Sunday, February 11, 2024

IF You Are Going To Watch The Superbowl, This Might Ease The Nausea...

















  1. Hard fucking pass at our domicile this year.
    The Wifely Unit is watching the Puppy Bowl and I am obviously entertaining myself by visiting my favorite blogs instead.

    1. Did it occur to anyone that a Black National Anthem may be perceived as a bit racist? In other words, black people are different so they must have a national anthem of their own. No NFL for me thank you. Do you stand for this, I wonder?

    2. Which is exactly why the MUTE button was invented.

  2. I would rather watch my dog take a dump before watching any ball game. dave in pa.

  3. As bad as watching Taylor Swift is, the reality is worse. Fans boo her because they know her presence means the fix is in. She is there to draw women into the Superbowl party. Crucially, she draws the 18-54 demographic and the younger half a that.
    People should build into their fantasy football league a 'IT' girl social media star. Can you imagine the anger at NFL headquarters when you have to take into account the popularity of some slore during the week and factor that into your teams performance.
    Even better if fans took up a collection to pair social media stars with football players "so that we can win too."

    I can't believe people bet on this.

  4. I don't watch the Super Bowl because I loath all the damned commercials. As to Taylor Swift, she has succeed with some talent and a lot of smarts. I don't listen to her, don't like her politics, but admire people who have made something of themselves.

    1. "I loath all the damned commercials" and this year, in particular, the commercials were the lamest shit that I can ever remember seeing and I've been watching the SB every year since its inception.

  5. Will be watching as much of the Puppy Bowl as I can tolerate (it has become another overprodced piece of shit too) and then anything other than the Emperor's circus.

  6. GBU 66 encore in session with Blondie, Angel Eyes and Tuco.
    No time for Swifty/Pfizer bowl with the rump rangers and queefs.
    Queefs will win for the shekel story roundup, stale and boring kabuki of the fake and GAE league.

  7. That’s some phukkin funny shit right thar Irish

  8. Fuck sportsball.

  9. One more thing:
    Every sports franchise hates you and your guns.

  10. Was half wondering if the Chiefs won would Travis slip a big rock on Taylor's finger and propose in front of 50 million people. Talk about burnishing one's brand: both would have added millions and millions to their net worth. Plus, the buzz from that would carry over until election time (if we have an election).

  11. So the 49-ers blew the big one last night.
    And so did Taylor Swift.

  12. Rimshot for DP! Tranny Swift and Pfizer Boy are kayfabe kabuki for the drooling mongoloids of the Kwan and the extra big azz $20 popcorn buckets should come with a drool bucket.

  13. OT Irish:
    Your "Show All" widget for the blog list is broken at the moment...

    1. It just worked for me on Safari when I tested it.



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