Friday, June 22, 2012

G-nite.....RULE 5 NSFW

Click the pic..NSFW

Just a Quick Note and Thank You....

I have been a little busy lately and haven't been enjoying posting as much as I usually do.

I do read all the comments you all leave and Statfinder keeps me posted on all of you that lurk here.

I just want to say THANKS to my followers and THANKS to you that choose to comment.

I have been humbled by you all that care to share the shit I decide to post.

Thanks for stopping by and Thanks to you all that comment.



MMMmmmm...Checking to see how many ribs will fit in the smoker......

It's STILL Hot Enough To Melt Ice Cream Here.....

Runaway Truck.......UNREAL!

Watch the whole thing... How this guy gets out is astonishing!


Water Bottle Pee Prank is Soooo Yesterday... Now It's The Shake Weight Prank

Lunchtime Red Haired Maiden.....

Why Should You Be Careful Around Tires When Filling Them?

Re-Electing Obama.....Bumper Snicker...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

G-nite Rule 5 NSFW

Click the pic..NSFW

Why Does The Alarm Clock Always Go Off Just When It's About To Get Good?

Click the Clock.. NSFW

How Do You Do That?

Thursday Afternoon Red Head Cools off In The Woods....

99 Degrees and Muggy as Hell.....

I think this looks like a GREAT idea.......

Manual Machining of The World's Smallest V-12 Engine.

Thanks to reader Josh! 

Cats After A Rough Night of Drinking...

..actually it's cats after anesthesia.


The Most Arrogant Man In The World.... LOL!

Emailed to me from The Furious Frenchman...


Some Political Cartoons...

Monday, June 18, 2012


Suddenly Realizing.....

...why all the guys like her.....

Still Here...

It was a quiet afternoon and evening yesterday and this morning started off busy at 6:00 am

I've got a few things to post when I get a few minutes...

Hope you all have a Great Day!