Friday, February 14, 2025

Friday Randoms To Get You Into The Weekend...


You Go Boy!


    Alabama State Representative Proposes A Second Amendment Tax Holiday

State representative Ernie Yarbrough has proposed a tax break that would allow Alabamians to purchase firearms, ammunition, and hunting accessories without paying state sales tax on the above mentioned items from Memorial Day through Independence Day. The senator went on to say many Alabamians love the Second Amendment and many more have fought and died in the service of their country. This would not only give Alabamians a tax break, but it would be a fitting way to remind Alabamians of the sacrifices made and how important the right to keep and bear arms is to the preservation of liberty. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Gone With The Wind


It is hard to believe that in fourteen years, the movie Gone With The Wind  will be 100 years old. This premier was "big doings" in Atlanta in 1939. It is a great film in many aspects, especially considering the time in which it was made. The burning of Atlanta scenes are epic. I guess my only pet peeve with the film is the fact that the movie illustrates a life that very few Southrons ever lived. One point I think almost all will agree on is the fact that Vivian Leigh was a major babe when she starred opposite of Clark Gable in this classic. 

H/T to reader James in Columbus

                                                                        Atlanta Premier 1939

                                                                 Poem form the opening scenes

That Kid In Mom's Basement May Have Been Real or Staged... But It Does Happen...


  All these cases are local and I remember hearing about each of them.

Son Kills Mom

Son Kills Mom

Son Kills Mom

Monday, February 10, 2025

A Surprise Visit From An Old Friend.....


  Long time blog friend Bubba sent along an email earlier with some recommended links.

For the record, I have not had a chance to read them. Please, check them out and report back

in the comments. ( Don't forget, comments are moderated ) 

He offered the following description:   "Descent Summaries of Whats Happening"

Hey Irish,
Tripped over this site today and I think you might could benefit from it. Maybe use it.
Cause you da man. That’s what Bubba knows right now.



Jesus....If You're Gonna Spank Me, I Need More Than 13 Minutes To Get In The Mood.....


 If anyone knows alphamail, please explain to him that the comments are moderated and are posted

as my life allows time to do so.  He is welcome back if he so chooses.

FYI, comments are still moderated and may not appear instantaneously.

 Thanks for playing.

From this POST :










Later That Day, On The Evening News, The Breaking Story Is About A Woman's Body Being Found In Her Front Yard...


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Maybe Elon and the DOGE boys will pay the museum a visit

City of Montgomery lies in response to Museum of Fine Arts claims of conflict with Mayor Steven Reed

A few weeks ago I posted a story related to this billboard near Montgomery, Alabama. After some investigative work, it was determined the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts had sponsored this sign in an apparent attempt to slight the newly elected President and his supporters.

1819 News has done a very good job of holding the radical liberals behind this attack accountable. Read the story HERE. 


Messing Around With Some FFFF Ideas To See If This Works....


  A short, pre-superbowl, slideshow movie made with Libre Impress then converted from odp to mp4

rough prototype editing for trial run......

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Calm Before The Storm.....


Here in the "Live Free or Die" state, we are expecting this storm starting tonight and finishing 


After that, the future forecast for the next 10 days shows we are in the path of more storms.

The forecast has been changing hourly based on the models so it should be an interesting

week or two coming up.

In the meantime, here's some randoms that have been sent in by friends of the blog. thanks!!

They Are Only Scratching The Surface For Now. The WASTE Is Unimaginable.

 One big revolving slush fund.

Just wait until they get into the real 'meat and potatoes'.

Don't the democrats pay taxes?  They should be more worried about the waste and fraud

than the ages and identities of the DOGE employees... SMH

VW Artikle

 A good article with several photographs of the role of Volkswagen during the war by Beaches of Normandy Tours

The People’s Car Goes to War

Volkswagen in World War II

Hitler inspecting a Volkswagen, the future “Beetle,” in 1938
(Photo: Getty Images)

Friday, February 7, 2025

Some Randoms For Your Friday...

 I still haven't gotten to far on changes but I have been researching when time allows...

Overheard Engineer Conversation Regarding A Well Pump Station....


 Fellow employee...  " I don't know what their problem is with the design, that's more than enough head"

Irish, not missing a beat..... " Don't say that, It's never enough"

Blank stare for a moment,  followed by laughter......

I still got it :)

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The King Of The Jungle, Sitting In The Shade, Wishing For Antelope Burgers...... and Your Wish Comes True...


Seems Legit.....



I am Mr. Larry Jacobs; I work in the Powerball Lotto. I am soliciting your assistance for a swift transfer of $25,500,000,00 should you be willing to assist me in this project, you will be giving me just 30% of your winnings.


Just as a brief, you just have to register online; due to my position in the company I can make it happen that you would be a winner of the above stated amount. Naturally, everybody would like to play a lottery if they are assured of winning. I am assuring you today to be a winner, please do not take for granted this once in a lifetime opportunity as we both

stand to collectively gain from this at the success of the transaction.


Should you be willing to assist me in this transaction please do respond to me via this email address jacobslarry030@xxxxxxx



Larry Jacobs


Or maybe not:

Looks like Larry is using a webmail service in Cuba.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Damn... This Guy Is Capital "L-U-C-K-Y" - Lucky.....


via the book of face 


Here is the video and description if that doesn't work:

SURVEILLANCE shows when a piece of the Learjet 55 hit a customer inside of Four Seasons Diner on Cottman Ave. I’m told the man is ok. At least 6 people are believed to be dead after the crash, including a child. @6abcActionNews

More here from the NYPOST <<

Also in the comment section, this is the pc that hit him:

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Philly Plane Crash From Nest Camera... Video and Sound...










Fake News


Irish had sent me this story earlier in the week with the heading "Bama Girl". It turns out the beautiful young woman left of center is an exemplary human being and not the bigoted-racist-snobby-bitch of girl the magazine knowingly and wrongfully portrayed. The latest attempt to smear Trump and the MAGA Movement. The above is the re-touched photo above showing only young white people. New York Magazine's lame attempt to criticize and shame MAGA partygoers has backfired. Story. Obviously, the writer of this story knows nothing of "rebels".

Friday, January 31, 2025

Plane Crashes in Philly

     When I first heard about this, I thought the drones had gone "weapons hot".

This isn't the first video I saw of this, but it was clearer. The video should begin at "current time" around 8:07. Continue watching and hear the reporter talking about two pieces of the plane that were not burning, etc. It is pretty interesting.


Another Short Test For FFFF.... We'll see what happens.



Thursday, January 30, 2025

Hit Job

The Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts of Montgomery, Alabama (1st capital of the Confederacy) is apparently behind this billboard sponsored by the museum showing the MAGA movement slogan pasted over one of the famous scenes of the Selma marchers crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge (1965). It was a direct attack for  to the newly elected president and his constituents showing this is where the nation is headed IMHO. The link to the story is HERE.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

"A tiny place with nothing for these men, and to which these men offer nothing in return?"

This morning I was reading Fergus's Substack "Another Ticking Timebomb" and came across this linked story of a small town in England where nearly 4k "immigrants" have been dumped. These "guests" were a present to Buckinghamshire via Great Britain's version of  ".gov 101 introduction to social unrest". The majority of these immigrants are billeted in a hotel that is only 1/2 mile from the local elementary school. It is enough that the village is small with little to offer it's own residents, but now that the immigrants have been offloaded, the community is strained. The locals are rightfully upset as there are many of these men eerily loitering around the local school drop-off each morning and they are asking local police for what purpose. As anyone who loves their children would be, these people are justifiably concerned and are asking, "why here"? 
The statement in the heading of this post was taken from the comment section of this article. This is the same thing NGOs did here in Alabama (no telling how many other backwater communities across the U.S. got a load of "joy") when they pawned off several loads of Haitians in Alabama. Most of the communities where this occurred bristled up and put the pressure on their elected officials and got results. Of course, there were local government officials who defended these actions as .gov had "sweetened the kitty" with monies for rental properties, etc. Most of the small town councilmen and mayors who tried to defend this ludicrously just happened to own properties where the immigrants were being housed, etc. I saw a story on Fox6News out of Birmingham where in Sylacauga (I think) long paying tenants were moved out under the premise of "required repairs". Following the repairs the rent increased in some cases four fold. Naturally, this was done to facilitate the Haitians.  The dastardly characters who betrayed their own people and sold what little of honor they might have had have been ostracized by their own kith and kin and deserved worse. It was sickening to watch as they lamely attempted to defend their position to no avail. These are the only people I saw or read about who were in favor of the "immigrants" staying. 
Apparently, this exercise in social engineering is occurring and has been for several years in almost every Western country around the globe (not Poland). The statement in the title is the question I asked when this started happening here in Alabama and I still ask today. Why and what is the end game?

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Willie Jones Captured..............Again!

 Disclaimer: If you aren't familiar with the CDB song below, you are not going to get this bit of humor.                                                                                           

The only thing significant about this story is that a 40 year old cold case was solved, but in case someone would like to read it, here is the LINK. Interesting? I don't know if I was more intrigued by the fact that the murder was solved (time past/technology), or the fact that this 80 year old man was still chasing women. I suppose there is hope.  


I would imagine there are at least a few CDB fans on here who will remember this tune.

Talented Operator.......


It looks like there are still some "clingers" holding on to "wokeness"


My first thoughts upon reading this is Sterling Heights is hurting for visionary leadership within their local government.

Why would any municipality buy an overpriced, slow charging, vulnerable EV for an essential, and in this case emergency response/patrol vehicle?  Los Angeles had only one according to "fact checkers" who are denying the story about multiple EV fire trucks having to leave the fire and recharge. They claim LA has only one and the story has been distorted on social media. I don't know, but I will say one EV is one too many in cases such as these.

....and they are boasting of this 

Monday, January 27, 2025

It's Dusty In Here and I Bet It's Dusty At Your Place.....


  This all happened last August/September.....

 90 yr-old disabled AF Veteran Donald, had to pawn jewelry in order to care for his wife, recently diagnosed with dementia. His rent was recently increased, and he was so upset that he couldn’t give his wife the care she deserves, so his friend, Jenelle Marie, and 25 friends, gathered $1,300 to help him. He was overwhelmed with gratitude. She then set up a GoFundMe for him, not expecting it to go viral, but his humble story made the news. The amount raised is now at $307,000! This is such a beautiful story. Tears!

Here is the original video of the Pawn Shop encounter...

Story in PEOPLE magazine <<

It seems they have left the GOFUNDME open and are working to get legal representation to protect

Donald and the funds that have been donated by the viral campaign.


It appears this recent message was posted 10 days ago to Jenelle's TIKTOK <<

Just Rode A 3.9 Earthquake Here At Work


  Crazy, it lasted about 3-6 seconds here at work the floor and building was rumbling pretty good.


Did anyone else feel it in New England ? 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Memes and Things

Spitfire Under Bridge

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Regarding Test Post Last Night


  After searching off and on, I had seen imagebam noted in various places and reviews as

a possible substitute.  I did a dry run post and then checked how it worked.  I did NOT get

any pop ups or links to 'pron sites' using Firefox with ublock,ghostery, and adblock.

 It was a bit cumbersome, I agree.

To the commenter that noted there appear to be some under age in the post. Please do elucidate

Irish on which one, one's, you are concerned about. If you mean under 30, then yes, it may be so.

Based on some other comments, it may be time to try my hand at Wordpress.  It seems they are

a bit more lenient on their TOS.    

Has anyone got any input on wordpress one way or another?

This will take gettting used to after 14 plus years here.

Thanks for all the input, I'll be around as usual.


They Got It Off The Bridge.... UPDATED *

This is a follow-up to the post yesterday about the van stuck on the closed bridge. First of all, allow me to make two corrections. The van did not go airborne. The driver, who was not a man as earlier stated, drove over the berm/debris and entered the bridge. It was only when blocked by additional debris on the bridge that the driver stopped. As can be seen in the photos, a skid-steer was used to remove the berm. Next, the big wrecker pulled the van to where the missing boards should be and the steel runners are visible. Then, the roll-off backed down and winched the van onto it's bed. It looks like proper planning paid off for the recovery crew. Good job guys. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Testing This Out For Potential FFFF.....


  Things are still settling out from the past month and half or so.  I appreciate those that have

commented and or reached out to check in.  I'm still kicking and still busy at work so there

is that.  Let's just say that the shit all kinda hit the fan at once so the easiest thing to do

was to handle what I could.   I would like to thank Jeffery for taking the helm when he did.

Now on to better things other than reading what Trump has been doing. IYKWIMAITYD.

 See it this works for your FFFF fix.   You will have to mess around and figure out how to 

see all the images in the gallery.....  LINK HERE

  Good luck.  Feed back appreciated.  Maybe we will circumvent the road blocks.

Stay safe out there.

"...............but my Garmin said"

This happened on a small county road where I live. The road was through road when I was growing up, but after the bridge washed away once and was severely damaged several other times, and the last time, so severely, that the road was closed permanently. The road on both ends looks like a tunnel due to the overhanging limbs and the sides of the road no longer being trimmed by the county road department driving down to the old bridge or it did the last time I was down there. There is ample signage on both sides stating the road is closed. There are two large berms of dirt and debris blocking both ends of the bridge too. The driver hit the berm, went airborne, and landed forward some distance on the bridge. It was only when he encountered the fallen trees near the other end that he stopped and called 911. The van is still there as the county and wrecker services try to determine a way to safely remove the van off Maxwell Bridge. The other side of the bridge looks much like this side with missing boards. This place was known as "Bridge out" when I was kid. They may change it to FedEx Van Road now. Who knows?


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

A Little More Than "One Frosty Morn"

 Here in north Alabama we got around 3 inches of snow at my house. Some parts to the north got 4-6" and southern Tennessee got walloped. Yesterday, the Deep South experienced a rare mini-blizzard that gave the Gulf of America Coast a rare snowfall. This is an anomolay, but for people who think temps in the Southland are always mild, it is a balmy 9 degrees Fahrenheit as I wrote this at 6:45 this morning.


.......and not a crumb of bread nor drop of milk could be found.

Monday, January 20, 2025

God Save The South

"General Robert E. Lee was, in my estimation, one of the supremely gifted men produced by our nation....He was thoughtful and demanding of his officers and men, forbearing with captured enemies, but ingenious, unrelenting, and personally courageous in battle, and never disheartened by a reverse or an obstacle" Dwight D. Eisenhower 

Growing up, we always got a day off from school for Confederate Memorial Day and Robert E. Lee's birthday. I know Mississippi and Alabama still celebrate his birthday with a state holiday.