Monday, October 10, 2022

Top O' The Monday Marnin' All...



   How it all ends, here at the Sooper Sekrit Bunker.....




  1. Or without a storm or other good reason the power is out and when I check the internet-cell phone and emergency radio nothing works.

    Pucker factor 11.

  2. Ah, yes - nuttin' like Pantex Bottled Sunshine to really, really make your day!

    Bend over and kiss it goodbye, boyos!

  3. Nuclear war will relieve us of the wokies and retards, but I repeat myself. One way or another. Then we get to live in the real world again.

  4. Real world(tm) indeed. Hunger, sickness and violence. Mother nature bloody of tooth and claw.

    Population reduction due to lack of oil driven farming and food preservation (even "tin cans" have a LOT of energy in them) to that of the 1800's.

    Going to be a whole lot of destruction and loss before we reach the "Real Word" (spoken like it's a good thing, eh?) so desired by anonymous and other folks that have never seen what 3rd world turdholes are like.


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