Friday, July 19, 2024

I've been busy. Sorry for the light posting.

 I have been in Milwaukee all since Sunday. I saw some great sights, great speakers, some idiots, and met a lot of very interesting people whose concerns, values, and goals are identical to mine and the people I associate with. Considering what happened last Saturday, the "security" was there, but not any worse than when I've seen Trump in the past. The first day, five LEOs shot a man who wouldn't drop a knife, but I think that episode was completely unrelated to Trump, protestors, or the Convention in general. It looked like two men fighting and one pulled the knife. The cops yelled "put it down", drop it, etc. The man didn't drop the knife. When he failed to comply, all five opened up and the man was on the ground and I am assuming killed instantly (there are news clips of this). There was however a greater presence of every kind of lawmen and some assets (i.e. the stationary mothership drone I had not seen). I saw lawmen and few lawwomen from a lot of different places. They seemed to be everywhere I looked, including a lot of patrol boats. Some of those were armed to the the teeth. I saw one with two 240Bs on it (not the one pictured). I did see some protestors, but not a lot. I saw some street preachers too. The crowd at the Convention was great considering. No one was out of the way. Kid Rock and Hulk Hogan even made appearances. Donald Trump seemed shaken somewhat and emotional the first night, but rightly so. I am sure his adrenalin is still pumping from his near death experience and then faced with the prospect of speaking from an open stage before a huge crowd. He grew stronger with each appearance and the passing of time. Love him or hate him, Trump is Lion. I thought of my daddy and how he'd make me and my siblings get right back on a horse if we were ever bucked/thrown off. He'd say, "you got to get right back on and show him whose the boss". I figured Trump was "getting back on" in his own way.


  1. You saw one with two 240B's, how many 38DD's did you see. Inquiring minds want to know :)

  2. The Rail Cart Oracle: "You shall see thangs, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... a cow... on the roof of a cotton house, ha. And, oh, so many startlements.........Or not.? Maybe I'm not the only one that's blind."

  3. 240B for security at a public gathering? Well, if you're gonna be prepared, be prepared.

  4. "a lot of very interesting people whose concerns, values, and goals are identical to mine" I have been to one Trump rally (J-6) and must say that was exactly my take. As Amber Rose, said, I felt immediately that these are my people. There was only one common denominator in that crowd: People just wanted to do that life liberty and happiness thing, without a government in the way. A crowd that self organized to pick up the trash and leave the ellipse s clean as they found it.

  5. I watched Amber Rose's speech after she was announced as a speaker. I was skeptical as I knew she previously identified with the Demonrat party. She identified herself almost right at the top of her speech as coming from a mixed race family and how she had bought the Demonrat lies until her father told her do some research which, she said, opened her eyes. There's a person who now gets it. As she said "These are my people" Maga and the Republican party.

    Last night I watched Trump's entire speech, twice, Live and then the re-run. The speech met my expectations from message to the topics covered. I was most interested in Trump's expression as he talked. At the top I detected what I think was ANGER giving way to determination as the speech went along.

    I challenge Bribem to stand on a stage for an hour and half to first deliver a speech that long and second to do it without a stammer or losing his train of thought or struggling and failing to come up with the name of someone in his administration that he see's every day.

    As we've seen in the last several weeks, Bribem is toast. Now, with the assassination attempt, there's no way he or anyone in the Demonrat party they'd care to replace him with can beat Trump in November.

    It will STILL take a very good conservative turn out on November 5th to win this thing because the Demonrats, as sure as the sun comes up in the East in the morning, WILL CHEAT because they know they can't win this one any other way.


    1. Only the Democrats with their media support can claim the candidate they attempted to kill is a threat to democracy, and do it with a straight face.

  6. Just a good hearted THANK YOU from a fellow New Hampshireite....

  7. Nemo - On Point - thanks - Irish the same, and glad you took a much needed break. The increased level of optimism is overdue, welcomed, and wonderful. God Bless all you patriots.

  8. I also noticed a gradual apparent change in Trump from Monday to Thursday nights. Monday night he looked beat up, because he had been. But by Thursday night I sensed he was more of like his old self. The fire he had on Saturday started to come out. The acceptance speech was not so much a speech, but a conversation with his tribe. That made me very happy. The ending was great.... the song "Hold on, I'm Comin'".... Brilliant! I hung in there just to watch the family up on stage waving and the grand kids kicking balloons.

    Thursday night was the Henry V "Band of Brothers" speech. Friday the fight began...and its not the French we are fighting. Hang in there, its going to get weird.

  9. When the verdict against Trump came across my feed, I was at my Democrap friends home. They are very wealthy and we get along, but they are so arrogant at times. We never talk politics, but that night the female cackle was so excited to see they charged him, she could not contain herself. My friend always has a "Sunday Supper" which I have been to every Sunday for over 7 years. That was the last time I ever saw or spoke to them. I declined the next week to attend by saying, I will not be there. I have not heard from them since. That night, they broke my moral compass. The line has been drawn and WE THE PEOPLE need to press on. The gloves are off and they now it. Their problem is,
    they have to print up new fake ballots with someone else's name now...

  10. Jefferey, you need to start following Ole Remus’s advice for your own well being, we need you brother.

  11. Wow,
    Good for you. Hope you had fun!!

  12. It was a lot of fun till it was over with. Then the Delta horror began.


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