Monday, September 16, 2024

Meanwhile, In The Live Free or Die State of New Hampshire...









  1. Thank you sir, that was refreshing. Good on ya

  2. Excellent. There should be no expectation of privacy on a public street and without a recording its the word of two
    officers against yours.

    It reminded me of this video

  3. I wonder what he said to warrent 2 feds? Likely said Kamala was a ho


    1. Now they'll be coming to see you.

    2. he authored an X post stating that whoever killed VP Harris would be lauded as a hero.

  4. Great job for figuring out who the enemy really is. I figured that out when they gassed and burned women and children in their church home. And even got tanks and support from Fort Hood. The Beast is the bureaucracy. The States are too diverse to be one nation without tyranny. The only hope to realize true Constitutional Freedom is to be able to reach out and demand the Consent of the Governed. My forefathers knew this almost 250 years ago and tried to defend it 160 years ago. We are coming to a point that 150 million will die from the Bureaucratic Beast vs the People or we will peacefully have a realignment which is doubtful. I pray it won’t come to that but it just may be time for the true King of Kings returns.

    1. What you say is very true. Hope it doesn't come to that. But somewhere in your words a corrupt officer of government could probably put forth the argument that you are fomenting insurrection, rebellion, or any number of illegal offenses against the "legal" power of government. I doubt anyone will come to your door, but, I am sure we are all being watched on any website's comment board. Peace

  5. I have no idea why those 2 a-holes came by to see him. However, based upon the video, the guy filming the 2 a-holes has my respect.

  6. No GSA contract license plate? I really doubt they were there officially.

    1. not all GSA vehicles have the government plates any more. if they're procured locally, and used locally, they can have regular plates.

      there is a GSA lot down the street from the old Riley's gun shop in hooksett,NH and about half of them have the GSA plates, the rest have plain NH plates.

    2. I doubt they are really FBI. The actual Fcuking Brotherhood of Idiots is far too busy furthering child trafficking to bother with rude tweets. $5 says they're federal marshals looking to pick up a few bucks running a FBI errand.

    3. Should have called 911 to report police imposters at his residence. That causes a real crap storm for them.

  7. Ask for their Credentials, should have their name, and duty position as well as their name. Badges are not an expectable for of identification, they are to let you know they are (might be) officials. Never except a badge as a sole form of ID. It is also a requirement (or it used to be) that you present your Credentials upon approaching, before it is asked for.

  8. Matching shoes? One guy still wearing his proud boys cargo pants?

    1. They don't look like FBI agents. Great Hoover's Ghost! No Navy coat and maroon tie, both could use a shave, they both look like bums. Everyday must be dress down day at 7th and H Street these days.

    2. Notice they did not say they were FBI they said they were with the FBI

  9. What would things been like [in Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?
    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

    1. The People are doing the same right now.
      In spite of the growing dangers to The People. In spite of all the warnings of the dangers of doing nothing.
      Yes, nothing.
      Because the only course to resolve this mess is force. Read again what Tommy Jefferson said about watering the tree of Liberty.
      Winston had something to say about waiting idly by. He too gave the warning, that doing nothing is a threat itself.

  10. I would like to say he "owned" them but in reality the two badgemonkeys simply don't care. They are above the law and completely unaccountable. But because the citizen had a camera and some cojones he prevented another abusive interaction by the Fed storm troopers.

  11. And now you know why they hate the Constitution. Every American should be this ardent in knowing their rights and enforcing them.

  12. Geo. Wash. would be stacking bodies.
    "We just want to make sure..."
    Sure. Sure you do, buddy. You cucked asswipes are the FIRST to demand fealty to the King.
    What King is that, by the way?
    Well, dood. The King and his fucking court can "Deez Balls" for a while.

  13. Even if they gave you identification, you still don't have to talk to them.
    Come back with a warrant, bitches. And it had better be SPECIFIC.

  14. "show me your ID"
    shows his badge on his belt

    correct reply would be..
    "you know I can get that identical badge on wish for like $15 right? calling 911 right now you sort this out with the locals."

    local PD's don't much like it when feds are operating in their territory without being informed. some sort of mafia code I guess.

    note the identical shoes. expect soon for an "anonymous tip" to say that house has a meth lab in the basement. feds don't like walking away. and they sure as hell get their revenge one way or another.

    1. May be a proactive good idea (if you're on good speaking terms with your local po-po) to call your local police, tell them what just went down, and to be on the lookout for, and ignore, and future calls that may involve "anonymous" SWATting "tips".

      President Elect B Woodman

    2. yeah. that was my first thought as well. they will get even some way or another, count on it ! it might be their buddy in the IRS or some other 3 letter group. and ALWAYS call the local sheriff on their ass as soon as they show up. local cops are one thing, the sheriff is something else they do not want to fuck with.
      what they do not realize is sooner or later, people are going to get real tired of this shit and start "taking things to hand" as my dad used to say. he was a eastern KY hillbilly and never forgot the ways taught there.
      stay out of another man hallow. might not be safe for you there. dave in pa.

    3. Hey Anon 12:07: My family is from the eastern KY hills as well. Sometimes it's not safe to even visit up the holler, let alone the next one over. I go back to visit. If I see a stranger and introduce myself, I'll get shot or invited to dinner depending - and I'm of the blood. Outsiders don't get the possibility of dinner.

    4. Good on that guy for knowing his rights and making a stand in defense of them. Also, this guy recording seems intelligent enough to know that even if he has never had any drugs, kiddie porn, illegal weapons, explosives, or broken any laws period, there is strong possibility these actors mighy get him some and yet he took a stand. I hope this man that stood up to whoever those guys were awakens and inspires many. On another note, I am not sure those guys were full fledged agents either. I imagine the agency in focus uses "contractors" other than BLM, ANTIFA, crisis actors, rioters, protesters, etc. and this is may be the case here.

  15. Take your dick out and piss all over them... Fucking assholes. THIS IS WHY PEOPLE ARE SHOOTING COPS IN THE PARKINGLOT YOU TYRANT ASSHOLES! Stop acting like tyrants, and we'll stop treating you like one. Ooooopppps, there it is!!! Ya know, those articles talking about how if Drump would STFU maybe people wouldn't be trying to kill him? That same logic cuts both ways dickface! Act like a tyrannical piece of shit? You'll be shot dead in the street like the worthless dog you are! THAT'S HOW IT WORKS!

  16. glowies 100% dollars to donuts, gangstalker coverage ramps up, because they all really hate any regular good folk who are not afraid of them, switches on the psychopath/satan/vril they all have inside them.

  17. Tell me why the left constantly accuses President TRUMP of being a tyrant. Pure projection.

  18. Good job by a proud American! Of course, now all of his tax returns for the past 10 years, and for the next 10 years as well, are going to be audited.

  19. The good news is that the vid is spreading far and wide. I've seen it on two other blogs this AM. It's sure to make one of the right wing news sites in the nest day or so.



    He committed no crime, BUT if during questioning they can pretend he lied to them, they can prosecute him for that.

    NEVER talk to them unless you have to, and never w/o your lawyer present. Just ask General Michael Flynn.

  21. "just to make sure" is presumption of guilt.

  22. How about they go back to the office and arrest whoever issued them illegal orders?

  23. This is spreading far and wide. Gateway Pundit has picked it up as has Daily Mail Online.

    Daily Mail explains why he got the visit: Jeremy Kauffman, 40, published the now-deleted post to the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire's (LPNH) X account Sunday at 3am.

    This was the post on X: 'Anyone who murders Kamala Harris would be an American hero.'


    1. I wonder if the Fibbies go after anyone who states: "Anyone who murders Donald Trump would be an American hero." Doubtful as they're the protagonists.

  24. I wonder how many times per day there is no video to confirm the Idiocracy. We’re living in


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