Monday, April 11, 2022

I Would Say Loud Pipes, But I'm Getting Old and Grumpy As Time Goes By....

  Someone got sick of listening to his exhaust....

I don't know why the poll won't embed properly.  


The question was, Who's the D-Bag?

Mr. "Look at MEEeeee!!"?


Mr. "Vandalism" ?




  1. No one should have to ask. "Look at Meeeeeee" should not have done messed with his neighbors in the first place.
    So glad I'm out of nogland.

  2. Expanding foam?
    Awesome if so.

  3. It wasn't a one time thing, its constant and attention seeking. We live out in the country and these 30 something dickheads love to scream their pipes and burn rubber at the intersection here. Let me emphasize, they are NOT kids and they should know better.

  4. I’ll bite..:the d-bag is both. Look at me for installing a muffler so loud his neighbors were forced to take such drastic measures. It’s a courtesy thing. Vandalism is also a d-bag for not being “man” enough to handle the situation like an adult.

  5. Been there done that... Try it in the gas filler tube. Works wonders!

    1. I did 3 grams of trinitrobenzine in a guy's gas tank, the punk had been stealing my and my buddies car parts.

      His car ran like a raped ape before it blew up. Never piss off an engineer who knows chemistry too!

    2. Excellent! [Said with fingers steepled.]

    3. Very curious, not a chemist but loved chem. class in school... Anyway, what is the chemical process that happens when that is added to make this happen?

  6. One has to wonder if a reasonable person would've realized prior to putting on those pipes the noise and disturbance it would cause in a residential neighborhood and just opted not to put them on in the first place.

  7. Can't speak for anyone else, but if you want to see me take a step like that, you gonna hafta Jack Me Up, regularly and for a While.
    Dude behind our place had a Bigass dog,chained,frustrated and Very Noisy,, I grabbed a shotgun one night, when I was sick and that thing was keeping me awake.
    I dragged my puny ass about a hundred yards to the back of his property and racked off three rounds. They found it a new home in about a week.

  8. Had this argument with one of my neighbors. Yes, he has the 'right' to be a dickhead and play his damned car music so damned loud that it rattles my teeth inside my house. (There is a local noise ordinance, but the cops don't enforce that because it negatively affects a certain segment of the population that has become untouchable, well, according to the mayor and city commissioners.) I have the right to ask him to turn it down to a reasonable level. The landlady has the right to boot his sorry ass out of the complex because it's written in the lease agreement.

    As to the wankers who run around with loud pipes, most are so badly done that they actually cause damage to the damned car's damned engine.

    And why is it illegal for me to make loud noise in order to stop this loud noise (me delivering loud noise using a shotgun, maybe firing blanks, maybe not...)

  9. Can't speak for anyone else, but if you want to see me take a step like that, you gonna hafta Jack Me Up, regularly and for a While.
    Dude behind our place had a Bigass dog,chained,frustrated and Very Noisy,, I grabbed a shotgun one night, when I was sick and that thing was keeping me awake.
    I dragged my puny ass about a hundred yards to the back of his property and racked off three rounds. They found it a new home in about a week.

  10. "I would have changed it no problem just had to ask..." Riiight... Tried the manly route with my neighbor and his loud music. Said no problem to my face, then talked shit about me to his buddies so loud I could hear him from my front porch. Called the police, they came by and as soon as he left it got louder. Next day sent an email to his landlord. That helped for about a month. It started up again, so we sent another email to the landlord. He found out the third strike would end up with him being evicted. Haven't had any trouble since.

  11. on a motorcycle, loud pipes make sense. you need everything you can get to make people realize you are there. a good friend got T-boned on her bike in Franklin,NH. lady ran a stopsign because she forgot her phone at home and that was WAY more important than the person riding the motorcycle. she's still not walking quite right and it happened last summer.

    back i nthe 80's we had a neighbor that thought it was good fun to set off fireworks after midnight, great big loud ones. my dad was trying to sleep, he called them and asked them to stop. he called the cops and they didn't want to be bothered.

    so we went to the back cellar door on the house, and gave them a good "fireworks" show..about 30 rounds of .44 magnum, followed by 160 rounds of .30-06 from the M1 Garand, as fast as we could fire them.

    they stopped with the fireworks. cops showed up the next day and said they had "complaints" of gunfire. my dad told them "you won't respond to explosions from fireworks, but gunfire you'll investigate. get off my property." and shut the door.

  12. According to Eric of SouthMainAuto, the State of NY has issued a new law regarding mufflers. New exhaust may not exceed original factory equipment.

    1. To live in a state like that,your I.Q. cannot exceed your shoe size.

  13. I live pretty much underground so when the dindus drive by blasting dey beats I can't hear it but can feel it. It's sort of a seismic event.

  14. Getting shot tampering with someone's car is such a bummer way to go...

  15. I've been given to understand that a wad of steel wool, retained with a wedge of steel strapping tape, will allow the car/bike to run, but quietly. A great puzzlement.

  16. They're both douches. The guy with the loud muffler moreso. He's full of shit, he'd never replace it.

    My property borders a busy street. I have to listen to those dickheads all day. Saturday is worse. And it's all types:
    Dudebros with a big three musclecar or a porsche
    Tuners and mexicans with huge open mufflers on their piece of crap cars
    Vibrants with their loud radios and insane subwoofers.

    I can tell the model of the musclecar by the sound. Each is distinct, with the mustang probably being the most irritating.

    But the worst is the tuners/mexicans. Just sounds bad, anywhere from a sterioded chainsaw to a garbage-truck-with-no-muffler sound. Oblivious to the fact that noise =/= speed.

    A close second for irritation and sadness are those that have a charger, mustang, camaro that couldn't afford the V8 and put a shitty muffler on their sad 4 or 6 cylinder shitbox.

    I've had conversations with cops, whose line is mostly 'we don't have the budget'. Yeah. My ass. They could park on the side street a block away and collect these assholes by the busload any given Saturday afternoon or night.

    I'm not a speeding camera guy, but I'd like to see them install one on my stretch of road.

  17. "Don't start nothing, won't be nothing."

    Douchebag problems invite (and almost always require) douchebag solutions.

    He's lucky his neighbor didn't wire a stick of fuzed dynamite there instead.

    If the expanding foam in the pipes doesn't get the point across, a few yards of quick-setting concrete in the driver's window usually does the trick.

  18. From 2009 in New Zealand:
    "An anonymous New Zealander fed up with hoons causing havoc on the country's roads is getting even.

    Armed with cans of expanding foam, he has been targeting cars with big exhaust pipes.

    He calls himself "The Phantom Expander".

    New Zealand's hoons are known as boy racers and they have been big news this week, after 300 of them ambushed a police officer in Christchurch and hurled beer bottles at him.

    The government is now considering introducing a law, allowing police to confiscate and crush the cars of bad behaving petrol heads."

    It turned out that the Phantom was actually a cop!

    1. New Zealand is a fascist country now.So of course the cops would damage private property,and then pass laws to take(steal) private property.I hope the Phantom swallows a little foam by 'accident'.

  19. Out here in the sticks, playing with a man's property is a good way to fuck around and find out.
    We have lots of land, & around here, caves, too. It'd be too bad if you mess with my truck & wind up in a cave, not even dead....yet. Not for quite a while. I'll check on you in a month or two.
    --Tennessee Budd

  20. Another good way to fuck around and find out is being an inconsiderate thoughtless neighbor. Same assets available.

  21. If you bring me to that point, some shit in your tailpipe is the least of your problems.
    It's game on.
    I'm also not going to leave a letter because all other options have been exhausted.


  22. Sounds like Spokane, Washington.
    Home of the loudest POS, hood-rat cars on the west coast.


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