Saturday, January 8, 2022

Couple Things To Share... Alpha vs. Beta Males... and Calgary News Does A Slight Of Hand.....


 Both of these are from IOTWReport...


First up, listen closely to this guy. People are awakening...



 Here is the video if they take it down.


Also found at IOTWReport was this headline change in the Calgary News.

Now WHY would they need to edit the headline????





  1. "Experts" will be the death of us.

    1. "Experts" & "Fact-Checkers"
      or maybe now it's risen to the level of "Factcheckers"?

  2. Violence please!!! Ohio Guy

  3. Their narrative is falling apart everywhere, simultaneously. This is when they will do something totally retarded, thinking it's their last chance for control. Be ready.

  4. The Father speaking to the school board was talking from the heart. He did not need notes, he knew what he was going to say and he did so quite eloquently. I'll bet the beta males' stomachs were doing somersaults during his speech.

    1. No they are sociopaths which are best at ignoring our truth. Notice how they sit dead still there, let the guy finish and they go right back to being a sociopaths.

      Most politicians are the same, nothing bothers them. Not their own lies not our pronouncements.

      God Bless that father with the time to gather good people to kick their sorry asses out of their little fiefdoms.

    2. Only thing that ever bothers people like that is rapid dissasambly from 3200 f.p.s

  5. Calgary has had 30000 refugees dumped into it in the last 10 years. The election last november saw Calgary trade a muslim mayor for a women who came from europe and is radical left.


  6. Take this for what it's worth, but the latest blurb from the Pastuer Institute in Paris is not reassuring. In lab studies they have found that acquired antibodies from previous covid infections "barely" stopped the Omicron, as did those in the recently fully vaccinated. In other words, they work, but not dramatically. Omicron is not even slowed down by most of the current monoclonal antibody cocktails (to be fair they did not test the Regeneron Regen-Cov mix or the Glaxo Smith Kline mix), and that it blows right past people who have been fully vaccinated with either the Pfizer or the Astra Zeneca vaccines a while ago. Omicron was stopped by people who had had a booster a month ago, but it took up to 31 times as much of those fresh antibodies to do the job. In other words, the current vaccines aren't doing it, several of the monoclonals are totally ineffective, and even the boosted are marginal.

    Sounds like they need to redesign the vaxxes and the monoclonals to make them more Omicron specific.


  7. Well, Drew, seems to me you need to stop worrying about the OhMyGod virus, as it's behaving like a very infectious FLU. Only 8 deaths reported worldwide, last time I heard, and of course the Dempanic people are going to keep spreading FUD because they want the elections coming up to be done by mail.
    Sit down, take a few deep breaths, take your vitamins, get some sunshine, take Viagra (yes, I said take Viagra, of all things!) if you feel like OhMyGod is going to hammer you, and rest easy. I've had The Coof, OhMyGod, and who knows what else, and have YET to worry - and I'm in the High Risk With Co-Morbidity group! I might add I'm in the Pureblood group, as well... ;P

    No worries, mate!

  8. Depending on the day, the ratio of vaxxed vs unvaxxed infections has been as high as 5:1; in hospital, the divergence is approximately 3:1 (in Ontario, anyway).
    The narrative is increasingly fragile, but too many people are invested in this thing now (either because their political future is staked on it, or they have vaxxed their children as well as themselves) to admit it's nonsense. For those of us that have resisted thus far (extremists that we are), the pressure increases week by week.

    This video: https://tv.gab.com/channel/white__rabbit/view/dr-vernon-coleman-now-more-than-61d1a0d5bf5441866f085eeb, if it's correct, makes this a very different conversation. We watched it the other night, and in spite of the fact that we are reasonably conversant with the situation and its implications, we were still rocked back on our heels by the things the doctor had to say.

    This is about to get medieval. I hope everyone is ready. Time runneth short. If there was anything else you might want to do, you need to get it done ASAP.

    God Bless America.

    Mike in Canada

  9. After watching this video, I am still amazed and flabbergasted at several things:
    1) that many of the same people who at least consider that there were improprieties in the
    last presidential election blindly think that all future elections will be fair and;
    2) if people were truly up in arms (say over the school board committee) they would rather
    patiently wait it out and hope those same people 'turn themselves around' or something changes.
    If those parents gave two d*mns about their kids they could a) immediately vote to recall
    and/or b) instantly dis-enroll every kid until the committee/teachers et al cut the crap or
    get removed.

    All I ever see is tough talk and griping around the water cooler.


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