Saturday, May 21, 2016

"Sir you are now the President...of the United States."

  I hope they don't fuck this up... and try and push an agenda.

Other than to take out the enemies like we should.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday Femme Fatale....

Yup... It's Friday....

The USS Mooshelle Obama Lives Up To Her Namesake As She Wedges Her Way Through The Panama Canal....



"It Was Scary" says Senator Barbara Boxer as she commented on "unhinged" Bernie supporters at a democrap rally in Nevada last weekend. 

Hell, all democrans and most republicrats scare the hell out of me. I do not fear them as individuals, but as the self-serving career politico-collectivist-commie-rat bastards that they are. The story can be seen HERE. 


What's Behind The Mask?

Beautiful Custom Fly Fishing Rods....


  A plug for fellow blogger BW's  >> Everybody Has To Be Somewhere<<   friend 

named Luke Weiser that makes stunning custom fly fishing rods...

I work in bamboo because it moves
the way nature wanted a rod to be

Luke Weiser


Although I personally haven't fly fished I can appreciate the workmanship of these.


Link O'rama.. Keeping Tabs On Things....

compiled and submitted by AFOI

** A reminder to all the #nevertrumpers what's at stake if Hellary wins.

http://lidblog.com/47-dead-clinton-friends-pt1/# http://lidblog.com/47-clinton-friends-who-died-under-strange-circumstances-part-2/ http://lidblog.com/the-47-strange-deaths-around-bill-and-hillary-clinton-part-3/
** Funny how so many people around the Clintons end up taking dirt naps.  Just what are the odds?

** Gays for more Muslim immigration is - to cite that popular quip - like chickens voting for Colonel Sanders.

http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/262809/islam-and-sexuality-sex-men-not-women-dr-majid-rafizadeh http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/262821/every-rape-victim-deserves-be-heard-except-hillary-ann-coulter
** But... but... but WAR ON WOMEN!  Tampons!  Birth control pills!

** Kennedy was a drunk, a letch, a murderer, and a traitor... yet he is lauded as one of the Lions of the Democrats.  Which tells me
EVERYTHING I need to know about the Democrats. 


Red Tresses.....

♫♫ One Of Those Songs That Cause You To Reach Down And Turn Up The Volume As Your Cruising WIth The Windows Down..... ♫♫

  h/t to Leigh

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tired....... Ruff Day....

Nooooooo, There Is No Indoctrination Going On In The Schools....

The following was sent in by THEFURIOUSFRENCHMAN with this note:

"Indoctrination starts early.  I will make sure my 11 yo boy includes the satellite data showing no warming."

Here is the email he received from the school:

Hi Families!

We are thankfully through our MCAS Science testing for the year and headed into summer. As a wrap up to our year of learning, we started a new project yesterday in science that I hope students will find interesting and will be engaged in learning through the end of the school year! We are doing a research project relating to how humans impact our environment. Students will be working in small groups and individually to complete the project (poster, oral presentation, and written report), and they have an option of studying Global Warming or Endangered Species. They will also be coming up with a plan on how to help slow down global warming or save an endangered species. The children have detailed expectations, including deadlines and checklists, in their science binders. We also spoke to students about being good partners in learning and helping out their peers. If working efficiently, students should be able to complete all the work here in school. Please let me know if you have any questions! 


Notes From The Road....

  Driving up route 95 this morning I was greeted by electronic bill boards after crossing the state line  into New Hamphire.

  There were 2 signs in the first few miles that were flashing something like this:


 ( I used a sign generator for effect )

 Then came the third sign......

The next sign  after that was a  big orange construction sign with the words "LIQUOR STORE" and an arrow to get you to the right exit during construction.
 Here's a view inside the SALEM NH store over on Route 93:

"The New Hampshire Liquor Commission, which recently opened a new store in Salem, again saw record sales for the 2015 fiscal year, which ended June 30. At 24,000 square feet, the store is more than twice as large as the previous Salem store and is the largest in the state." 

CONCORD — State wine and liquor sales increased by $21 million in the latest fiscal year to a record total of $642 million, according to the New Hampshire Liquor Commission. NHLC said the overall increase in sales at New Hampshire Liquor and Wine Outlets was 3.4 percent for fiscal 2015, which ended June 30. The increase was nearly an even split between spirits, which increased by 3.5 percent, and a 3.3 percent increase in wine sales, NHLC said in a release Thursday.Joseph Mollica, chairman of the NHLC, said the agency has worked to improve the locations of the outlets through relocation and renovations. .. Mollica also credited NHLC’s marketing and strategic buying efforts with the increased business. “Our success is truly a team effort,” Mollica said.The NHLC said the sales totals added up to 23.7 million bottles of spirits and 29.2 million bottles of wine.

I'm sure all 40 deaths were not alcohol related but the order in which I read the signage was a bit "interesting" to say the least.

I kinda felt like Homer as I traveled North.........

At That Moment, All Was Well....

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Link O'rama.... Keeping Tabs On Things..

Compiled and submitted by AFOI

** Another potential flashpoint.  OOH, I don't blame each side for practicing.  OTOH, not a good situation.  Call me pessimistic, but I have
made the analogy that the world is piled high with interconnected stacks of dry tinder, and that lots of people are playing with matches.
Sooner or later SOMETHING is going to catch, and when it does, the whole thing's going to go.

** Quote: "I cannot accept with any respect any Republicans or conservatives who will now support Hillary Clinton.  They do not deserve it.
They exhibit themselves as rent-seekers, to profit from her probable election to the presidency due to the lock that Democrats have on a near
majority of the electoral college. Or, they exhibit their overriding loyalty to their liberal social circle in New York or Washington. They do
not exhibit the judgment to choose the lesser of evils, and they increase the probability of loss of Republican control of the Senate and
House, which only increases the damages from a leftist administration."

** But... but... but... WAR ON WOMEN!  Tampons!  Birth control pills!

Southern Charms.......

Summertime Money Trap...... Lemonade And Kryptonite......

sent in by Russ.

image VIA