Sunday, January 2, 2022

and No F**Ks Were Given..





  1. That might be considered child abuse... common, Bud Lite? Really?

  2. That's biblical, Proverbs 22:6, "Raise up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."

  3. Hey, at least teach them to drink responsibly. Bud, Bud Light and Busch-really?

    1. The key to teaching them to drink responsibly is to make sure they don't enjoy the taste.

  4. Whatever you can reach and walk past the counter without Mohammed seeing you will have to do❗️

    1. Would you like a slushy straw with your purchase?

  5. That's just helping unload for the grownups' party. Btdt. Ohio Guy

  6. I can relate! I didn't have 12 packs, but I did find a six pack of Oly, tall boys in my older brothers trunk. Imagine Mom getting a call from my best friends Mom to let her know I was walking down the street arm in arm with her son chugging tall boys at the ripe ol' age of 5! You are spot on...........Not a F**K was mom.......But when Pop got home, I had some splainin' to do!! Haven't looked back since! Happy New Year and thanks for all you do here!. Its awesome, you guys are awesome and I just appreciate all of the fun (especially FFF)

  7. I would drink the Busch before the bud lite and I am not a bud man. If you never figured out why one side always won the contests here is your answer, "Nothing beats a bud".

  8. I count 48 beers. Foreground shows young arms fully extended and cases appear to be on the ground. Background youngster is holding his "cases" above the ground.

  9. 12oz x 48 cans = 576 oz. = 37.5 lbs. per kid.
    Rock and Roll Pre-School.


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