Saturday, May 19, 2012

G-nite.. 6 Pack....

Click the pic...NSFW


Major Parenting FAIL....

Stay with it and watch to the end.....

I Gotta Get Me A Stihl Farmboss....


For The Ladies...... A Saturday Beefcake...

Click on the Picture....

Acrophobia?... You Will After Watching This

From Gawker


Russian ‘Skywalkers’ Scale 1000-Foot Bridge without Safety Equipment for Fun

19-year-old Moscow-based photographer Vitaly Raskalov and two of his friends were taken into custody by police after posting evidence of their shenanigans online.
Participating in a Russian trend known as "skywalking," the three climbed two 240-meter-high bridges in Vladivostok, recording their ascent for posterity.
After uploading the photos to a social media site, Raskalov announced that he and his buddies planned to climb Russky Island Bridge the following day. Thanks to his boasting, police became wise to their plans, 

Great Safety Advertising....

Why Can't I Get a Job?

Well Scooter, "I" have no effing idea.....?

I'm Jealous, My Buddy The Furious Frenchman is Golfing...

They are having a 36 hole round up in Vermont at  "Lake Morey Resort"

 The weather in New England today is spectacular and I'm at work doing maintenance and running parts for Monday. 

He just sent me this picture of the fairway: 

To The Hospital For Stitches in 3....2.....1.....

Thanks to reader ANOM

A Woman That Gets It....

I found this linked over at "Firehands" place and felt it was good enough to pass along.

"My eyes are up here, you know."


Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Click the pic...Definitely NSFW......

It Still Has That New Blogger Smell.....

Copius Gasser started blogging back in April and hit the 10,000 page view mark after 42 days.

If you want stop by and give'em some traffic and say Hi if you want.

Dogs In The Workplace....

These were sent by constant reader Anom ..THANKS!


I Never Knew Seton Hall was THAT Large....

Seton Hall, only 14 miles from New York City, offers the opportunities and resources of a large university with the attention of a small college.

Virtual Flight Over Asteroid Named Vesta....

Ride aboard NASA's Dawn spacecraft on a virtual flyover of giant asteroid Vesta. Mission data was used to create the topography you see. Waypoints include: Divialia Fossa; Marcia crater, part of the "snowman" feature; and Aricia Tholus.

DAMN Telemarketers.......

Death, Escaping From.....

Brittney needs to play the lottery, that's for sure.....

WENHAM, Mass. (WHDH) -- A woman and her dog made a great escape just seconds before a tree crashed down on her car on Tuesday.
Brittney Barry had just gotten into her vehicle when she said “all of a sudden I heard, ‘crack, crack, crack -- smash,’ and then I don’t even really know how I got out of the car.”

Click the pic for news vid and story.....


Red Haired Humpday Heaven........

Click >LINK< to see all the pics in the collage below.....

I Changed Up My Commuting Music.....♫♫♫

I have been getting sick of listening to the regular radio and satellite radio so I dug up some old school CD's and played this one on the drive to and from work. I haven't listened to this is sooooo long.. what an amazing album and flashback....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Click the pic.... NSFW

Nicole Needs To Lay Off The Booze.....

Hide Booze In Your Facebook Pictures....

Enjoy Your Reality Sandbox......

Video of a sandbox equipped with a Kinect 3D camera and a projector to project a real-time colored topographic map with contour lines onto the sand surface. The sandbox lets virtual water flow over the surface using a GPU-based simulation of the Saint-Venant set of shallow water equations.

A Preview Of The Democratic National Convention...

If Thor had A Daughter......

Four Reasons Not To Drive A Small Car......

Click the car to see what you would miss out on if you drove this POS............ NSFW

H/T to Paul S.

Starting Off The Day With Machine Issues.....

I could probably use some of the following.......