Saturday, December 27, 2014

Friday Femme Fatale... Ya It's A Day Late, Sorry

I've been busy with year end and haven't had much posting time.. Stay safe out there.

Are You Sick Of Youtube Ads?

I enjoy streaming music from youtube on the bunker stereo system. I have my PC connected to the preamp and search on youtube for various artists and albums I enjoy. The annoying thing is the ads that pop up in between the songs on some the the links. I did a little research and found a quick and easy work around.

Download Google Chrome. You can decide if you want it as default browser or not


Now add this:  


Now when I want to stream music, I use google chrome as the browser and there are no ads!

So far so good.

Here is a great link for some random Pink Floyd songs all in youtube clip. There were
ads in between every song. Now they are blocked.


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Jeez, I Didn't Realize Santa Was Lactose Intolerant....

Sent to me by bayouwolf

If You Need To Find Your Inner Santa......

I got this in an email today. Enjoy.

  I have never heard of John Lewis before. Some google searching brought up videos from
previous years.  Here is the STORE link. More videos from various years can be found if you
google "john lewis commercial"

The Kinks - Father Christmas 1977

Anyone Else This Good?

My neighbor put up his Christmas lights today.

I bet he's pissed that I beat him to it.

 I put mine up three years ago.

At That Moment All Was Well....

Monday, December 22, 2014

Monday Night Bath, Bring A Friend....

♫♫ Staying With Greg Lake Songs...♫♫

♫♫ One Of My Favorite Christmas Songs...♫♫

Some information about the song from HERE:

Pete Sinfield, who wrote lyrics for many Emerson, Lake And Palmer songs, helped write this. Lake told Uncut the story of this song in an interview for the January 2011 edition of the magazine: "I wrote it in my house in west London. I'd tuned the bottom string of my guitar from E down to D and got this cascading riff that you hear on the record. But I couldn't really place what the song was about. I was out driving one day and it was playing on my mind, and, all of a sudden, it occurred to me that the tune of 'Jingle Bells' fitted over it. And I thought, 'Ah…I wonder if this could be a song about Christmas! At the same time, I was working with Pete Sinfield on my solo side of the Works album, and I said to Pete, "I've been working on this melodic idea. It could be a Christmas song."

Sinfield continued the story: "Some of it was based on an actual thing in my life when I was eight-years-old, and came downstairs to see this wonderful Christmas tree that my mother had done. I was that little boy. Then it goes from there into a wider thing about how people are brainwashed into stuff. Then I thought, 'This is getting a bit depressing. I'd better have a hopeful, cheerful verse at the end.' That's the bit where me and Greg would've sat together and done it. And then I twisted the whole thing, with the last line, 'The Christmas you get, you deserve,' which was a play on 'The government you get, you deserve.' I didn't necessarily explain all the politics or the thoughts behind it. It's not anti-religious. It's a humanist thing, I suppose. It's not an atheist Christmas song, as some have said."

Indiana Bones - Raiders of the Lost Bark

What Would You Do?

Sweet Ass Blues Harmonica Solo....


Big Fur Hat Needs To Add Some More Faces... Go Visit-

his site and let him know you support him to do more.


Mondays, They Are Like That......

Sunday, December 21, 2014

♫♫ Riverside's Amazing Take of Shine On You Crazy Diamond ♫♫

A doily is an ornamental mat, typically made of paper or fabric, and variously used for protecting surfaces or binding flowers, in food service presentation, or as a head covering or clothing ornamentation.

NOT your grandmother's doily,

Sunday, December 21, 2014 at 6:03 PM EST

Now the days get longer!!

Meanwhile At The Holiday Feast... Enjoy!

How many of your relatives can you see in these characters?

A long Slow Death...

This big old tree is out in the middle of the woods I hike. The trunk has been slowly rotting away as you can see in the second picture. I bet it's 4-5 feet in diameter and the rotted section has eaten almost halfway through.  Sooner or later I will walk by and it will be laying on the ground, finally giving in to gravity.  Cell phone pics on a gray day, sorry.

Waiting For.....

..the stray that breaks the camels back.

    With everything going on in the world, what will be the incident that lights the fuse to  powder 

Everyday something new happens and the simmering pot gets a little warmer.