Friday, June 7, 2013

Play The Music Video..Enjoy The Dance.... Fuck It All Friday....

It's Been A Long Ass Week...

♫♫Friday Night Floyd..... Dogs. ♫♫

Roger Waters Dogs by NacirAdhrar

Wet Reds......

Vote for Wirecutter HERE in The Coolest SOB Poll

Go Vote For Wirecutter.. More Red Heads!


I'll Post Nude Red Heads If You All Go Vote For Wirecutter At The Coolest SOB Poll!!!

The Poll is here:


Here's Some Motivation... now go vote!!

Amazing Rescue of a Moose That Is Freezing To Death......Renews Your Faith In Humanity...

Obama Supporter......

Avast AntiVirus is Reporting Trojan Horse at Drudge and Ace of Spades....

My Anti - virus software is showing blocked trojan horses at both those sites.

It could be the ads or one of the links.  I'm not that smaht to nail it down.

Is anyone else getting those warnings?

Here is the report warning from Drudge:


Infection Details

Process:C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox...
Infection:HTML:Iframe-AMG [Trj]

What if ........

 Romney Had Won? <LINK

Interesting, outside the box, thinking from American and Proud

Henry Bowman's right hand tightened around the walnut
grip of the Solothurn S18 - 1000.
The weapon had been a present from his father,
given to him on his fourteenth birthday in 1967.........

 Solothurn + WWHBD Bumper Sticker = AWESOME GUNNIE GOODNESS....

Big Thanks to reader Rick who sent this pic along with this in an email:

"Last weekend was a machinegun & cannon shoot just south of Casper Wyoming (www.wyomingnfa.com). I made sure I took along one of your stickers because they usually have a Solothurn there."

Hit my email on the sidebar, or comment if you want some stickers.

Friday Dog Thoughts....

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Thirsty Thursday... Starts Going Down Hill........

Soon To Be Youtube Celebrities... Straight From Mom's Basement... They have been there waaaaaaay toooooo looooong.......

Hey Irish, What Are You Doing At Work So Late?

Watch the volume.....

Meanwhile on A Russian Dashcam......


Tired of the Government Routinely Violating Your Constitutional Rights? Please Sign This Petition

From Brian at Frankenstein Goverment reposted verbatim:

For the record, I hate cowards and people who run around blaming others. Tragically, this country is overcome with that mentality.
So when the story broke that the (government) has been randomly and arbitrarily and in secret- seizing millions of personal and private phone records with the complicity of Verizon...I nearly had an aneurysm. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/06/nsa-verizon-phone-records-white-house_n_3395423.html?ir=Politics

Any lawyer or cop- knows how difficult it is to obtain a search warrant and then defend it. In Idaho, a wiretap warrant is nearly impossible to get. You have to show that you have no other methods of acquiring information or evidence before a judge will issue a wiretap order.

It is the ultimate intrusion into your privacy.

For days, I have been reading the comments written by the leftists, statists, and sheep of this country who think that perhaps the government is justified in seizing millions of records. Or that the poor old government will have it's work cut out for it sorting through all of the things that have seized. Or that Bush started all of this- as though somehow Obama's administration is compelled to continue to keep violating my fourth amendment rights.

I could care less who or what is to blame. I want the routine violation of my rights to stop. I am a Verizon customer and a citizen with rights.

Please sign this petition and forward it to everyone you know. The constitution is not a suggestion. It's time that the government starts respecting citizen rights. https://www.change.org/petitions/the-united-states-government-the-national-security-agency-stop-the-routine-seizure-of-phone-records-without-cause-or-due-process

1939 New York Color HD Video.....

Thursday Shakespeare....

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Click the pic....

♫♫ Sorrow..... The Guitar Work of David Gilmour ♫♫

My day is complete after cranking this 3 times in row...

I Think I Might Have To Try A Good Irish Dinner Tonight....

h/t to hiswiserangel for the idea

Is The Sound Created By A Snapping Towel A Sonic Boom?

A Little Mental Vacation Train Ride.....

Link> HERE  for more images and a description of the rail and the location.

I Don't Think Charlie Goddamnit Likes Wirecutter's Wallpaper....

Crack Cocaine Like Substance in a Bowl....

I had a recall service on my car and this is what greeted me next
 to the coffee maker at the dealer:

I guess I could have gone full feed bag ..............


But I was good and didn't have any.................

Friggin Cats.....


It Starts Here:

and then things get better.................

H/t to chickemom

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Ok...Cleanse you eyes from that last post...... G-nite

G nite..... open the door by clicking

Ward off the evil spirits tonight when you go to bed....

..just leave your computer on with this picture on the screen.

(i'll make it up to you in an hour)

Whoa... Celebrity Endorsement of Prancercise? No Way......

Who would have guessed how far this Prancercise craze would go?

Check out the latest endorser HERE

The Ferdinand Brewery Is In The Czech Republic.....

It Looks Like They Brew a Fine Ass Beer......

This Kid Will Go Places......

Sad Cat Diary......hehehehe......

Sad Dog Diary..........hehehehehe

Mmmmm.. Free Range Local Pork Chops.....

 Oh man... they are deeeeelicious!

Who Is The Coolest Blogger Of 2013? The Feral Irishman Needs Your Vote!!!

BC over at "I'm a Man, I'm 41" has put up a contest and a poll to let you vote

for the coolest blogger of 2013. IT looks like there is some stiff competition

and a lot of good bloggers that are listed. So far this is the result :

I would like to rattle all their cages today so please go to the link HERE and scroll down 

to the Poll.

Coolest SOB In The Conservative Blogosphere Award 2013


OR click HERE

there you will find the the poll.

 Do me a favor and vote for Pissed- The Feral Irishman!!

Do it for the children!


I would also like to thank Rick Lakehomer for the nomination!

Kate Upton would also like to thank you..............

"Girls will be boys and boys will be girls It's a mixed up muddled up shook up world"


Twosday Coffee...

WOW......It Can Be Done....Recall in Colorado ...First in History..

I didn't see this on the MSM...

Rob Harris, the leader of the effort, has never been involved in politics before. What got him involved was Morse’s dismissive attitude towards an email he sent Morse about gun control laws. “He said it was abusive,” Harris says, “which it wasn’t.”
Refusal to listen to his constituents is par for the course for Morse, who on national television described how he counseled fellow senators to ignore their constituents’ email and calls and vote for the gun control bills.
That arrogant attitude was cited more than any other by people signing the recall petition. A large number of people signing the petition said they had voted for Morse and wanted to fix their mistake.
“We want a representative, not a ruler,” Harris said. “Morse has tried to be a ruler and we’re firing him.”

This Grassroot movement of everyday people has made a huge statement.


and HERE

Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Night 12 Pack........

Click the pic to see the un-pack....

This video demonstrates a "modified weaver stance" and proper shooting grip a little differently. Great training film.

Can You Spot The Guy With The Coke and The Money?

BWAHAHAHHAHA.... Guy Uses A Speech Jammer App to Give a Gun Review.....

This is how I envision many of the Nitwits that want to force gun control on us
 if they were to try and explain the evil guns ( without the speech jammer).....

Wirecutter Needs To Change His Name To "Doolittle".. Look Where All His Votes Are Coming From....

This Just In.. The Honey Badger STILL Doesn't Give a F**K.....

Picture Dump From The Inbox.....

"Unintended Consequences" By John Ross... Do You Want Your Own New Copy?

I saw this link over at "whatbubbaknows"

They have done a new printing of the book in soft cover: