Wednesday, March 15, 2023

So, It's Not The Electrons? Just Sorcery.


This was an interesting dive into the subject of electricity.....



 H/t to Johno





Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Shocked I say! I am absolutely shocked

 EXCLUSIVE: ATF Gains Financial Information on Potential Gun Buyers for Warrantless Tracking, Documents Show

Hat tip to reader Bob in E-town who saw this over at THE EPOCH TIMES and sent it to me. I believe the Executive Order signed this week by LJB (lyin' joe brandon) only compliments what the aye tea eff is doing already. The rationale used to explain some of this BS is unbelievable, but no one in Congress wants to question it. It reminds me of the recent hype surrounding a Bill that was introduced in Alabama to stop "exhibition driving". Really? Do the do-gooders in Montgomery really believe another "law" is going to stop these young people from doing "donuts", burnouts, drag-racing, etc.? We already have laws against reckless driving, reckless endangerment, attempting to elude (which can be a felony), so on and so forth. My point being there are more than ample laws on the books to deter these younguns' from showing off in their powerful machines, but the law on the books does not stop them. Maybe if police officers would arrest them (rather than racing these hoods in police cars as they have been doing in Birmingham)


and the courts would impose stiff sentences, then, impound or confiscate their cars, these errant drivers might slow down or even stop. I think the real reason there was so much hype surrounding this street legislation is due to the fact that many older people in communities where this is happening have pressured their state senators and representatives into doing something. So, these professional politicians get on the news with their proposed bill and say, "look at me. I am fighting to end street racing'. It is all grandstanding for their constituents. 

Like laws pertaining to reckless driving, this country already has enough gun laws on the books. This kind of hype and what LJB did this week is grandstanding to some degree, but always remember TPTB know that in order to ban and eventually confiscate firearms in this country, they have to do it incrementally and that is the ultimate goal. We can discuss the warrantless gathering of information and other over reaches at another time.

Read the entire story HERE.

Warming Up On This End Of Winter Day... Toggle It To Full Screen To Hear It Better.....



 h/t to K.K.






The Old Hayburner Doesn't LIke When The Snow Slides Off The Barn Roof... updated



 A more detailed explaination. This is a heavy wet snow here today. Luckily it's been sliding off the roof as the depth reaches 4-5".  ( I bet we will have 10" plus by the time it's done. )  If you look at the far left corner of the barn the snow had just slid off and he came running out and is now standing in the paddock , lower right corner of video.  I didn't catch the avalanche. Just heard it as I walked into this room. 


 As you can see from this picture, taken just now, the roof cleared itself, again.

and, here is is , out it the paddock. When it slows down later , I'll be busy digging out the stall doors with the tractor.




"It's Snowin' and Windy Out, Time For Some Lunch and A Quick Surf Of Today's Current Shenanigans".... I says to myself....


 and... That escalated quickly....




and, A Larger Hard Drive For The Folder..










Don't Hold Back ......