Friday, November 23, 2018

What a sack of horseshit!

According to this latest AP report out today the world and the United States is going to Hell in a handbasket because of worsening climate change:


AP Propaganda HERE

Now, down to the heart of the matter:

Everything you’ve been told about global warming, climate change and carbon dioxide by the mainstream media — and mainstream “science” — is an outright lie. Far from being a dangerous poison, carbon dioxide is a miraculous life-giving nutrient that plants need to thrive. 
Read the rest of this informative article HERE

"The Magic Carpet Ride"

Returning the troops home after WWII was a daunting task
 The Magic Carpet that flew everyone home.
 The U.S. military experienced an unimaginable increase during World War II.
 In 1939, there were 334,000 servicemen, not counting the Coast Guard.
 In 1945, there were over 12 million, including the Coast Guard.

At the end of the war, over 8 million of these men and women were scattered overseas in Europe, the Pacific and Asia. Shipping them out wasn’t a particular problem but getting them home was a massive logistical headache.
 The problem didn’t come as a surprise, as Army Chief of Staff General George C. Marshall had already established committees to address the issue in 1943.

Soldiers returning home on the USS General Harry Taylor in August 1945

When Germany fell in May 1945, the U.S. Navy was still busy fighting in the
Pacific and couldn’t assist.

The job of transporting 3 million men home fell to the Army and the Merchant Marine.

300 Victory and Liberty cargo ships were converted to troop transports for the task.

During the war, 148,000 troops crossed the Atlantic west to east each month;
the rush home ramped this up to 435,000 a month over 14 months.


Hammocks crammed into available spaces aboard the USS Intrepid

In October 1945, with the war in Asia also over, the Navy started chipping in,
converting all available vessels to transport duty.

On smaller ships like destroyers, capable of carrying perhaps 300 men,
soldiers were told to hang their hammocks in whatever nook and cranny they could find.

Carriers were particularly useful, as their large open hangar decks could house 3,000
or more troops in relative comfort, with bunks, sometimes in stacks of five welded
or bolted in place.

Bunks aboard the Army transport SS Pennant

The Navy wasn’t picky, though: cruisers, battleships, hospital ships,
even LSTs (Landing Ship, Tank) were packed full of men yearning for home.

Two British ocean liners under American control, the RMS Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth,
had already served as troop transports before and continued to do so during the operation,
each capable of carrying up to 15,000 people at a time, though their normal,
peacetime capacity was less than 2,200.

Twenty-nine ships were dedicated to transporting war brides:
women married to American soldiers during the war.

Troops performing a lifeboat drill onboard the Queen Mary in December 1944,
before Operation Magic Carpet

The Japanese surrender in August 1945 came none too soon,
but it put an extra burden on Operation Magic Carpet.

The war in Asia had been expected to go well into 1946 and the Navy and
the War Shipping Administration were hard-pressed to bring home all
the soldiers who now had to get home earlier than anticipated.

The transports carrying them also had to collect numerous POWs
from recently liberated Japanese camps, many of whom suffered
from malnutrition and illness

U.S. soldiers recently liberated from Japanese POW camps

The time to get home depended a lot on the circumstances. USS Lake Champlain,
a brand new Essex-class carrier that arrived too late for the war,
could cross the Atlantic and take 3,300 troops home a little under 4 days and 8 hours.

Meanwhile, troops going home from Australia or India would sometimes spend
months on slower vessels.

                Hangar of the USS Wasp during the operation

There was enormous pressure on the operation to bring home as many men
as possible by Christmas 1945

Therefore, a sub-operation, Operation Santa Claus, was dedicated to the purpose.

Due to storms at sea and an overabundance of soldiers eligible for return home,
however, Santa Claus could only return a fraction in time and still not quite home
but at least to American soil.

The nation’s transportation network was overloaded:
trains heading west from the East Coast were on average 6 hours behind schedule
and trains heading east from the West Coast were twice that late.

The crowded flight deck of the USS Saratoga.

The USS Saratoga transported home a total of 29,204 servicemen during Operation Magic Carpet,
more than any other ship.

Many freshly discharged men found themselves stuck in separation centers
but faced an outpouring of love and friendliness from the locals.

Many townsfolk took in freshly arrived troops and invited them to Christmas dinner
in their homes.

Still others gave their train tickets to soldiers and still others organized quick parties
at local train stations for men on layover.

A Los Angeles taxi driver took six soldiers all the way to Chicago;
another took another carload of men to Manhattan, the Bronx, Pittsburgh,
Long Island, Buffalo and New Hampshire.

Neither of the drivers accepted a fare beyond the cost of gas.

Overjoyed troops returning home on the battleship USS Texas

All in all, though, the Christmas deadline proved untenable. 

The last 29 troop transports, carrying some 200,000 men from the
China-India-Burma theater, arrived to America in April 1946,
bringing Operation Magic Carpet to an end,
though an additional 127,000 soldiers still took until September
to return home and finally lay down the burden of war.
H/T to Rusty @ Lakeshore

Monica was a manipulator... A Secret Service Officer Speaks Out..

This was just posted over at Iowntheworld report. 

Gary Byrne speaks out:

That's About Right...

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

"Back In The Day" Pictures Of Harley Davidson ....

From HERE<<

Strolling Along....Not A Care In The World....

The 2nd Amendment is Obsolete, Says Congressman Who Wants To Nuke Omaha.... Enjoy

Last week a congressman embarrassed himself on Twitter. He got into a debate about gun control, suggested a mandatory buyback—which is basically confiscation with a happy face sticker on it—and when someone told him that they would resist, he said resistance was futile because the government has nukes.

And everybody was like, wait, what?

Of course the congressman is now saying that using nuclear weapons on American gun owners was an exaggeration, he just wanted to rhetorically demonstrate that the all-powerful government could crush us peasants like bugs, they hold our pathetic lives in their iron hand, and he’d never ever advocate for the use of nuclear weapons on American soil (that would be bad for the environment!), and instead he merely wants to send a SWAT team to your house to shoot you in the face if you don’t comply.

See? That’s way better.

READ THE REST HERE<<  ( and do peruse the comments )

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Winter Can Be Beautiful.... Sent in by reader Russ.

In the words of Wirecutter," FLORIDA BABY"

Here you go Kenny! I know you will love this one.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but he used a condom!

Image result for miniature horse image

A Marion County man was arrested Monday afternoon after he admitted to having sex with a miniature horse — repeatedly, according to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office.
In addition to ponying up to having sex four times in a week with the horse named Jackie G, 21-year-old Citra resident Nicholas Sardo told a detective that “he used a condom each time because he didn’t want to get a disease from the horse.”
Sardo is charged with four counts of sexual conduct with an animal. His bond is $4,000.
The sheriff’s office says a family member owns the horse. The sheriff’s office said Sardo told the detective that “he knew he was wrong for what he did and that he was a sick man.”


This Will Give You A View Into The Phuktup Mind-set Of The Hollyweird Crowd....

Amber Tamblyn ( ya, I have no idea who the fuck she is)  describes panic and considered giving her baby to Canada after 2016 presidential election. ( mother of the year candidate huh?)

Ok, now read that again..... 



Here is this nutcase's story from Fox:

Amber Tamblyn shared her grim-sounding story from the 2016 presidential election as well as the impact the aftermath had on her as an expectant mother. The star revealed that she had brief thoughts of having to give her child away to Canada or Sweden in the wake of Donald Trump’s election.

The 35-year-old actress, who got her start on the soap opera "General Hospital," spoke at Vulture Fest’s “Feminist AF” reading series where she shared an essay about her experience at the Javits Center with fellow celebrities Amy Schumer and America Ferrera at what would have been Hillary Clinton’s victory announcement.

“I swigged some more Zantac, and my baby shoved her foot into my ribs, as if to foreshadow the paint that was yet to come,” Tamblyn said (via The Hollywood Reporter).

She went on to describe in her essay the moment that Clinton’s director of strategic communications informed attendees that she would not be speaking that night.

“A dark realization swallowed me: I was going to bring a baby into this world. And not just any baby: a girl,” she said, revealing that’s when she had the thought about having to give her daughter away to Canadians or Swedes to save her from whatever perceived horrors she saw upcoming in Donald Trump’s presidency.

Later in the essay, she described collapsing on the subway station stairs the following day after experiencing shortness of breath. It turned out that she was just having a panic attack. Fortunately, the “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” actress gave birth to her daughter Marlow with her husband, “Arrested Development” actor David Cross.





Winter In Upon Us... Here Are Some Girls To Keep You Warm..

By request for some of my readers......

 Have a Happy Thanksgiving one and all!!

More girls that don't need a cheeseburger below...... NSFW

Here In The US This Would Take Years, Tons Of Lawsuits and Millions in Payoffs....

A 24-year-old overpass bridge in Nanchang, capital of east China's Jiangxi Province, was dismantled last July by a shitload of excavators to make way for the city's subway line.

According to the article this was done... overnight!!

Story and more here  <<<

I happened across the above story while seeing if I could find any info on this army
of excavators that Phil posted HERE<<<

Monday, November 19, 2018

This is a pretty good piece about the BAR. Embedded in this story is the story of Mr. Roberson.I grew up with friends and kin just like "Mr. Roberson" and am proud to have known them

Our world is littered with heroes if only we know where to look.

Hidden in Plain Sight

Mr. Roberson was an unassuming old guy who looked like everybody’s grandfather. Whenever he came to the clinic he always wore the same uniform—a pair of bib overalls over a pressed collared shirt buttoned at the neck and wrists along with a dapper ball cap. When first I saw him as a patient it was for arm pain.

My friend carried fragments from a German Stielhandgranate in his arm for more than half a century.
I asked him to unbutton his sleeve so I could take a look and noticed a mass of scars on his forearm. I innocently inquired as to the source. He quietly explained that he still carried fragments from a German potato masher grenade left over from World War 2.

This quiet farmer who lived down the road from me had done some truly amazing things.
It turned out that Mr. Roberson was my neighbor down the road, and he ultimately shared a lot of stories. A literal lifetime before this unassuming Mississippi farmer carried a Browning Automatic Rifle as a member of the 5thRanger Battalion in World War 2. On June 6th, 1944, he landed in the first wave on Omaha Beach fighting alongside the 116th Infantry Regiment. We’ve all seen Saving Private Ryan. That was his unit. That was this man.

My buddy endured some unspeakable hardships.

Mr. Roberson told me when he first met Patton the General was railing that Eisenhower was not moving fast enough.
He lost two toes at the Battle of the Bulge and barely survived the Huertgen Forest. He met General Patton twice. He said Patton was as profane and flamboyant in person as the movie made him out to be.

Mr. Roberson’s worst moment in World War 2 was actually on the troop ship coming home.
When the war was finally over he rode a packed troopship back across the Atlantic, encountering a vicious storm en route. He said that was the most terrified he was throughout the war. He said that storm was worse than D-Day because he was afraid the ship would capsize and he would drown.
When he finally got home his mother threw a party. Friends and family came from all around to celebrate his safe return. When everyone finally went home he found that his mom had left his bedroom exactly as it had been before he had gone off to war. She bid him good night, changed into her nightclothes, and went to bed herself.

Bitter combat in Europe inevitably changed a man.
As he lay there in the darkness he told me that he just couldn’t do it. After nearly a year under fire, he found that he could no longer sleep above ground. He tipped out into the backyard, retrieved a shovel from the woodshed, and quietly dug himself a hole. His mother subsequently heard the noise and went out in her nightgown to investigate. When she came upon her young son curled up in that hole in the backyard and realized for the first time what he had been through she fell to her knees and wept. As I sat there in the clinic across from this soft-spoken old guy I was struck speechless.

The BAR in Action

The Browning Automatic Rifle was a bulky but effective support weapon that was generally well liked despite its flaws.
Mr. Roberson told me the BAR was just sinfully heavy but a superb fighting weapon. He was a small-statured man, and his BAR weighed 19 pounds. However, these were no ordinary men.

The BAR provided a formidable portable base of fire on a patrol.
At one point Mr. Roberson was crouched in a roadside ditch along with a small reconnaissance patrol counting German tanks as they roared by mere feet from where he was hidden. After a group of enemy armored vehicles passed a German officer and his driver puttered up on a motorcycle equipped with a sidecar and stopped right in front of him. The officer stood up in the sidecar and began scanning the area on the opposite side of the road through a pair of binoculars. I’ll relate what happened next just as Mr. Roberson told it to me.

The Germans used sidecar-equipped motorcycles for reconnaissance and courier missions during WW2.
“I was hidden in the grass, and that German officer was peering off in the opposite direction. I thought to myself, ‘Those sure are some nice binoculars.’ I looked to the right and then to the left, and I didn’t seen any more German tanks. So I jumped up with my BAR—Blam, blam, blam, blam, blam…got ‘em both!”
“My Lieutenant ran up to me screaming, ‘Roberson! Have you lost your mind? Every Kraut in Germany is gonna be on top of us now!’ He chewed my butt something fierce, and we had to bug out pretty fast.”
Mr. Roberson then looked at me with a mischievous grin and said, “But I still got them binoculars!”

The Gun

The BAR went on to become a legend among American Infantrymen.
The gun that Mr. Roberson carried across Western Europe was originally designed in 1917.

John Browning was the most prolific gun designer in human history. He held 128 patents at the time of his death.
The esteemed firearms luminary John Moses Browning created the BAR as a tool optimized for an obsolete mission. Back then it was felt that a self-loading selective-fire rifle-caliber gun that could be run from the hip would be the key to getting Allied troops up and out of the trenches.

The BAR was originally known as the Browning Machine Rifle and was intended to be used for walking fire across the blood-soaked battlefields of WW1.
Early BAR web gear even included a metal cup on the side that would support the buttstock during this “walking fire.” In practical application walking fire didn’t work out so well.

The French Chauchaut has been rightfully denigrated for its sordid performance during WW1. It was in actually well ahead of its time.
At the time of its introduction, US Doughboys were wielding French Chauchaut and M1909 Benet-Mercie machine guns. In fact, in 1917 the US Army only possessed 1,110 machineguns of all sorts. In response, John Browning developed the BAR, first called the Browning Machine Rifle, along with the M1917 water-cooled belt-fed machinegun.

John Browning demonstrated both the BAR and the M1917 belt-fed machinegun during a public exhibition in Washington DC.
Browning personally brought examples of both to a public firepower demonstration at Congress Heights in southern Washington DC before military leaders, congressmen, senators, foreign dignitaries, and the press. He left with a contract for 12,000 BARs.

After some initial teething troubles, US industry began rolling out BARs at an impressive rate.
Most of America’s arms manufacturers were already operating at capacity producing weapons for our Allies embroiled in combat in Europe. As a result, production of the BAR was hastily contracted out to Colt, Winchester, and Marlin-Rockwell. The first batch of 1,800 included some out of spec parts. However, once the initial kinks were ironed out we produced roughly 9,000 guns per month.

1LT Val Browning, John’s son, was the first Allied soldier to fire the BAR in anger.
The first BARs arrived in France in July of 1918, and they entered combat in September. The first BAR fired in anger was wielded by 1LT Val Browning, John Browning’s son. The gun saw extensive use in the Meuse-Argonne offensive and roundly impressed those who encountered it on both sides of the line. Though the BAR was in action less than two months before the war ended, it created a lasting impact.


The design of the BAR evolved substantially over time.
The BAR was a selective-fire, gas-operated, long-stroke piston-driven gun that fed from a 20-round box magazine. The limited capacity of the magazine and the lack of a quick-change barrel along with its prodigious weight were always the gun’s greatest weaknesses.

The BAR saw fairly extensive use among both allied and enemy forces during the Vietnam War.
The BAR saw several upgrades over the decades and was used extensively in World War 2, Korea, and, to a lesser extent, Vietnam. The M1918A2 sported a fire selector that offered two rates of fire and a removable bipod.

The Prohibition-era gangster Clyde Barrow was a big fan of the BAR. He had three of the big guns in his car the day he was killed. The whereabouts of these three BARs today is unknown.
The gun was also looted out of National Guard armories by motorized bandits during the Prohibition Era. Clyde Barrow was a serious fan.

The Colt Monitor stemmed from an effort to make the BAR lighter and more portable. Though they were available for unrestricted civilian purchase most of these specialist weapons went to the FBI. One was purportedly used in the ambush that killed Bonnie and Clyde.
The Colt Monitor Automatic Machine Rifle was introduced in 1931 and included a lightweight receiver, pistol grip, shortened barrel, and Cutts compensator. Only 125 were produced, but you could have bought one through the mail or over the counter at your local hardware store for $300. That’s about $4,600 today.

The BAR up close seems to be too big for normal humans.
I’ve only fired a BAR once, and I recall that the gun seemed absolutely massive. The impressive weight and length did help keep those finger-sized .30-06 rounds under control, however. The weapon fired from an open-bolt and was adequately reliable despite egregious battlefield abuse. Quite a few WW2 dogfaces discarded their bipods to make the gun lighter and more maneuverable.

War, Geometry, and Life

The world where I was raised was liberally populated with combat veterans from World War 2.
The world when I was a kid was absolutely littered with WW2 veterans. 12% of the population served, and those guys came back from all that pain and gore ready to build and create. That is one of the biggest reasons the fifties were such prosperous times in America.

My high school geometry teacher used one of his wartime BAR anecdotes to illustrate mathematical principles.
My high school geometry teacher was a WW2 Infantrymen, and he interrupted class one day to relate a war story about mathematics. While wielding a BAR in Europe he once surprised a German officer on horseback. The Wehrmacht soldier galloped away and he stepped out into the road and emptied the magazine of his BAR from the hip. When the smoke cleared the BAR was empty, and the German officer escaped unscathed. My teacher used that anecdote to illustrate some forgotten mathematical concept about probability. I don’t recall the particular theorem, but I clearly remember the war story.


Most of us today have no idea what it cost to purchase our freedom.
Friends, we really have no idea. In 1945 PTSD wasn’t a thing. These guys, all sixteen million of them, left their homes to fight and die on foreign battlefields so that we could have the freedom to go to church, post stuff on the Internet, and gripe about the government. I once asked Mr. Roberson if he ever struggled with memories from the war. Well into his eighties this is what he told me—

Absolutely nothing about freedom is free.
“It used to scare my poor wife to death. I would wake up in the middle of the night sweaty and screaming, dreaming about the things I’d seen and the stuff I’d done. My wife’s been dead for fifteen years now, and I still wake up like that sometimes even now. But once I realize who I am and where I am and that I’m safe at home, I just laugh and laugh.”

How did we as a nation make men such as this?
Mr. Roberson died quietly of pneumonia five years ago. How can we ever hope to be worthy of a legacy like that?

***Shop GunsAmerica for your next firearm***

About the author: Will Dabbs was born and raised in the Mississippi Delta, having been immersed in hunting and the outdoors since his earliest recollections. He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Mississippi and is the product of a traditional American nuclear family. Where most normal American kids get drunk to celebrate their 21st birthday, Will bought his first two machineguns. Will served eight years as an Army Aviator and accumulated more than 1,100 flight hours piloting CH47D, UH1H, OH58A/C, and AH1S helicopters. He is scuba qualified, has parachuted out of perfectly good airplanes at 3 o’clock in the morning, and has summited Mt. McKinley, Alaska–the highest point in North America–six times (at the controls of a helicopter, which is the only way sensible folk climb mountains). For reasons that seemed sagacious at the time he ultimately left the Army as a Major to pursue medical school. Dr. Dabbs has for the last dozen years owned the Urgent Care Clinic of Oxford, Mississippi. He also serves as the plant physician for the sprawling Winchester ammunition plant in that same delightful little Southern town. Will is a founding partner of Advanced Tactical Ordnance LLC, a licensed 07/02 firearms manufacturer and has written for the gun press for a quarter century. He writes solely to support a shooting habit that is as insensate as it is insatiable. Will has been married to his high school sweetheart for more than thirty years and has taught his Young Married Sunday School class for more than a decade. He and his wife currently have three adult children and a most thoroughly worthless farm dog named Dog.