Saturday, September 16, 2023

Can I Get An Amen?









  1. That's why I never bother (with the gloves). Poor man's Go-Jo works a treat!

    A healthy dollop of dish soap and some granulated sugar mixed together in your hand. The liquid soap cuts the oils, the sugar provides the scrubbing friction without triggering any 'busted knuckle' wounds the way salt would, and won't dissolve in the detergent yet rinses away cleanly once you add water.

  2. I started using Sno-Seal on my hands & sometimes elbows) prior to those jobs, much easier clean up and improved grip too. Gloves are for painting.

  3. You didn’t mention the itchy nose sometime after step two.

    1. For me it's usually itchy balls.

    2. Got news for ya, Matt. Those gloves don't work so well with paint either.
      Methyl ethyl ketone goes thru those things just as fast.

  4. Yeah I don't use gloves either. It's easier to see where the blood is coming from anyway.

    1. That's what I was thinking.

    2. I was at a hardware store and the woman in front of me still had a couple of items on the counter. She told me those are women's gloves you wouldn't want them . I told her to I thought all glove were women's gloves. I have worked construction for 32 years.

  5. Bitch mittens are useless, don't even waste your time.

  6. Never tried the glove thing, seems counter intuitive. I gotta "feel" what I'm working on. Durty fingers? So what??? That's what the bar of Lava soap is for. sheesh...

  7. Y’all need to quit using the el cheapo nitrile gloves that the doc wears to check your prostate and buy REAL working gloves.
    My “truck” gloves are 8 mils thick and won’t tear just because you bumped a corner of metal.

  8. About half the time, I start thinking I won't need the gloves, then get into the dirty part, try to put gloves on, tear them, take them off, realize I'm wearing one of my (few) good t-shirts, promise myself not to get it on my shirt, get it on my shirt, cuss, take my shirt off (getting it more dirty cause of my dirty hands), then basically make an even bigger mess.

    I do have the extra think gloves for handling sewer hoses on my RV. And inevitably something will splash on my arm a half inch above the glove. Damn.

  9. Who the hell wears gloves while working on a vehicle?
    OK, I'm 58--I'm getting old. I do know that this is no redneck. We expect to get greasy. That's what grease rags are for.
    --Tennessee Budd

  10. If you don't have at least 3 bloody knuckles you're not trying hard enough. OTOH, if your vocabulary is enough to make a sailor blush then you get a mulligan.


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