Saturday, November 8, 2014

You Don't Realize It, But You're Tapping Your Foot.........

Well you walk into a city street, you could be in Poru
And you hear a distant calling and you know it's meant for you,
And you drom what you were doing and you join the merry mob,
And before you know just where you are, your in an Irish pub.

They've got one in Honalulu they've got one in Moscow too,
They got four of them in Sydney and a couple in Katmando
So whether you sing or pull a pint you'll always have a job,
'Cause where ever you go around the world you'll find an Irish pub.

Now the design is fairly simple and it usually works the same,
You'll have ''Razor Houghton'' scoring in the Ireland England game
And you know your in an Irish pub the minute your'e in the door,
For a couple of boys with bodhrans will be murdering Christy Moore.

They've got one in Honolulu they've got one in Moscow too,
They got four of them in Sydney and a couple in Katmando
So whether you sing or pull a pint you'll always have a job,
'Cause where ever you go around the world you'll find an Irish pub.

Now the owner is Norweigen and the manager comes from Cork,
And the lad that's holding up the bar says 'Only Egets Work'
He was born and bread in Bolton but his mammy's from Kildare,
And he's going to make his fortune soon and move to County Clare.

They've got one in Honolulu they've got one in Moscow too,
They got four of them in Sydney and a couple in Katmando
So whether you sing or pull a pint you'll always have a job,
'Cause where ever you go around the world you'll find an Irish pub.

Now it's time for me to go I have to catch me train,
So I'll leave ye sitting at the bar and face the wind and rain,
For I'll have that pint you owe me, like I'm not gone on the dry,
When we meet next week in Frankford in the fields of Athenry.

They've got one in Honolulu they've got one in Moscow too,
They got four of them in Sydney and a couple in Katmando
So whether you sing or pull a pint you'll always have a job,
'Cause where ever you go around the world you'll find an Irish pub.

Professional Driver. One-Of-A-Kind Heavily Modified Vehicle. Do Not Attempt. You Could Die.

Does The Siberian Snow Cover Affect Our Weather?

From the article:

“A rapid advance of Eurasian snow cover during the month of October favors that the upcoming winter will be cold across the Northern Hemisphere,” Cohen said in an interview yesterday. “This past October the signal was quite robust.” 

Remember how evidence was mounting last month that early snowfall was accumulating across Siberia? And remember how there’s a theory that says this snowfall signals a cold winter?
So in the two and a half weeks since, the news for the winter-haters has, unfortunately, only gotten worse. 


Looks like these could be a BIG seller this year!! 


Friday, November 7, 2014

Time For Another (a)Rousing Rendition Of "Friday Femme Fatale"....

Am I Being Too Naive In Asking Why.....

.. They can't impose a curfew in Ferguson?

Why are they allowing the inmates to run the asylum?

What happened to the rule of law?

Are the people that are already threatening violence that much of a protected class?

( I know, most of those are rhetorical questions)

♫♫Machinehead ♫♫..... For The Ride Home

Pink Floyd Has A New Album Coming Out Next Week....

The new album is called "THE ENDLESS RIVER"

Here's Some David Gilmour...

Cozy Cabin...

Leigh Offers His Take On The Russian "Trojan Horse" Story....


'Trojan Horse' Bug Lurking in Vital US Computers Since 2011

 It's rather interesting that this is dropped into the news cycle just after a major political routing of the Dems. I asked some fellow blog friends their thoughts on what implications this might have and Leigh brought up some good points to ponder......

Leigh writes:

I just watched this. My thoughts are it is either a fake story, or a inside job type hack - think false flag.
Why would you tell the whole world that your security is so lax that a trojan has just been lying in wait for the go order.
Doesn't make sense -

  • .gov NEVER admits when it screws up
  • they are trying to ratchet up the level of animosity towards the Russians
  • they are pre-selecting a scape-goat for an event they plan to unleash
Everyday, this country looks more and more like Oceania.