Thursday, October 22, 2015


The second amendment guarantees the right to keep in bear arms. Many liberals and other politicians would like the American people to believe that the second amendment's purpose was for the citizens of this country to be able to defend their homes, hunt game, and be available to aid the militia if one ever needed to be raised. I imagine all of those things were in the minds of the framers of the Constitution, but the paramount reason was for the citizenry to be able to keep tyrants from abusing the power of the federal government and imposing unjust measures on the citizenry. The theme is documented over and over in the writings and recordings of debates during the ratification process before all thirteen colonies agreed to be part of "These United States". Today many who hold offices and positions of power within the government attempt to portray firearm ownership for hunting, collectors, or personal protection. I believe there are some who are actually naive enough to believe this silliness. Still, I believe the vast majority pretend to be ignorant of the real reason the right to keep and bear arms was and is such an integral part of this country's form of government. There are several reasons many in government and their communist minions desire to curtail firearm ownership. One of the reasons is they fear retribution from the citizens in the event they do not follow the Constitution as they should, but the primary reason is control. Once the general public is disarmed, they are at the mercy of the masters who are armed and hold power over them. Not to sound cliche, but the list of regimes who implemented gun confiscation programs and the victims who died as a result of surrendering their firearms in the last one hundred and twenty five years is very long (Russians under Stalin, various groups of Europeans under Hitler, Armenian Christians, Cambodians under Pol pot, etc). On Monday the U.S. Circuit Court appeals took a step closer towards tyranny being able to control lives of Americans with their decision to uphold the Safe Act in the state of New York. If one thinks confiscation can not happen here, one might want to rethink what is driving this campaign of "gun crime is on the rise", "policeman are being assassinated", "gun violence is on the rise", etc., who is behind these lies, and what the long term goal is. What makes people believe scenes such as this one (very graphic) cannot played out in These United States?Jeffery

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Subliminal Dinner Suggestion.....

So Let Me Know If You Heard This One Before.... A Muslim Attacks Flight Crew and Threatens To Blow Up Plane...

...and the media plays the sounds of crickets....

Something stunning happened last week on a JetBlue from New York bound for South Florida, but most of America hasn’t heard a word about it.
Because it was done by a Muslim, and the media doesn’t want you to know that.
There has been scant coverage of this incident. No big media, no mug shots, nothing. But it’s a big story. Punching out flight attendants and threatening to blow up the plane is terrorism


sent in by Leigh 

If It's Gonna Be Cold And Snowy, You Might As Well Enjoy It....

Sunday, October 18, 2015

"NEVER LET A CRISIS GO TO WASTE" : Just another example of a politician exploiting a minor situation for political gain

Near the heart of the civil rights struggle presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton roused black democrats with a pledge to champion voting rights and accusations that Republicans are dismantling generations of racial progress. Clinton goes on to declare, "this is a blast from the Jim Crow past!". All of this was based on a simple story of budget cuts closing some drivers license issuing offices and state parks during "off seasons". Drivers licenses are still being issed in every county in Alabama, but Hildebeast couldn't pass up the chance.  Story here

It is amazing how these liberals find a way to make any issue they choose too a RACIAL issue. Yet, they are seemingly oblivious to the "double standard" where racial injustice doesn't fit their design and vis versa does not apply if the situation happens to be a black perpetrator and the victim white. Hildebeast is still living in the hippie-glory days of the 60's and using Lyndon B. Johnson's strategy towards southern blacks of political pandering and baiting with free stuff ( an actual quote from Lyndon B. Johnson: "I'll have them niggers voting democrat for the next two hundred years") The real reason some remote drivers license offices (this doesn't mean that drivers licenses are no longer being issued as there are still drivers licenses offices open in every county) are being closed in Alabama  by governor "Benedict" Bentley (another self-serving RHINO who has broken multiple campaign promises but that is another story) is the fact that  Alabama, though conservative overall, has grown into a mini model of the federal government and has become bloated with bureauCATS. The state simply has more money going out than coming in to Montgomery. Or, one could say that we have too many hogs feeding at the government trough! I honestly believe that not one of the candidates running for president disguised as a democrat (based upon what I heard the other night during the democrat presidential debates that all are socialist or communist) could not pass a general/basic math course. Neither do they demonstrate any knowledge of history because if they did they would know that nations cannot survive using the "tax and spend" or  the STEAL and DISTRIBUTE tactics these power-hungry zealots are espousing. With all of that said, I will say ANY person living in Alabama or in the United States for that matter (white, black, brown. red, yellow, or brown), should say loud and clear, "shame on you Hillary for assuming that I am so ignorant and so uninformed"! It is not Alabama that needs to move forward from the Jim Crow era, but the it is these liberal fanatics and the democrat party. Jeffery