Saturday, July 13, 2024

A quick update on the image load issues ....


 First off, when I mentioned my work laptop, I have a chrome account for work. In the past I had added a profile for my personal google account. Anyway, Chrome at work was corrupted and locked down. It was recommended that I change all my passwords so I did.  


Google blogger was working okay during the week for me.


Last night, things changed with having to log in for photos. Many seem to be having issues so I'm happy to know it's not here at TFI or my account.


I tried again this morning and, for what ever reason, I got the old way of loading images. Cool.


Go do a few things, brew coffee, etc. 


Come back to try and post and NOPE, got the new "you have to sign in page". Fuck.


So, I tried turning off some of my ad blockers trackers.  


The first one I tried was Ghostery.  

When I went to post I DID NOT get the sign in page BUT I did get a new upload picture page to 

drag or insert pictures.   I tried it and it seemed to work but not all the pictures showed up.

I closed the post and then went to the preview page and they were all there.

So, long and short of it, there is a  SFFF post for 8pm tonight as a test.

We'll see what happens.


  1. Well then, my Saturday will be complete!

  2. I'm getting a message demanding I allow their cookies now when I wasn't before.
    Most of my pics are on Flickr, so this doesn't come up often.

  3. Thankfully, I've retired. Now I enjoy six Saturdays and a Sunday...

    1. Me to but I hate weekends, everybody’s home or out and about

  4. I think it is related to cookies (and 3rd party cookies) around docs.google.com - I have cookies being deleted and a lot of protection around cross-site tracking. Adding https://docs.google.com/ to the cookie greylist, and relaxing some of cross-site tracking around blogger.com SEEMS to have solved the issue

  5. An intervention from friends is needed. Friends don’t let friends do Chrome.


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