Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Calm Before The Storm.....


Here in the "Live Free or Die" state, we are expecting this storm starting tonight and finishing 


After that, the future forecast for the next 10 days shows we are in the path of more storms.

The forecast has been changing hourly based on the models so it should be an interesting

week or two coming up.

In the meantime, here's some randoms that have been sent in by friends of the blog. thanks!!


  1. People wonder why we drink.

  2. #11 Control this is Aspen 2-0 calling in for a groundspeed check.

  3. Auditing the Federal Reserve.
    Give it some time. month.
    PDJT47 is busy right now, and has already accomplished so much.
    Toxic Deplorable B Woodman

  4. I will remind everyone that the 10,000 pipeline workers fired by o'biden on day one were 90% illegal alien doing jobs American pipeline workers didn't want. Actually the Americans were fired and replaced with lower wage welders and pipe fitters.

  5. There you go again, HAARP-ing about the weather; word is the HAARP, chemtrail, DEW ,etc monies come from DoD budget. Next target for Elon and the Autistics

  6. I live in the middle of that bright pink area. Over night - 4". It wasn't snowing when I woke up around 6AM. It is now.

  7. #11 The SR-71 Blackbird. 61 years later and it STILL has no equal for raw speed of a manned aircraft.


    1. Not really necessary (much) any more, spysats do most of the work. There IS, however, *some* real-time gathering that needs to take place. I will not go into details.

  8. Seventeen below now, with thirty to forty degree swings in temperature for the next week.

    Today is the warmest morning forecast until Thusday, won't hit the twenties until the 22nd.

    Sure am sick and tired of chemtrails fouling the normally brilliant blue sky when it's this cold, seeing the sun in winter is why we moved to upper lower central northeast Minnesota from the Copper Country, that and a couple hundred less inches of snow.

  9. The way things are moving it's liable to get a,little more difficult to locate memes that highlight insanity, hypocrisy and corruption. We can hope!

  10. Down here on the Gulf of America the Carolina Wrens are building their nests & my Box Turtles are roaming around. We had 8 inches of snow a couple of weeks ago.

  11. What I heard is per Congress that any submitted bill must be paid by the Treasury with no oversite. This was done back in the 70s and that is why there is no Audits like in private business. Trump will need to get this changed in a Congressional Bill or the corruption will continue.

  12. Meanwhile on the PNW coast, we had snow on the beach, but nobody cares.

    1. Nobody cares because we have snow on the beach every year, and because outsiders don't understand that the Pacific Ocean currents 'reverse' themselves in summer and winter, with the warm currents coming up from the south in winter, but the cold currents replacing them in summer, which allows you to comfortably dive in the ocean in winter when there is snow on the beach, but your *??* puckers if attempting to foolishly dive in the water in summer. That is why great white shark attacks (on surfers) only occur in the PNW in winter when the water is warm and the seal population thrives, because they attack anything that looks like a seal from underwater (like a surfer). I know this because I love extreme sports and have windsurfed Manzanita and Astoria, OR, during winter when the wind is strong, and the water temps need the thickest wetsuit.' I've also windsurfed Mexico's Sea of Cortez (only in winter) while surrounded and 'bumped' by hundreds of 10-15' Hammerhead sharks as they are completely disinterested during their winter mating season. I've paddled Hawaiian canoe, flown inter-island tours as a pilot on Maui, bungy jumped, skydived since 1962, and also windsurfed Hawaii, Johnston Island, the Marshall Islands, and I have scuba-dived most of the Western Pacific including the Great Barrier Reef. I've only received a broken knuckle in all that time. My skiing and motorcycling were done in WA, OR, and CA. I was born and raised in WA and OR and traveled all over the West and Western Pacific while working. If you learn your environment first, understand your sport or activity thoroughly, prepare for any emergency, befriend yourself with and learn from the locals, and plan in detail considering 'safety first,' then you can do anything. Enjoy your life with those you love - it is brief. Overcome your difficulties by praising God for everything - even your problems. Even unseen, He is quietly working on your behalf with your every breath. When you finally understand that, He will give you the desires of your heart. PTL - God is good.

    2. I've been reading your website for years and love it. I just made a long comment about snow on the beach and windsurfing and extreme sports and you didn't show the comment. I have taken you off my desktop for good. I blog as Alphamail on Fox, Breitbart, Doug Ross, Epoch Times, American Thinker, Moonbattery, IOTW, Patch, Parler, Ace of Spades, Gateway Pundit, et al, ad infinitum, etc. No wonder this item has only has 14 comments.

    3. Dear Alphamail, You DO realize that the comments are moderated and I have a life outside of this blog.
      At 4:14pm I was probably packing up for the commute home and running some errands. You dissed
      the "blog you love" 13 minutes after making your comment. That's sad.


  13. At least you guys up there are a little more set for it. That 8+ inches we got in NW Florida a few weeks ago brought everything to a stand still.
    We're built for hurricanes, not snowstorms.

  14. Good ones. Still amazing that so many people cant see the obvious and have no problem with the theft and blatant waste of their money.


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