Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Seems Like The "Start" To Every Day Lately.... Just When You Get Going...





 H/T to Leigh





  1. OT to Irish and ALLCON:

  2. the banging was a sure sign something wasnt right.

  3. Air cooled crankshaft

  4. Blew a rod right out the bottom of the oil pan.

  5. Oh look, I've always wanted a window in an engine block so I can see the spinny-things whirl round-and-round!

  6. Positive Crankcase Ventilation.

  7. A perfect example of why to not use thin cardboard for rod bearings.

  8. Somebody forget to torque the rod bearing caps?
    (I had a friend do this, the engine lasted for less than 5 minutes and the first rev-up...)

  9. I lived on a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier way back when. The compartment my berth was in (with another 150men) was just above the compartment for one of the two emergency diesel generators used in case they had to kill the reactors for some reason. Every morning at 5:00am (and again at 5:00pm/1700 hrs) they would fire them up and run them for 10 minutes or so. There was always a bell, whistle and then a small bang. They used an explosive cartridge to turn the thing over. It would fire up with a roar and then run rough for a few seconds and then purr out. It was the sweetest sound. I was told it could generate 2 megawatts of electrical power. That was my wake up call every morning for almost a year before I was moved to under the flight deck. Not as much fun up there!!


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