefox with ublock,ghostery, and adblock.

 It was a bit cumbersome, I agree.

To the commenter that noted there appear to be some under age in the post. Please do elucidate

Irish on which one, one's, you are concerned about. If you mean under 30, then yes, it may be so.

Based on some other comments, it may be time to try my hand at Wordpress.  It seems they are

a bit more lenient on their TOS.    

Has anyone got any input on wordpress one way or another?

This will take gettting used to after 14 plus years here.

Thanks for all the input, I'll be around as usual.


They Got It Off The Bridge.... UPDATED *

This is a follow-up to the post yesterday about the van stuck on the closed bridge. First of all, allow me to make two corrections. The van did not go airborne. The driver, who was not a man as earlier stated, drove over the berm/debris and entered the bridge. It was only when blocked by additional debris on the bridge that the driver stopped. As can be seen in the photos, a skid-steer was used to remove the berm. Next, the big wrecker pulled the van to where the missing boards should be and the steel runners are visible. Then, the roll-off backed down and winched the van onto it's bed. It looks like proper planning paid off for the recovery crew. Good job guys. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Testing This Out For Potential FFFF.....


  Things are still settling out from the past month and half or so.  I appreciate those that have

commented and or reached out to check in.  I'm still kicking and still busy at work so there

is that.  Let's just say that the shit all kinda hit the fan at once so the easiest thing to do

was to handle what I could.   I would like to thank Jeffery for taking the helm when he did.

Now on to better things other than reading what Trump has been doing. IYKWIMAITYD.

 See it this works for your FFFF fix.   You will have to mess around and figure out how to 

see all the images in the gallery.....  LINK HERE

  Good luck.  Feed back appreciated.  Maybe we will circumvent the road blocks.

Stay safe out there.

"...............but my Garmin said"

This happened on a small county road where I live. The road was through road when I was growing up, but after the bridge washed away once and was severely damaged several other times, and the last time, so severely, that the road was closed permanently. The road on both ends looks like a tunnel due to the overhanging limbs and the sides of the road no longer being trimmed by the county road department driving down to the old bridge or it did the last time I was down there. There is ample signage on both sides stating the road is closed. There are two large berms of dirt and debris blocking both ends of the bridge too. The driver hit the berm, went airborne, and landed forward some distance on the bridge. It was only when he encountered the fallen trees near the other end that he stopped and called 911. The van is still there as the county and wrecker services try to determine a way to safely remove the van off Maxwell Bridge. The other side of the bridge looks much like this side with missing boards. This place was known as "Bridge out" when I was kid. They may change it to FedEx Van Road now. Who knows?


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Little More Than "One Frosty Morn"

 Here in north Alabama we got around 3 inches of snow at my house. Some parts to the north got 4-6" and southern Tennessee got walloped. Yesterday, the Deep South experienced a rare mini-blizzard that gave the Gulf of America Coast a rare snowfall. This is an anomolay, but for people who think temps in the Southland are always mild, it is a balmy 9 degrees Fahrenheit as I wrote this at 6:45 this morning.


.......and not a crumb of bread nor drop of milk could be found.

Monday, January 20, 2025

God Save The South

"General Robert E. Lee was, in my estimation, one of the supremely gifted men produced by our nation....He was thoughtful and demanding of his officers and men, forbearing with captured enemies, but ingenious, unrelenting, and personally courageous in battle, and never disheartened by a reverse or an obstacle" Dwight D. Eisenhower 

Growing up, we always got a day off from school for Confederate Memorial Day and Robert E. Lee's birthday. I know Mississippi and Alabama still celebrate his birthday with a state holiday.