Friday, December 7, 2012

I Guess A Winter Vacation Wouldn't Be Bad....

Pearl Harbor Day....

My Grandfather enlisted in the Navy in 1943 at the age of 30 or so. When he went to war

he was a coxswain of  LCVP's at Iwo Jima and  in the Pacific.

He was on the USS Rutland 192.

From a short account he had written for the local paper:

On Feb 19th 1944 US troops attacked the Japanese stronghold on Iwo Jima. 

For 8 days the Rutland dropped off troops and cargo and handled casualties. 

Although 11 of the LCVP's were lost through enemy fire, being swamped in the high surf

 and other causes and several of her beach party personal were wounded, not one man was 

killed that came from the Rutland.

  His fellow crewman went almost without sleep for the whole operation. 

They fought off several kamakazi air attacks before leaving the island on Feb. 27th.

RIP  "Papa Joe"
April 16,1913- May 20, 2001


Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Someone named anonymous left this nugget of beauty in my email.

Recognized as the “Mecca of all bacon festivals”, the much talked about Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival takes place annually in Des Moines, IA.  Organized and promoted by the Iowa Bacon Board, the festival offers participants: extensive bacon sampling, bacon lectures, bacon-inspired dishes, bacon competitions, an annual bacon queen, bacon awards, live entertainment and bacon camaraderie.
The 6th Annual Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival will take place on Saturday, February 9, 2013.  Ticket sales will be announced in November.  Historically, the festival has doubled in size every year and sold out quickly.  With plans to accommodate over 8,000 bacon lovers the event will again take place at the Iowa State Fairgrounds.  The Varied Industries Building with the new addition of the Elwell Family Food Center will allow for a larger variety of food vendors, bacon purveyors, entertainment, bacon education lectures and beverage stations.

>2013 Festival<


Vikings and Bacon



♫♫ Remember This One?...♫♫

Take About Intrusive! Now Google Has House View...

What it looks like inside amazon warehouses WOW!


Monday, December 3, 2012


November FAILS....

The Air Force Is Planning A Fly Over On Inauguration Day.....

Awesome, Smothered in Awesome Sauce*

(*at least I thought so)

Cool Zombie Related Commercial...

XXL - zombie from Storm Studios on Vimeo.

An open letter to Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock

This has been linked on a few sites. Pass it on it's worth it.

Gentlemen: I see that you have chosen to use the horrific crime of the murder of Kasandra Perkins to express your belief that guns are the problem, not the men who wield them. I am utterly certain that you believe that you have the moral high ground on this matter. I am equally certain that such a belief is appallingly wrong, not to mention terribly misogynistic. Why do I say this? Because had your desires on gun control been in place, I would not be alive to be writing this now.

I have an Ex. I have an Ex who, in the process of becoming my Ex, made credible threats to kill me. Why did I believe these threats were credible? Because among the primary reasons why I left him were that he had anger control issues, that he was a problem drinker well on his way to full blown alcoholism and that the things he was throwing at me were getting ever closer to my head. I decided to leave before finally snapped and actually hit me. He was displeased by this and made such displeasure known.


What "IF" Irish, Wirecutter, Boilerdoc, Angrymike, Billybob,Soylent and others had a Blog Meet.....?


What an Awesome Picture.....

From Here

Back in the day, Boilerdoc wasn't allowed to be the BACON!!

Go, look, realize. Freak..... Take a deep breath.


The Federal Reserve is the Central Bank of United States of America. It is responsible for printing the U.S. dollars & much more.
The reason for Federal Reserve's existence is to maintain price stability and maximum employment.

The Federal Reserve (and other Central Banks) have been 'printing' money in recent years under various code-names, including Quantitive Easing (QE 1, 2, & 3), LTRO, SMP, TWIST, TARP and TALF, in order to bring unemployment down & speed up the economy. This article explains the failure behind the current money printing scheme and how banks, not people, get the money. 


Make Sure To Hand Out A Few.....and Don't Be Stingy

Meanwhile in Kalifornia...

CHINO HILLS - Some 70 people picketed a busy city intersection on Saturday protesting what they say is an illegal Chinese maternity operation.
Brightly colored signs reading "Not in Chino Hills" and "No Birth Tourism" decorated the intersection of Peyton Avenue and Chino Hills Parkway for more than two hours.
It was the first protest by the group Not In Chino Hills, which was organized just two weeks ago.
"Chino Hills is a nice family oriented town. We don't want a maternal hotel that is a business in a residential area," said Rossana

Go read the comments too, like this one:

You Californians are prime stoppers of Hispanic illegal enforcement. Why do you care about a few Chinese trying to scam the system when you support thousands of Mexicans and South Americans?
or this one:
You get what you elect.