Friday, July 12, 2024

You Know It's Coming. Not If But When.....









  1. You sure that ain't Hilary dressed up in that burka?

  2. Isn't protocol for Big Mike to do the dirty work while Barry hangs out in the bathhouse with his buddies?

  3. With these clowns, paddle boarding can take on different meanings...

  4. Coups are not always complicated. Put a patsy, with a rifle, in the window of a book depository and a shooter behind a grassy knoll and it gets done. The hard part is the coverup which might include sending a terminal cancer patient to shoot the patsy in front of the police on national television & sealing all of the records for 75 years.

  5. Barack Obama will be the VP for Biden. If they win the election it will be Obama's fourth term.

  6. One other thing. Jill and Hunter Bribem, the entire WH staff and many members of CONgress and the U.S. press should be jailed on elder abuse charges. Joetato has been exhibiting clear symptoms of dementia since he was sworn in. Anyone that's been in close contact with a dementia or Alzheimers patient for any length of time knows exactly what I'm talking about.

    The unsteady gait, trying to respond to people that aren't there, garbled words and sentences, losing train of thought in the middle of a sentence, having no idea where he's supposed to go next. etc.



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