Sunday, April 10, 2022

Grab Your Covfefe... Spend 15 , uninterupted, minutes to watch this.. UPDATED


This has been shared on a few sites and I finally got to watch the whole thing.

You should as well.




 Make sure you have "cyberattack" on your "next up crisis" coming soon.



After finishing this post I headed to the blogroll on the sidebar. Perusing the list and surfing from 

page to page I found this posted at Anonymous Conservatives site. 

Didn't JP, in the video above, mention the real estate issue and b-rock?

Check this out:

Wall Street Bankers Are Buying up All the Single Family Homes in the US, New Breed of Buyers Pay 20 Percent Above Asking 

and this one:

What does he know that we don’t?


The sun is shining.. I'm going outside to enjoy the fresh air, before they tax it.


  1. Blackrock among many others buying up whole subdivisions and single family homes is old news but left the MSM favor long ago to keep it out of the news. Confirmed with my banker brother in Texas back then and many print stories around in the day.

    I have many entertainment and education books qued up for just that time. My wife the other day joked about how when the innerwebz goes down I would be the most impacted over her or my kids so I commented the same to her and laughed that I would be reminding her of the statement.

    1. Me, too. I've got a whole bookcase full of books I'm standing by to read.

  2. Been subscribing to AwakenWith JP for a while and even have some of his merch. Can confirm that Investment groups are buying up whole subdivision in Texas so they can turn them into rental properties. The future is that everything will be either rented or "subscribed to" so that you will own nothing (and can be controlled). There are already features on cars that don't activate without a subscription fee. The dream of home ownership is fading fast and individual buyers find themselves being out bid by investors. I am constantly amused by people who get suckered into arguing that electric cars are actually less efficient and more environmentally harmful than gasoline powered cars. It's a "red herring". In the future you won't have ownership or access to a car of any kind. The elites can't stand the kind of freedom represented by personal automobile or firearm ownership.

    1. "The elites can't stand the kind of freedom represented by personal automobile or firearm ownership."

      It only stands to reason. This is why we pen and de-horn cattle. Cattle were put on this earth only to serve the needs of human beings. This applies to beef cattle and applies also to cattle that walk upright and speak as if they were human beings (but of course they are just animals in-the-shape-of actual humans). Can't have them wandering around as they please and able to harm actual humans.

  3. Blackrock ie the international communist cabal wants everyone yo be renters, not land owners.
    Bye bye private property

  4. Be a shame if some mostly peaceful antifa blm protesters burned all those rental houses to the ground. Ya know, down with nazi capitalists and shit.

  5. And we all sit at our keyboards watching it all slip away...

  6. Stop wasting your time trying to rouse the asleep. The time for that is over. Build your ark quietly and prepare for rain.

    As an aside, it would do us all well to remember that after the rain started and the doors were closed on the ark there was a period of time before they floated away. People likely banged pretty hard on that door, and many folks likely tried to get in.

    Think on that.

    1. I'd be surprised if Noah's wife's idiot brother didn't show up with his new third wife.

      "Honey, it's my baby brother! Pleaseeeee!"

  7. To answer J.P's question: Yes. Even more than Soros or Obama.

  8. The future is here. Where I live, there are now restrictions on how many cars can park at one home. There's even a limit on how many people can live in a home (about 4 dozen!)

    The only way population and traffic is controlled, is by the homes with a 'normal' number of residents. 2 in my case. Neighbor on one side has 2 kids and rents out the back side of his house to another family of 4. There are 6 cars. He even had the nerve to ask me to buy parking permits for his family...

    Neighbor on the other side used to rent out rooms to a bunch of people. He's never been civil to me. I wish he'd move.

    So between 3 homes, there are 14 people and 11 or 12 vehicles. I'm the buffer that lets the rest work (2 people, 2 vehicles, parked in the driveway).

    I would move if I could take my family with me. But that won't happen.

    It helps to hide inside the house...


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