Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Who IS This Guy That Everyone Knows?









  1. The real question is "Does he know Barry Soetoro.

    The other dems really don't matter all that much, Barry is the one pulling the strings

    1. not so sure about that part. more like relaying orders is more like it I think. he always seem a bit lazy to me .
      but stirring the pot and pissing people off seem easy for him. 50 to 1, someone is telling HIM what to do I bet. then he lays it all out for his "people" to carry out the plan. why else hold meeting in "his" DC house ?
      he had 8 years to get his people in place in all branch of gov't. or rather people that thought the same as him. if Trump wins and lives to get in power, he better let Musk clean out ALL of the traitors in DC.
      after last time, even Trump knows this to be true. some need to go to prison for what they have done, some need to hang too.

    2. I thought the Chicoms were running DC?

    3. Barry DID recently have a chef position open, didn’t he?

  2. As FDR even said, in politics there are NO COINCIDENCES. If it happens, it happens because it was made to happen.

  3. 😳😳😳😳😳

    Please tell me that last photo is “shopped.”

    Yeah, It’s probably not. The Dems ARE that insane.

  4. Chef?
    Wasn't there another "chef" some months back? In the news...New England someplace...yeah...yeah. Huh.
    Something about a paddleboard or water or something odd. Early morning?
    Wasn't a formerly installed puppet, one with a very sketchy past, involved? Some guy and his husband, some petty tyrant. Isn't that right?
    Whatever happened with that? Memory holed?

  5. I could only laugh at the video. I thought it really was funny. There’s so much bullshit out there. I have long since stop giving Creedence too much of anything anymore

  6. Shit will slide until too many have nothing left to lose


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