Saturday, October 15, 2022

Great Idea For A Novel...


 This comment,below, was posted in response to THIS POST at THEBURNINGPLATFORM

Go watch the video presented for context. 


T4C comment:

I have only one wish at present: that a movie be made of what the world would look like if ALL White people, along with all their contributions, were to suddenly disappear from human history.

Movie starts out with showing how things are in the present, dialogue by colored people, Karens, Libs etc about the evils of/Evil White folk…then night comes and in the morning, POOF….all da Crackers and everything they created is GONE. What would that look like? What would be the reaction of all dim coloreds that is left? Would the movie be a drama…or a comedy?

Friday, October 14, 2022

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.... Slapdash Shenanigans.....






One Bite At A Time...



BERLIN -- The cooling tower of a former nuclear power plant next to the Rhine River in Germany that was online for just 13 months has been demolished, 31 years after it stopped producing electricity.

Remote-controlled excavators on Friday removed pillars that supported the tower at the Muelheim-Kaerlich plant, near Koblenz. The tower, whose top half had already been removed by a specially designed robot, collapsed under its own weight in a cloud of dust a couple of hours later.

Muelheim-Kaerlich was switched off in September 1988 after 13 months in service when a federal court ruled the risk of earthquakes in the area hadn't been taken into account sufficiently. After a lengthy legal battle, demolition started in 2004. Operator RWE says nearly all radioactive material had already been removed by then.




 Because a blast was out of the question, the 162 meters high cooling tower of the former Mülheim-Kärlich nuclear power plant was cleared from above with a remote-controlled excavator piece by piece. After falling below a height of approx. 80 meters, a demolition excavator finally brought the cooling tower down from the ground on August 9, 2019. 

 Due to a faulty building permit procedure, the nuclear power plant was only in operation for about two years. <<<  What a fucking waste of money.- Irish




Summing Up The Twilight Zone...




And... You have to be able to decipher this flag after paying $100,000.00 a year for tuition. 







A Short Stop At The Liqour Store Will Be a Good Prep For FFFF......









"Sympathy Pain" is real....









This Short Film Is On Target....











  Lately, maybe due to the change of seasons, getting out of bed feels like this......