Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Explosive Device Found. Explosive Device Not Found. Now, Incident Renamed As A "Suspicious Occurrence".

3rd Attempt on DJT's life? It certainly appears that way. According to reports so far and in a nutshell: K-9 bomb dog "hit" on a vehicle parked behind a barricade barrel that had been moved where Trump was to speak while campaigning in NY. The suspected driver fled the scene. 
I saw it HERE first.
Who is running the country?
Where is Joe Biden?

As election day draws nearer and the forces of darkness grow more desperate, there is no limit to the measures they possibly will take to keep Trump out of office. Nothing would surprise me. I would not rule out a dirty bomb attack or a conventional bomb(s) similar to what was used at OKC. 

It looks like the ministry of propaganda is "deep sixing" this story too.



  1. The Trump aircraft problems from about a month ago should be re-evaluated. Those who feel threatened to lose their position and "power" have no compunction of mass casualty to accomplish the removal of opponents.All people advocating and participating with Donald Trump must be alert, and willing to act quickly, intelligently, and decisively. May our great republic be saved, I hope.

    1. Case in point about being on high alert:


    2. Was kicking sawdust up with some folks a week or so ago and someone mentioned a plane crash not far from here. Then it turned to election talk and one stated something like, "the only demoncrap who'd be available to run for prez would be the White House janitor if anything happened to Trump."

  2. The are determined to get Trump out of the way at all cost.

  3. And the story keeps getting watered down to "No, no. It was just some guy who happens to be a bomb dog training enthusiast"

    Well, go-ollll-y!
    That makes perfect sense, right?


  4. The only reason the American people are showing such restraint in the face of all this lunacy is the hope that DJT gives us. Without him , all bets are off and I wouldn't want to be them...

  5. Fake News wants to forget Butler, too. I'm fast coming to the conclusion they're looking for an excuse to impose martial law. It worked for Hitler (temporarily).

  6. The most frightening part is that they entrenched powers would happily start WW3 if they thought it would save them from whatbis coming. Millions dead, a billion, who cares.

    1. History tells us that human life isn't all that valuable. I don't know the wellspring of the recent idea of the preciousness of life human life but it's a recent invention.

  7. They keep pissing on us and tell us it’s raining, they can’t see the tornado coming

  8. They are not going to stop until they succeed. Vance too. Main Stream Media, heads of DOJ, DHS, FBI, USSS, and others are all in on it as well as the Democrat/Communist Party big wigs. Too much money pouring into their pockets now to risk even a slight interruption of slowing of the cash. Not to mention any slowing of the take over of Communism that I fear has already gone to far.

  9. Maybe this is coming, just not in an isolated area - ref: Red's comment above https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbGxYoxpPdI


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