Friday, July 12, 2024

The crucifixion of the psyche of a POTUS (or what was left of one)

 Psyche is not really the word I am looking for here. It really is not character assassination either. I think Joe sold that to the devil long ago. We are seeing something very odd unfolding. As I started to write briefly about this subject, I began to see how difficult of story this is to "sell" to the American public. We are witnessing allies going after their own and giving us a list of reasons "why". It is confusing since only a few days ago the very same people were telling the world what great shape Joe was in, what a great president we have and how lucky we are to have him, etc.  Joe Biden in the current condition is a very tough sell.  The demokratz have a huge conundrum with few options for a favorable outcome for them in the 2024 election. Yet, they may win. They could invoke the 25th and get stuck with Kamala to finish out Joe's term. She would have little chance of winning the presidential election without cheating (why some people think the current Dims will not cheat this time around befuddles me) IMHO. They could leave Joe in office to finish out his term, but it is too late for that now since the proverbial "cat is out of the bag" pertaining to his mental/physical condition. It is obvious that Joe could not run a middle class household or take care of himself without assistance. I will not attempt to go into the "coverup" and scandal thereof to follow by evil people who have known of Joe's true condition and have kept it from the American people and have also been "running the country" for whose design (we know it isn't Joe's). I suppose TPTB could introduce some "fresh blood" like Gavin Newsome and his stellar performance record of his accomplishments in Kalifornia or "Big Mike" whose claim to fame is "it" hates America and white people. I do know that for the Dims, Joe has to go. They have painted themselves in a corner using Kamala as a political football in the last election (woman/DEI hire).  Get the popcorn and enjoy watching them devour their own.


                                       Above: Biden's handlers feel it is necessary to allow him to make an buffoon out himself before a national and world audience for the purpose of showing all of us how stupid they were to have supported Biden and now we should simply overlook that oversight. Like his overlords, Biden is between a rock and hard spot. I believe these handlers will see Bribem out of the WH one way or another.  In this clip we see Jobama referring to Kamala Harris as Vice President Trump.

People say the darndest things about the latest Clown World shenanigans involving the 'Ol-jo Bribem "awakening". The media and wealthy members of Hollywood put on a great act pretending they didn't know Joe Bribem's mental capabilities had declined to the point we see Joe gaffing today. Now that they have seen it along with most of America, they have dropped Joe Biden like used condom. The so-called elites  did a "bootleggers turn" on Jobama's face. We are watching the assassination of the character of the man known as the POTUS.   TPTB needed him till they no longer do.  The media who has been an accessory to every crime committed by the Bribem crime family and has suddenly declared, "we didn't know he was this bad" or something similar and as Forrest Gump might say, "and just like that, everybody in Hollywood, the media, and a large part of the Demokratik Partei, took a giant shit on Joe Biden's head. These are the same folks who have been his complicit partners in the destruction of this country and aiding Joe in achieving his personal goals. These below are the most common comments I've heard since the debate regarding the presidency:

1. I didn't realize he was this bad.

I don't have words for this one. A person who has been living the last four years and is just now realizing that Joe Biden is an tottering old man in his dotage and who has zero business driving the bus so to speak is going to have a difficult life. People like this will quickly perish without the safety nets of .gov  To all the top demokrats, Clooney's, and other talking heads that tout this line of ignorance, I would say, you must be a complete and total idiot. These people should have killed their credibility in the eyes of normal people, but not liberals. They will get a pass just like the idiots who pretended they were duped.

2. How can people be so cruel to an old man?

For people who think along those lines, don't. Joe may be an older guy who is suffering the affects of Parkinson, dementia, Alzheimer's, etc, but make no mistake. For all of his life, JoBamma has been swilling at the government trough and attempting to turn America into a Communist State where the government can be manipulated and votes attained by handing out money (welfare, incentives, and other "carrot on the stick means") to promote his cause assuring POS like him stay in power, or simply because that is what his handlers told him to do. Joe Biden may be a senile old man, but he will receive no pardon for the treachery he has committed against this nation during his 44 years of fleecing American taxpayers. Like most of his fellow demokratz, he spent his life promoting one group who does nothing but induces "drag" (no pun intended) onto our society (crime, poverty, social ills, etc.,) while punishing the folks who work, own businesses, pay taxes, etc. (racial/social division). I know welfare recipients, and illegals invaders whose comfort levels are through the roof while I know others that work two shifts to buy bologna.
 Come on man!

3. Who will take his place? Kamala? Gavin? "Big Mike"? (same song, different verse). "if not Kamala, how will they bypass her?

I don't know, but I'll be it will be somebody who tows the commie liberal line and keeps the wheels of the industrial military machine supplied and running (a lot of RHINOS too), that is very pro-Sodomite and pro-abortion, anti-gun, anti-God, anti-American, etc. Really anti-anything good and wholesome.

I would be interested in what others are hearing at work, in coffee shops/eateries, school, etc. 
These are interesting times in which we live. Take note. Keep your larder topped off and your powder dry!


  1. it was obvious joe was out the next morning when the media shills began reading their scripts and playing their parts. those lines came from the top. the wailing and nashing of teeth is just the entourage and grifters trying to hang on to joe's coat tails of power/prestige. the gop should stfu and let it play out. if the dims replace joe they give credence , however slim, to the notion they could win. that's all they need to pull off the biggest cheat in history. kamala is gone, race card be damned. they already have their plan in place. at the convention it'll be revealed. i'm guessing first term rep minority leader hakeem jeffries is their new masiah. probably pick a white woman govna' to be vp, hopefully lesbian or tranny. that'll give them the ability to claim they won on the women/black/xyz vote. the fix is in, only theater remains.

  2. They all knew and pretended otherwise. The word came to 'about face'.

  3. "The demokratz have a huge conundrum with few options for a favorable outcome for them in the 2024 election." The votes are relevant, but will be ignored, if history is any indicator, because the dems will count ballots as they did 4 years ago, that is how they completed the fraud. For 3, my take is that he will be removed under the 25th, and kneepads will temporarily be in the office, to continue the destruction of the Country. Who will the System choose for the future? We will find out. I will be voting for PDJT

  4. Those in power and that isn't Joe, don't want to give up power or be exposed. They must and will take steps to insure that they still own the president on Jan 20th 2025. If not now, between now and November, then afterwards between November and Jan 20th. They will do whatever is necessary by whatever means to keep power. We are being invaded from without and sabotaged from within. We are seeing the left destroy the U.S. so that they can rule over the ashes. If the American people do not rise up against this takeover then we will lose our country to these bastards and become a communist dictatorship devolving into a third world country.

    1. And we already have one foot in the third world grave. If Kamala moves up, she brings the vampire witch from Washington, Patty Murray with her.

  5. As they say, there are no good options. If they were going to dump him, they should have done it 2 years ago, when they were staling gubernatorial and Congressional races. If they try to dump Chlamydia, there will be Hell to pay from race merchants and the Karens.

    Governors? They all spent the lockdown getting in touch with their inner Mao. Mike? He's have to drop his drawers.

    And ICYMI none of the party bigs have explicitly come out against Brandon, but are still dancing around the issue, which lends some credence to the theory that Brandon (or somebody much higher up the food chain) has sufficient dirt on them to make them bite their tongues (my money's on the Davos crowd).

    1. Biden probably has a copy of Epstein's visitor's log, along with photos and videos. Of course Trump is not in any of them or that would have been exposed years ago.

  6. PS One other point, there's an issue involved with dumping Brandon all need to consider. Many states have laws making the primary winner the man on the ballot. If so, the Demos risk losing 1/3 of the states if they dump Brandon.

    1. They won't dump Brendon. Barack Obama will be the chosen VP running with Joe in the '24 election. Joe will be "installed" as president again. After which he will fail cognitive testong and voluntarily resign the position. BO will then fill ouy the remainder of "Joe's term" as president.

  7. About last night's whatever the hell that was, it was all scripted, including the invisible earpiece radio, as usual. There's NO WAY a man with his condition, could pull off the almost glib delivery portrayed during that speech and presser with out it being scripted. The radio earpiece was hidden pretty well by the CONVENIENT off center placement of the camera so that it wouldn't be detected.

    Another of the tell's that it was scripted was the "I was given a list of people to call on". Also notice that as got further down the list he couldn't recall who was supposed to next until the prompt came over the radio and he called the person's name while not looking at the list.

    Then there's referring to VP Harris as "President Trump" almost near the top of the presser and his almost launching into a tirade when he was called on it near the end. He did however catch himself probably because someone was yelling CALM in his ear.

    ...and all that's not even getting into the content of the speech and the answers during the presser that were almost all LIES, the biggest one "I created 200 million jobs. Lying ass sack of excrement. I also don't recall ANY questions from the press on the USA southern border or the TEN MILLION illegals he's allowed into the country, ILLEGAL mass third world to first world migration being perhaps THE BIGGEST political issue on the planet right now, another tell that this shit show was scripted.


    1. There's a million coming every 2 months.
      ICE has issued them 28 million identification numbers that are 3 sets of 3 just like your Social security number.
      That gets them the benefits.
      The real numbers are over 30 million invaders just during Bidens 3.5 years.
      I really get upset when The Right repeats false low numbers

    2. @ Anonymous
      Thank you for correcting the record tho your "real numbers" estimate might just be a tad low and increasing daily.
      Another large problem I have is that the MSM is leading the GP to believe that these invaders are just poor people from the Spanish-speaking countries of North, Central, and South America, nothing could be further from the truth

  8. Dirty Dingus McGeeJuly 12, 2024 at 12:07 PM

    The dem's have backed themselves into a corner. It's WAY late in the race to change horses. Their only play is a revolt at the convention because the Joepedo ain't gonna sink itself. So who will ride to the rescue? Probably Newsome. You think he has just been traveling around to support the "cause"? Hell no, he has been running a shadow campaign. Problem is, he be white. Even if he were to align with a black lesbian for VP, he is still an evil whypepo. Hillary? Zero chance. Barack's husband, big Mike? The cheat would have to be so big even Stevie Wonder could see it.

    Between now and November, things are gonna get REAL interesting. And if the dem's can't pull off enough of a cheat to install another regime, the resulting chaos will make the 2016 election riots or the 2020 "summer of love" look like a Cub Scout Jamboree.

  9. They knew. They knew all along, and they pretended otherwise until they couldn't keep pretending anymore. Joe has simply outlived his usefulness, but unfortunately for them, the window to replace him seems to have closed. The laws in at least three states (Texas, Wisconsin, and I think Colorado or Arizona) say the only way for a Presidential candidate to drop out at this late date is by dropping dead, literally, so look for Joe to have a tragic, unfortunate, totally unforeseeable fatal accident or medical crisis sometime before the Democratic convention.

    1. I read a story somewhere today, can't recall where at the moment, that the Arkcancide machine is getting ready to crank at full speed.

  10. People are asking for a cognitive test. Shit, he couldn't pass a field sobriety test.

  11. Reality can be a terribly upsetting place to find yourself if you have spent fifty years intentionally avoiding it. It isn't just Joe. The entire system is built upon assumptions that everyone can clearly see are never incorrect . Yet again we are told to stop believing our lying eyes because it will damage democracy. Democracy is not the solution , it is the problem.

  12. If they (the DNC) had only figured out a way of keeping out of a public appearance (a debate) and in his "basement", they could've run him (he's the Dems best-known, best-liked face) and had him suffer a fatal stroke between the time of the election and the installation: they could have put anybody in once they had votes, however they got the votes.

  13. Some of what will come will be a repeat of when they tried to ask to be forgiven for the COVID excesses. "but but but we thought it was gonna be REALLY BAD, that's why we forced unconstitutional lockdowns, mask mandates and that everyone had to take the non-vaccine jab that had about zero safety data ! 2 weeks to stop the spread ! Get the jab and you won't get sick ! Get the jab and you might get sick, but you won't spread it to others! Get the jab and you might spread it to others, but the illness will not be as bad as it would be otherwise! " etc. etc. For this we will hear "forgive us, we knew he was going downhill but we didn't know it was THAT bad. . . ." meanwhile, we will never learn exactly what star chamber was running the country, getting us closer and closer to war with Russia, infesting our military with the ghey, woke mind virus. . . . . . . . OK that's enough, you get the drift.

  14. nothing matters unless the computers are fixed that caused the last election to be stolen

  15. Once they got women to vote fto or a bisexual Kenyan it's been a humiliation trip for the office of President. The Americans must know that no one is coming to save them and anyone who tries will be destroyed.

  16. I see two things going on, one is using his dementia to deflect from his policies. Two is using all this big news to deflect from registering all these illegal aliens

  17. Kabuki theater to distract from the only real question nobody will ask the brain dead bidet, who’s running the country?

  18. ps 2 Jeffery when your sociopathic like all politicians are it’s no big deal

    1. Like having a perv father showering with his own daughter. C'mon man!
      Jeffery in Alabama

  19. Here's my take on it, Jeffery. The bigwigs in the demokrat party will make Kamalaho a deal to let her invoke the 25th and become the first female Indian (dot head) / black president, but only if she refuses to run for a full term. It could be a SCOTUS seat, lots of cash, seats on prestigious boards or whatever else they can think of. She will nominate Big Mike as her VP, giving Mike the inside path to the democrat nomination. Mike does not really want it, but will reluctantly accept the nomination, knowing that Barry will actually be running the country.

    Big Mike is the only candidate they can slide in ahead of Kneepads without pissing off the black voters.

  20. Deep state (ds) and cabal want him out. So to borrow a line from the clintonites of 25 years ago. Leave mah president alone. He is yalls so enjoy him all the way down… / behind the scenes I would think bidanco (no I think OEM joe is dead) is trying to get protection, pardons and financial remuneration to make quitting worth their time and not the end of bidanco’s freedom.

  21. I'm yet to see anybody discuss this situation from a spiritual point of view. I see God orchestrating this as only he can orchestrate. And, it is very rich, very rich indeed. It's that Old Testament thing. You set the snare for someone, but then you get caught in you own snare. The snare is yuge. God only knows how yuge.

  22. I think they decided to get rid of Blinken, who owns Biden for decades. If they get rid of Biden , then they can replace Blinken with Yahya Sinwar as Secretary of State. Etc.

  23. Let's start with the obvious. A third of the Democrat voters are so stupid that they still don't really understand what is going on with Joe and how he was "hidden" from view in the last cycle. They have that "6th grade level education" you keep hearing about from inner city public schools. They don't know and they don't care. They are voting for the "free lunch ticket" that is promised when they are handed the blue slip of paper 100 feet from the voting booth. I am also so cynical that I believe many are "helped" to vote in those same inner cities because everyone in the precinct (even the designated Republican) is a Democrat. Seriously, do some research about how these high capita low income precincts are run.

    Another third of the Democrats know that something is amiss, but they are diehard Dems. Their fathers and mothers were union workers, and they have lived their entire life being indoctrinated into the union Democrat machine. They didn't even need the schools to indoctrinate them. They had parents to do the job from the cradle on. These people BELIEVE in the machine. They might not believe in everything the left does, but they believe in enough that they will never consider the other choice.

    The final third are a combination of the previous two types, but they have one only real thought. ORANGE MAN BAD is the single thought process, and they would vote for Hitler/Marx/Lenin/Mao/(insert name here) in any effort to keep Trump out.

    So the media conversation keeps talking about what do Democrats think, but that is irrelevant. What matters are the most conservative "independents", and the registered Republicans that voted for Obama (to prove they weren't racist) and Biden (because they thought he was more stable than Trump). Suburban white women who thought Trump was mean and an unfaithful husband. These same women/wives/mothers have the most influence on the real disease of America, which is the 18-30 year old leftist white females. If you could convert all of these (YOU CANNOT), Trump would have too many votes to lose due to fraud.

    Isn't it amazing that the founding fathers understood this overall political concept, and didn't attempt to enshrine the right to vote to everyone? It seems that although they could have no concept of today's monster welfare system, they could understand how politicians would use giveaways for power. Isn't it ironic that the very same group of people that originally were allowed to vote are the same people today that overwhelmingly vote conservative? When the USA gave voting rights to people with no stake in the tax-paying game, the fate was sealed. The genie is out of the bottle folks. There is no turning back. There will be small wins here and there, but the slope is down and will never change. We will have small wins up here and there, and I hope 2024 is one of those. That will at least delay the decay. Sadly, it is inevitable that this republic will fall like all others before, and it will take another revolution to start anew.


    1. in old England only property owners could vote

    2. Been saying it for years: No representation without taxation!

  24. All they gotta do is pay off Kamala. This should be super easy, barely a inconvenience. All Kamala has to do is say she doesnt want the job. And its not a great leap, she doesnt want to have to work that hard or suffer the inevitable abuse, or be the one holding the ball at the buzzer. Shes watching then throw Joe under the bus, you think thats incentive to take his place? Theyll oust Joe, Kamala will decline, the DNC will be the shitshow they need for advertising and brand awareness and theyll need a sacrificial lamb. And then the real party begins.


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