Monday, June 3, 2024

Ask and Ye Shall Receive....










  1. Well, if he's a coder living in the basement, he might be. Small expenses, and he could -in theory at least- be making a damn nice income. Or more likely, playing with "action figures" online using a computer worth more than he is.

  2. In that they’ve both been dead for fifty years or so, I guess I am.

  3. If you have properly educated your offspring then they already know the answer to this question. It is an easy question if you set your children up for success instead of a life of debt and failure.

    1. Exactly.
      My parents taught me well.
      They are doing well; at 45 I'm doing even better and have more invested and in the bank than they do.

  4. The hordes of young adults damned to a life of debt and despair are there because they were criminally unprepared for life. Thank the government education industry, welfare state, and Marxism.

  5. Most high school graduates, have few skills to offer the workforce.
    As such, the illegals will now take jobs, these graduates would have gotten and started their journey into learning, training, and perhaps achieving a job that secures their future, at those entry level jobs.
    Like I did.
    If you voted for any Democrat, you are guilty of helping to destroy our once great Republic.
    Bear in Indy

  6. Every teen should work retail for a couple years, if only to learn how to make change and to learn how not to be a dick customer. In the same vein their first road vehicle should be a small motorcycle, to teach them to pay attention and learn how vulnerable they are. The survivors then move to small old cars so they learn basic repair skills too.


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