Thursday, February 15, 2024

We are still holding the line slap dab in the middle of "The Meme War"



  1. #9 & 28
    What the hell am I supposed to be seeing??

    1. 9. Reread it, it'll make sense.
      28. William Lundy. Last Confederate soldier. Here's a link to an article about him.


    2. After reading Feral's comment below, I'm going to revise my earlier answer by assuming he pulled those two pictures. No offense intended.
      (But the Bill Lundy story is pretty cool)

  2. Dank memes cause a disturbance in the farce.
    To meme or not to meme that is the question.
    May the memes be with you.
    The meme is strong with this one.

  3. The last one. Oh they mean enlisted order following ones. Got it. That sucks

  4. Don't understand the army barracks or the formal dinner one. Can somebody explain?

    1. Sorry for any confusion loyal TFI followers! You are not seeing outtakes from "The Boys From Brazil" or scenes from a cheesy eastern European war film from the 70's. I had a friend who sent me some old WW2 reenacting shots from days of yore. The barracks scene is actually on a U.S. military base and the dinner scene is a tavern just outside of Ft. Indiantown Gap. It was a WW2 base in the 40's. Held Castro's finest in the late 70s early 80's, and now is a national guard training base. It was the "Superbowl" of the hobby during the 90's and into the 2000s. Back when events were held at Ft. Indiantown Gap the owners would invite both Axis and Allied reenactors to come out in their garb (fun times). I thought I had removed them from the batch that was posted in the meme dump, but these slipped past. Thank goodness those weren't the "racy" photos of my wife! LOL.

    2. We perverts, well... me, would love to gaze upon the racy pictures of your wife. All you need to do is get her permission to post them for me/us...

      On another note, voting for cloture, does not mean you are supporting the bill in question in any way. It simply means limiting the time available for debate of the bill. If you know you have 400-35 majority, you can invoke cloture, and immediately vote to kill the bill.

    3. Dammit Jeffery, we wanted the wifey pictures

    4. Oh, as anyone who blogs or comments regularly knows, the potential to post something and get up the next morning and re-read what I had posted the night before as I wince through blurry eyes, thinking "why did I write (or not write) that,,,,,"?

  5. Trump Was right about everything, except putting swamp creatures in his administration and The Jabs.

    1. 100%. Falling for the PLANNEDEMIC and not realizing that it and the push for mail in ballots was all about the Nov. 3 COUP.

  6. #3 ...and now S. Africa, in addition to killing white people or as many as they can find after most fled, are also starving and their infrastructure, especially electric power, is failing. The irony is, according to accounts I've read, that when white people arrived in S. Africa, it was empty of human habitation.


    1. "it was empty of human habitation."

      Technically true.

  7. That last one? Checked The Internet, on my phone, which was in my pants. All confirm I'm (still) not an baby raping, illionaire, apex parasite. To all the "ours" of The United State's military... Americans sa-lute.

  8. The one with Jesus and the current pope is outstanding.


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