Saturday, February 17, 2024

This Is Quite An Interesting Interview... Very Eye Opening... Carve Out An Hour and Listen To This.











  1. JFK wanted to dismantle the CIA. look where that got him.

  2. A mushroom trip without the mushrooms?!


  3. I saw this "feudal" authoritarian system making its way into America many years ago and it started a long time before the hippy '60s. It's a natural progression. Study group psychology and you'll see the game where groups produce leaders and then destroy them. Groups range from a couple up to an entire nation. The more the participants the merrier and the deadlier the game. The only difference between today and the caveman days is most people today are more aware of the social evolutionary process. We can carp, bellow and scream loudly about injustice, malevolence and unfairness, but we cannot do anything about it except get high blood pressure and ulcers.

    1. When the big thumb comes down on you at your home will you be a push pin or a thumb tack with the point up? It will be the least you can do.

  4. Not gonna watch I still think he’s controlled opposition. I did watch his Pooty poot one though only because it was pooty poot. Mostly to often he informs us of what we already know. I want someone telling me something I don’t know.

    1. You REALLY need to listen to this guy. He basically says that the Dems knew Obiden was going to win 7 months before the election.

    2. I did based on a recommendation to do so from a friend but benz is not really telling me anything new. I left farcebook years ago after I chose to believe it was goobermint funded.

      In the last year or so I have got a gut felling some bloggers out there have been co-opted based on what they are posting with the appearance of being a patriot

  5. So, I guess I could be hauled off to prison any second because I am clearly guilty of hundreds of counts of conducting "cyber attacks on US critical infrastructure" as it is apparently now defined. I was feeling pretty good this morning but that's certainly shot to hell because I'm now burdened with the knowledge that just about anything of any consequence on the world stage, that I considered to be pretty bad already, is much worse than I thought an hour ago.

    I say it often, but I had no idea how right I was...

    We're doomed.

  6. So who runs the CIA?

  7. Replies
    1. At this point, there is not a single thing I would not believe about the occupational government.

    2. I watched it all and would urge other to watch too. Is it something I did not already suspect? No, but more people need to be made aware of the tight grip and manipulation of mainstream media outlets working in conjunction with the .gov branch of "The Ministry of Propaganda".

  8. T.C. should wear his See Aye A pin, I'm not offended.
    Just mention 911 or The Red Shield (Rotschild) clan to see the real TC and his pappy was Criminals In Action.
    Adams was on fire early in the COV-LARP but then got the experimental gene therapy under orders of wifey/work?
    Good to see he is still in the ring and swinging.
    The internal enemy is like rust and never sleeps, we are infiltrated, from your local all the way to the top.
    A Fundamental Transformation and El Rushbo warned of all the "poison pills" that Hussein the Immaculate was leaving.

  9. So, I did a cursory search on "Mike Benz" because I wanted to understand his education, where he got it and where his post education career has taken him. Zippity Do Da unless you're looking for an English actor. Even his purported website is a dead end for personal info about the guy. He has authored a number of articles centered on free speech online and how governments are trying to affect it. However, there's not much else out there on him and his "movement" if that's what this is.

    I'm about ten minutes into the vid. So far, after a brief introduction by Tucker, this guy has been holding forth like he's giving an extemporaneous lecture from personal knowledge, which he supposedly got as a deputy in the State Dept focusing on internet speech issues(that's my interpretation of the little info available to be read on this guy). The delivery makes what he's speaking about believable, especially in light of all we've learned in the past eight years about See Eye Aaa and Eff Bee Eye involvement in various scheme's to discredit DJT, censor speech online and out and out lie or coverup for Barry, Hitlery and doddering Joe.

    Then there was Bribem's early attempt at forming a Ministry of Information with that obstreperous bitch Nina Jankowicz, the poster child for everything that's wrong with government today. Failing to gain traction with Nina and her Orwellian new federal dept. deep state did what seep state does. it continues marching forward, now in secret, to at some point, unleash a fully functional spying organization on The People, if is not already in full swing.

    Remember the news this week that Russia(again being painted as the bad guy, not that they're not) is planning to deploy nuclear weapons in space? That was a planned lie to distract from something else, the "Look! Over there! Squirrel!" strategy. That shoe hasn't dropped yet.

    Back to Mike Benz. So far, what he's talked about is a further step forward to subjugate citizens world wide the ones who think they have free speech already anyway. This is a long term plan, started years ago with that massive server farm in Utah whose sole function is to monitor internet speech.

    Never loose site of the fact that the U.S. government funded the development of the Internet and websites/tools like Tor, Signal and Google and they employ some of best hackers on the planet.

    Do you really think that they wouldn't use all that stuff as a weapon?


    1. Thank you for the summary and point of view. The glob of money and talent used to subvert the Constitution is immense, growing, and pervasive. No means of voting or speechifying will correct the course, and the correction is well-known in the minds of many.

    2. ...and all of this stuff goes back to J. Edgar Hoover who started up all of this warrantless spying on average citizens back in the 30's that was brought to light during the Church committee hearings in 1975. As a late twenty year year old at that time, I was appalled at what came out about illegal government activities surrounding violations of Constitutional rights. It's only gotten worse and more ubiquitous since as the tools have gotten so much better and can now ensnare the entire population of the world if they so desire.

      Hoover should have been crushed like the bug that he was. He wasn't because, even back then, most in government and especially the Deep State were corrupt and were deathly afraid of his retaliation if someone tried to remove him.


  10. Most people who have been paying attention knew most of this already. None of this is actually new or news.
    But it needs to be shouted out loudly and frequently in the hope that a few more people can be woken up to the
    nasty reality we face.


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